
Showing posts from January, 2011

Why Fluent NHibernate vs. hbm XML files? -

However this is a subjective question, as a new NHibernate user, I'm curious why a uninterrupted versus traditional XML mapping . When I used to work with NHibernate for the first time, then I used the Fluent interface, but ran into some obstacles and hard times harder to find enough documentation for Fluent Interface for something beyond a toy. App, so I learned to handle them through XML. Over time, I realized that I did most of my work on the XML side, and felt that it was not so terrible I was as much as I thought it would be. Personally for me, this was a case of poor documentation and was not seeing significant savings in coding time. It is being said that there can be some great benefit / loss which I am missing, D really should hear some opinions from those people who have more experience working with these devices Are there. Time protection and reconstruction (re-naming classes, attributes) of the benefits you get from profitable mapping There are one. Using...

Organising JavaScript / jQuery - alternative to using jQuery's live hookup -

Simple question (I hope). I have a page that contains links, when new content is loaded in a specific device. The content that loads (a partial view) has further links that fire the JavaScript code (jQuery). I'm hooking up these links using the jQuery live system. I have been recommended that I wire-up the buttons in partial sequences by inserting javascript directly into these sequences or by linking the onclick handler directly to links (instead they have wires with jQuery above). Is there a 'best practice' to hook the dynamic content? I will argue against in-line javascript, it should be in a script tag or onclick handler. It is always recommended to separate your presentation from logic. What to do in that example, I would say that your best bet would be to use a live event or to use the callback to provide additional functionality. REF:

SAPI event SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY notification doesn't work -

I have used this function ascynchronously for speaking sentences M_cpVoice-> Speak (m_sInputText, SPF_ASYNC, NULL)) I want to receive notification of the event SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY, so I did this. M_cpVoice-> SetInterest (SPFEI (SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY), SPFEI (SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY)); M_cpVoice-> SetNotifyWindowMessage (GetSafeHwnd (), CTTSDlgDlg :: MSG_SAPI_EVENT, 0,0); CTTSDlgDlg :: MSG_SAPI_EVENT Map for my event handler, am I missing something and I am getting the problem, which I am not getting notification? MFC needs ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE instead of ON_MESSAGE to distribute your events on your object. it occurs.

html - jqGrid and JQuery UI tabs showing grids expanded only on primary tab (div) -

I have a jQuery Add a grid (Jekgreed) in UI tab objects are extended to all grid I tabs Children default , Are fully displayed. But the tabs on the grid on children who are not extended by default, permanently shows jqGrid small (jqgrid with autocity = true) any ideas? Thank you! See on other words ... I have two tabs on one page, on which jqgrids each one. Is Set both jqgrids Otovothth property, the problem occurs when the page load is adjusted before the grid size of the container, but when I click on another tab, I adjust the second grid size Container is not doing. How are you starting jqGrids on other tabs? For example: you should start them when using the show event, for example: jQuery (document) .ready (function () {var initialized = [False, false]; jquery ('# tab'). Tab ({show: function (event, UI) {if (ui.index == 0 & amp;; initialized [0]) {// on another tab grid start page here ... jQuery (NOMBRE_GRID) .jqGrid ({url: '/ Idiomas / Dato...

sinatra - Access Ruby accessors using block variables -

I have an application that I am using an active record to access a database. I am trying to get information and put it in a hash for later use. Here's what I am doing basically. is required 'active_support' @emailhash = email = email.find (all) email. Email | Email | Email.attributes.keys.each do | @column | | @EMailhash [email.ticketno] || @ melehash [email.ticketno] = email @ End of the column end The row that does not work: @emailhash [Email.ticketno] = Email @ Column Is there a way that I can do it properly? Basically my goal is to make a hash off values ​​stored in the table column, any input is appreciated. Ruby programmer usually indents 2 Your code will display all e- Squash all the emails in any entry instead of mail If you want to call a method dynamically, use Object.send . @emailhash [email.ticketno] || Hash New does nothing. Something like this can happen: is required 'active_support' @emailhash =...

c# - Accessing a resource via codebehind in WPF -

My custom resources are defined in my window resources (in a sketchflow app so that the window is actually a user tran Ho): & Lt; /UserControl.Resources> I want to be able to refer to this collection in the codebehind, which I hope that X: name will be, but I can not access it. I can get a reference using this myRef = (MyCollection). FindName ("myKey"); But it seems hacks. Is this bad practice, and what would be better? Thank you :) You use the System.Windows.Controls.UserControl Should s FindResource () or TryFindResource () methods. In addition to this, a good practice is to make a string constant which is the name of your key resource dictionary (so that you can change it only in one place).

com interop - COM Callable Wrapper and .NET object lifetime -

I have a C # .NET assembly that calls from the C ++ COM client when the client process explicitly calls COM If the object releases, this is the reference to CCW release, thus the .net object for garbage collection is eligible. What if the .NET object is a stable creator that opens a log file? Is there a great solution for closing the log file without explicit requests from the client? TIA To close the log file after some tests that use AppDomain.ProcessExit EventHandler Seems a good option for

php - problem with phpmailer -

I am sending an email with phpmailer, everything is fine, but when I get an email with the email I am emailed as a webmaster and I get a full googlemail email address in the bracket. (I'm using google mail smtp) to send mail, I was just thinking that I can hide the googlemail email address in any way. beautylusthaves me to CS $ mailer-> From = '' ;; $ Mailer- & gt; Sainam = 'webmaster'; Invalid question - Is Google allowed to send mail? Set up to receive or send e-mail from your mail server Login to Google Mail with an email address Which you are using with SMTP authentication Settings - Account & amp; Import - like mail - add Once valid, if you want, remove the forward / receive

language agnostic - Is it bad to perform two different tasks in the same loop? -

I am working on a high-specific search engine for my database. When a user submits a search request, then the engine splits search terms through an array and loops. Inside the loop, every investigation word is examined against several possible scenarios to examine what it can mean. When a search term matches the scenario, a WHERE status is added to the SQL query. Some words can have many meanings, and in those cases the engine prepares a list of suggestions to help the user narrow the results. On one hand: If anyone is interested in knowing this, then prefixing unrelated words can be for them with a keyword, for example, 1954 a year or a serial number. The engine will suggest both these scenarios to the user and modify the search term either in the year: 1954 or serial: 1954. Creating SQL queries and sophisticated suggestions in the same loop, I feel something wrong, but to separate them, they should be high because I have to loop through the same array twice and Two similar circ...

MYSQL count child table with other modifiers - help please! -

I have a ticket purchasing database and want to collect all the orders that meet certain criteria, and even then the total number Each order of the tickets 'ranks' in the 'Order_Tets' table, which matches the order ID, if I make a simple call to SQL, then this works SQL: SQL A: SELECT o. *, As the COUNT (OT. OrderTit ID) number From the commands Left join ORDOTTO OOderID = OT.Oder ID By Group OderID LIMIT 0, 30 And this SQL also works - this is the basic SQL call with all the data that I want except numtix data: SQL B: SELECT o *, IF (o.orderedbyID = '0', ob.fname, u.fname) AS obfname, if (o.orderedbyID = '0', Ob.lname, u.lname) as Oblname From order o, perfs p, order order by ob, user u WHERE p.eventID = '2' and p.perfID = o .perfID and (( UNIX_TIMESTAMP (p.perfdatetime) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP (NOW ())>> 0) and ob.orderID = o.orderID and u.userID = o.orderedbyID ORDER BY p.perfdatetime ASC LIMIT 0, 30 But when I...

ajax - JavaScript charts - dynamically adding data points -

I am trying to dynamically add data points to jqplot as a result of AJAX received data, but I have no way Is it possible to complete it is not possible? If it is not, then what other packages are available that can meet the same basic graphing and allow for dynamic data? You can check the example given below to see how it is handled. Flat is an open-source plotting library, such as Both libraries are very similar. Method: "GET", Data type: "Jason", success: function (series) {var data = [series]; $. Plot ($ ("# placeholder"), data, option);}}); SetTimeout (fetchData, 1000); } Be sure to check the following demo to see: Flot :

java - Get IResources methods in eclipse development? -

I am developing an eclipse plugin and need an IRSOS OSDs list. I think that itepe has a getMethods function, but it is not certain how to know about changing an IRSOSR to ITEP (ICompilationUnit) JavaCore.create (resource); Next, get your IType using either getTypes () or getType (string) .

Jquery tabs and following a tab's URL instead of loading its content via ajax -

I'm unable to get selected selected tabs (highlights) when I use the code below. I'm thinking that when I click on a tab and I can reload the same page to select the new tab selection. This is not happening right now. The page is designed to show different parameters of my parameter "a" Also, I do not want to use Ajax. & lt; Link type = "text / css" href = "../../ themes / base / ui.all.css" rel = "stylesheet" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "../../jquery-1.4.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "../../jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Link type = "text / css" href = "../ demos.css" rel = "stylesheet" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Tabs ({select: function (event, UI) {var url = $ .data (

.net - BinaryFormatter deserialize gives SerializationException -

मुझे एक मिल रहा है: सिस्टम। समय। सेरिअलाइज़ेशन। सेरिअलाइज़ेशन अपवाद: में असमर्थ असेंबली 'myNameSpace, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, सार्वजनिककीटोकन = शून्य जब मैं किसी प्रोग्राम को किसी अन्य प्रोग्राम में डेटा के साथ इसे सीरियलाइज़ करना चाहते हैं, तो deserialize करने का प्रयास करते हैं। कुछ googling के बाद मुझे पता चला है कि जाहिरा तौर पर यह केवल एक साझा असेंबली का उपयोग करके किया जा सकता है। हालांकि, मेरे डेटाबेस इस धारावाहिक वस्तुओं से भरा है, और मुझे उन्हें पाने के लिए एक उपयोगिता कार्यक्रम की आवश्यकता है बाहर। क्या इस व्यवहार को ओवरराइड करने के लिए कोई तरीका है और इसे उसी कक्षा को ठीक करें और इसे deserialize करने के लिए मजबूर करें? मुझे पहले से ही यह स्निपेट मिला है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि मुझे कैसे और कहाँ रखा जाना चाहिए / इसका उपयोग करें। स्थिर कन्स्ट्रक्टर () {AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve + = नया ResolveEventHandler (CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve); } स्थिर विधानसभा CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, ResolveEventArgs args) {व...

Sharepoint user details not visible to other users -

I am managing a SharePoint site which uses form based authentication. We have several generic lists, document libraries, and active working lists, which users can create and delete. Users can use people's pickers to select / search for all people, but users can not see other user names, email addresses, etc. in the display list or people's picker. If I log in as a site collection administrator, then I can see all the details. So I know that the data is available. The updated details (non-administrator) SharePoint users can not see other user information on this issue. Example: User A was assigned a task for User B A new job is made from User A and people use beaker to find userb user. User B. Only the login name "BNN" and any information about User B is not visible or searchable, once user B has been assigned the task within the people's picker, User A no longer sees the name in the work list - even if the user A. It is made by no modification, created by, o...

unicode - Java sort strings in codepoint (UTF-32) order -

In addition to converting to UTF-8 bytes, or comparing, compare and compare a Comparison Function, Write JDK 1.6 Is missing in that which compares two strings in full unicode code point order instead of UCS-2 code point order? I appreciate that this is not a difficult thing for code though I thought that in 1.6 there are various 'codepoint' APIs in the java.lang.String and the collation system. , But apparently there is nothing to compare two strings without hesitation on the surrogates. / P> For the benefit of a commenter, I have to feed some data in this device which wants to wire in this sequence. AAAIC, there is no such method in the API, but it is too small to implement itself. needed. Just out of curiosity: Why do you need something for this?

Should I build my site using ASP.NET to leverage my C# knowledge or should I learn PHP and use that because of the cost? -

I am a C # programmer and I like language. I think this is the best thing since the cut roti is. Recently, I have become interested in creating a website which provides jobs and allows companies to navigate through jobs for people. This is only a nationwide site, no international connection. I'm a little familiar with this (I have used it for a very small pet project before) but I will not say that I News - Journeyman - Newbie - Experienced - Expert I have a completely zero experience hosting a website or even a domain registration. I am familiar with HTML and have made me a very easy time to create applications that understand things kept in the markup. Is ASPNET Expensive Hosting? PHP is cheap? I need some guidance :) Do I use ASP.NET or PHP? I'm a PHP programmer and love language, but with your background , I'll say ASP.Net at all. PHP is cheaper and more available because it is usually Linux based and thus there is no license fee, but there ...

Is there a jQuery plugin to select user emails into a text field? Like Facebook -

I'm searching for something similar to "Facebook". There is a very good UI component in ExtJS which says Ext.ux.BoxSelect is something similar to jQuery? Try ()

linux - pthread_exit() and initial thread -

When I use pthread_exit () in the initial thread, the initial thread is switched to the end position. itemprop = "text"> In pthreads, Unless a thread is running, the process will survive. So yes, you can have a walking process, though the initial thread is out. One thing that can be confusing to you is that when the initial thread returns from the main (). This is equivalent to exit from calling () so if the main () returns, your process will end. But if the initial thread is called pthread_exit () and other threads are still alive, then your process will survive.

How to return SQL Server 2005/2008 columns as identical child nodes using FOR XML query? -

By default I need to return some data from the SQL Server table in the following XML format: & Lt; Querydata & gt; & Lt; Unit name = "person. Contact" & gt; & Lt; Line & gt; & Lt; Area name = "first name" & gt; Gustavo & lt; / Field & gt; & Lt; Area name = "Last name" & gt; Akchong & lt; / Field & gt; & Lt; / Row & gt; & Lt; Line & gt; & Lt; Area name = "first name" & gt; Catherine & lt; / Field & gt; & Lt; Area name = "Last name" & gt; Abel & lt; / Field & gt; & Lt; / Row & gt; ... & lt; / Unit & gt; & Lt; / Querydata & gt; I came with the following SQL statement: Select "Personname.Contact" for "@name" (FirstName, choose LastName from PersonName) For the XML path ('unit') for the XML path ('line', TYPE), contact the root ('querydata') which produces th...

java - com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मेरा प्रोग्राम जो एक से कनेक्ट करता है MySQL डाटाबेस ठीक काम कर रहा था फिर, कनेक्शन सेट अप करने के लिए किसी भी कोड को बदलने के बिना, मुझे यह अपवाद मिलता है: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: संचार लिंक विफलता आखिरी पैकेट को सफलतापूर्वक भेजा गया सर्वर 0 मिलीसेकंड पहले था। ड्राइवर को सर्वर से कोई भी पैकेट नहीं मिला है। क्या हुआ? कनेक्शन प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोग किया गया कोड: निजी स्थिर कनेक्शन getDBConnection () SQLException फेंकता है, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता नाम = "उपयोगकर्ता"; स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड = "पास"; स्ट्रिंग url = "jdbc: mysql: // 3306 / dbName? कनेक्टटैमआउट = 3000"; Class.forName ( "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); कनेक्शन conn = DriverManager.getConnection (यूआरएल, यूज़रनेम, पासवर्ड); वापसी कनन; } यह एक लिपटे अपवाद है और वास्तव में दिलचस्प नहीं है यह मूलभूत कारण के बारे ...

Capistrano - clean up old releases -

Usually when using capistrano, I will go away and remove old releases from a planned application. I understand that you can run cap deploy: cleanup , but he still leaves 5 releases. Is this purpose objective? Is the old release just another way to clean up 1 previous deployment? To override the default 5 of : Keep_releases variable. Check out.

java - How to transfer Netbeans Project into Eclipse? -

I have been using Netbeans for a few months for my Java desktop application. Now between the projects, I want to switch to Eclipse because Netbeans once spoiled my GUI and I had to recreate many parts of the GUI and now it is showing a compiler error Code too large Private zero initComponents () {1 error "Very large code" is a strange error. What my code is saying is very large, only 10,000 lines long I know for the first time that we have Netbeen For I could not develop long code.) Instead of the So detail, I want to switch to Eclipse. I have never used it before, so please tell me how can I import my incomplete Netbeans project into Eclipse. I do not know there is a plugin for that, but if you have used default netbeen settings So this GUI layout code is likely and the form files will not be compatible. I suggest that you already have refactor netbeans-specific features to eliminate your existing code, as well as minimize it and work. You should make ma...

iphone - What are the steps in implementing Apple Push Notification? -

I need some guidance to'm new to this topic and implementing Apple Push Notification in my application. I have created my app ID and have also configured Apple Push Notification for it. I've downloaded the provisioning profile and installed the app on iPhone. I wrote the following code provided by Apple documentation - (void) application: (UIApplication *) application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: (NSData *) DEVTOKEN {const void * devTokenBytes = [DEVTOKEN bytes]; NSLog (@ "DEVTOKEN =% @", devTokenBytes); //self.registered = yes; // [Send it manually: DeviceToken: devTokenBytes]; // custom method} - (blank) Application: (UIApplication *) has been app Femfolitojistrforeremot Notifikeshnvivrnः: (Ansiarar *) error {Anselog (Error @ "sign. Error:% @", err); } I want to know what I have to type on the server side. When I run the code, it says that the device is not registered. How can I register my application for push notifications?...

A PHP Socket Server with Flash Clients -

How do I implement a PHP socket server, I am using PHP5. Has anyone been prepared, instead of going to the NTT Gretty of the implementation details, the framework already available for me? Actually I want to serve the flash client using this socket server and it will be running in an Apache environment. This is the first time that I am running in PHP area, so give me a Noble value. Take a look at Alexey Zaparov's PHP socket server Its very simple to hide its own code but should be warned that you should be careful about managing your memory. If you are writing a very complicated OO app, you should definitely install the Cyrillular Referencing Trash Collector. And, since it uses socket_select (), you do not want TI to hang for a long time in order to do something about your code. Alternatively (if you are running on other than the Microsoft platform) [X] the inetd stop php process can be easy to hang and just use stdio for communication. HTH c.

how to insert special character in mysql via php and display on html page -

विशेष वर्ण को डेटाबेस (MySQL) में कैसे सम्मिलित करें पंजीकृत प्रतीक (® ) OR कॉपीराइट साइन (©) OR ट्रेड मार्क साइन (™) इसके अलावा मैं HTML पेज पर मूल के रूप में प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं । मुझे दोनों पक्षों (सामने वाले अंत और पीछे के अंत) में क्या करना है, कृपया विस्तृत करें कौन सा कार्य अधिक प्रभावी है? विधि 1: $ _ GET = array_map ('ट्रिम', $ _GET); $ _POST = सरणी_मैप ('ट्रिम', $ _POST); अगर (get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {$ _GET = array_map ('stripslashes', $ _GET); $ _POST = सरणी_मैप ('स्ट्रिप्सस्लाब्स', $ _POST); $ _GET = सरणी_मैप ('स्ट्रिप_टैग्स', $ _GET); $ _POST = सरणी_मैप ('स्ट्रिप_टैग्स', $ _POST); } और {$ _GET = array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $ _GET); $ _POST = array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $ _POST); } विधि 2: foreach ($ _POST के रूप में $ key = & gt; $ value) {if (! Get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {return addlashes ( htmlentities (strip_tags ($ मूल्य), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8...

Embed the web application in to the windows application -

I have a web application, I would like to embed web application into window application. As if I click on the icon in windows, a window should open with that site. The right click and menu properties and everything needs to be disabled. Someone said that we Can it be through the net .. Is there any other way to do this .. can you please Can you? You can embed a WebBrowser control on a Windows form. From there you can do a lot of things like accessing the DOM and actually controlling the browser. Microsoft has a , although it is for C ++ / VB programmer can help you translate from one to another and in C-Prinner a .

jQuery background-image animation -

How do I animate between two PNG images in jQuery? Is this possible? Something like CSS 3 infection when you move between one color to the other, but I want an image transition image. Check this plugin by Jack Moore. EDIT: Chooses two images, sorry. How about? Okay, if you are not happy with the plugin then try it. I posted a CSS / HTML style style = "text / css" & gt; . Wrap {margin: 50px auto; Width: 200px; Height: 200 pixels; Background: # 555; Status: Relative; } .display1, .display2 {status: complete; Top: 0; Left: 0; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div class = "wrap" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "display1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "display2" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; script $ (document) .ready (function () {var bkgImgs = ((([[' / '2iiz9cm.gif', 86, 86], ['',...

c++ - Are object files platform independent? -

Is it possible to compile the program on a forum and link it to others? What is included in the object file? Can we delete the executable to create an object file? No common object file can be similar in format, e.g. The ALF, but the contents of the object file may differ in the system from the system. An object file is similar to the stuff: Object code applied to the desired functionality is a symbol table that can be used to resolve the reinstallation information The link code can be used to allow the object code to be detected in memory Object code is usually not only processor-specific, but OS is specific, for example For, etc. Summon system calls include edit: Is it possible to compile a program on a forum and link it to others? Absolutely if you use cross-compiler, this compiler specifically targets a platform and generates object files (and programs) that are compatible with the target platform. Therefore you can use an X86 Linux system, for example, to c...

function - Javascript problem -

I am a noob in javascript but this is my problem: I'm doing some cleaning php -Files Some of them are javascript functions that I want to transfer to a different xxx.js file. Most of them are working fine but cause me trouble, I think due to punctuation ('and') As a script it shows in the PHP-file: function preview () {dd = ('', 'PRV', 'height = 600, width = 500, resizable = 1, scrollbar = 1 ') document.addnews.mod.value =' preview '; = 'prv' document.addnews.submit (); Dd.focus () setTimeout (\ "document.addnews.mod.value = 'addnews'; document = '_ self' \", 500)} It will not work for this time to file xxx.js. Anyone know how to look in a real .js-file? Thanks in advance! Some clean: function preview () {var dd =

python - stopping a cherrypy server over http -

I have a cherry app that I am controlling with http with a wxpython UI. I want to kill the server when UI stops, but I do not know how to do it. Right now I'm just doing a sys.exit () on the window closure event, but the result is in traceback (most recent call last): file "" Line 67, Exitevent urllib.urlopen (in "http: //" + server + "/? Sigkill = 1") in the file "c: \ python26 \ lib \", line 87, urlopen return opener. The file "c: \ python26 \ lib \", in the "C: \ python26 \ lib \", line 206, open return getattr (auto, name) in the file, line 354 Found a bad in 'open_http' ('HTTP protocol error', 0, 'bad status line' received, none) This is because I do not stop the custodian properly Am I How are you stopping CherryPy? By sending Sigil yourself? You should send at least TERM instead, but it would be better to call cherrypy.engine.exit () (versio...

c++ - Virtual functions table offset -

I would like to ask you what does the table offset of virtual functions depend on the class? I mean, at least what I have read depends on the compiler, but does it change from orbit to class? EDIT: By Offset I mean the position of the table relative to the owner's address. Edit: Example code: void ** vtable = * ((null ***) (((four * object object + offset)); int * * Ivtable = (int **) vtable; zero * first function = (zero *) ivtable [0]; Dependency on a certain class is definitely. Remember that there is multiple inheritance (MI) in C ++ the result of Mi is that one object has several base subjects Those courses can not be at the same address. It also means that The base sub-objects do not actually start offset offset 0. Now, this introduces a little bit of complexity with MI VTable: you exchange functions from multiple bases on different offsets. For this reason, MI classes are quite common to use different vtable layouts. On the related note, MI also means ...

Java Socket Server Essentials -

To implement the production level Java socket server, what do I know should be possible? For now, get a basic code structure using the server socket and the socket core core package has gone. The server is waiting for a customer and prepares a new bag for it. I was wondering if this is the way to go or there are other issues that I have to consider before code launch in the wild. There are some limited things in which I have thought with my limited knowledge and experience: Customer Resources that Detect and Issue Customer Consumption Connection pooling, is it necessary or should I paste it with the existing design? Server monitoring, logging and error recovery etc. Go with the prepared frameworks like Apache Mina .. ?? What is your experience to say? ... I think it depends on your usage cases. But some thoughts: The framework created is a good way to go as you have found, there are so many things to consider here. Look down Some possibilities...

Android: AutoCompleteTextView show suggestions when no text entered -

I'm using AutoCompleteTextView , when the user clicks on it, I suggest I want to give it even though it is not a text - but setThreshold (0) works exactly like setThreshold (1) - so the user is less Must enter less than 1 character. This is: "Threshold for 0, 1 is applied when the threshold is less or equal." You can show the drop down manually via showDropDown () , so perhaps you can arrange to show it when you want , true returning

python - web2py - my application doesn' login -

itemprop = "text"> I have a web2py application and I am using default / user / login to log in to my application, but Occasionally when I reopen the application on the login page and sometimes the system gets punished and there is no problem, I do not know why? So can anyone tell me? Thanks in advance I have seen something like a cookie based load balance Happens together. The cookie was being set too late, so the user never switches to the frontend whenever they log in anytime. If you have a load balancer on the 2 front end, you can see that it is 50% of the time. Check logs and make sure hits are all going on the same front end.

Any Python alternatives to Selenium for programmatically logging into websites that require JavaScript for login? -

I am writing a little private app to automatically log in to my internet banking every day, I'm downloading the donations. I'm writing this as a design app, so I'm working in Python. My Internet banking does not work without javascript - I think this javascript is used for any type of session id. Getting sign-in pages via httplib gives me a page stating the need for JavaScript. So, I'm now looking for libraries that execute javascript on web pages, and on them. Very less unobtrusive browsers I am negligible about this time. I think this will work, although this web app is designed to be tested, so I was thinking that there are similar abilities designed for more general purposes than testing. Any python option for selenium, this type of thing? Because you use selenium, I think that you have already installed Firefox if If so, get firebug or tampering data and see what the JavaScript code would do when logging in. If you have url and parameters req...

actionscript 3 - Duplicating an imported graphic in Flash -

I am loading a graphic through the loader class, now let me see it as both the original image and a thumbnail of that image Need to use in Hi, there is no "duplicate movie clip" or anything like that in AS3 If I add it to the normal view and then only the thumbnail appears on the thumbnail and vice versa. I found Google and many solutions online for this, but they all just work with images from the library and do not load from a server. So, how can I do this without loading the image twice? If talking about just a bitmap image, the simplest thing is to just share the bitmap data Another bitmap example is See below: var current bitmap: bitmap; // which you have with the loader var thumbnail: bitmap = new bitmap (existing bitmap. Bitmap data); ThumbNail.witdth = 64; ThumbNail.height = 64; AddChild; Since you are using a loader, you can access the bitmap image that you have explicitly loaded from the content property. var current bitmap: bitmap = myLoad...

javascript - move cursor to the beginning of the input field? -

When you click here to "ask questions", then "What is your programming question? Be descriptive. " / P> I want the same thing and for all I need to have my cursor move to the beginning of the text field, how can i do this with jquery There may be an overkill, but useful for these tasks, select a portion of an input field. Put the cursor at the first letter of the second field in the code below. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Then & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Input value = "stack" /> & Lt; Input value = "overflow" /> & Lt; Script & gt; Var inp = document.getElementsByTagName ('INPUT') [1]; If (inp.createTextRange) {var part = inp.createTextRange (); Part.move ("Character", 0); (); } And if (inp.setSelectionRange) {inp.setSelectionRange (0, 0); } Inp.focus (); & Lt; / Script ...

php - doctype error with googlemaps -

When I try to display googlemaps, then I'm having an error if I Loading googlemaps javascript source I get this error in firebug syntax error [break this error] I have to load this file & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ gmap))? & Gt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = " And here's how I set the variable $ key = 'my-api-key'; $ This- & gt; View->. Gmap = "" $ key. "& Amp; sensor = false"; $ This- & gt; View- & gt; Js_gmaptest = 'gmaptest.js'; Is there something that can cause problems? I was working earlier on this but knew that I do not know now. Thank you, Richard Obviously this is a problem, but your document's The beginning should look like this: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 strict // n" ""> & Lt; Html xmln...

(Chunked) HTTP binary message body and CRLFs -

I can not seem to get a more accurate answer on the following question (mostly reading Googling and HTTP / 1.1 specs): When 'encoded' transfer encoding is used, then the server needs to write both sizes of size in bytes and after that the flywheel data ends with the CRLF. Is not this binary data sending "CRLF-modifier" and the method is somewhat unnecessary? What if there is 0x0 A in the data, then somewhere in 0x0 D (i.e. this is actually part of the data)? Is the client obviously expected to follow Chuck's size, which is given at the top of that part or is the first error in the CRLF which is found in the data? My understanding is to take part of the size given by the server only till now, proceed to the next line, then read the amount of bytes actually from within the following data (CRLF or a CRL inside), then that CRLF will follow the data Avoid and repeat this procedure until there is no other section ... am I right? What does CRRF mean after each data...

What is the equivalent of VB's "Dim" statement in C#? -

C # is picking, except for example, no useful reference can be found for this. So, what is the C in DIM? In VB, dim declares a particular type of variable ( Or variable type, if you do not specify one) If you call xx to xx, then it's a type of foo to x it is said. In C #, the equivalent is to rule the type according to the name of the variable such as: Foo x; Int i; You can also assign it in one step: Foo x = new Foo (); Int i = 6; supports the C # type of estimation, you can also do this: // Based on this assignment, X and I Type type compiler. Var x = New Foo (); // now type fu var i = 10; // type of i type type a dim to declare a object as a type of VB in a similar type Similar is C #: object o = ...; // An object instance can hold any value or reference type.

c# - Best Practice: How to get several dependency repositories into a ActionController? -

I have an inventory controller that becomes uncontrolled in an INNTIO repository, although my needs have changed, One of the methods is also required to use the other 2 repositories, to get information about the ILONS repository (items of borrowing items) and second, where some data and additional information is available. The way this works is that a View Modellbluilder class, which is an action-line in the inventory controller, it really needs those people. Currently I was passing the controller from IInventoryRepository to the builder But how should I do this now? Should I get injections in 3 repository controllers, and then send them to the builder, just like I am doing now? Or should I just do an IOC. GetInstance ()? (Although I think this is not an anti-pattern?) Thanks! In these circumstances, the following guidelines come into play: A lot of dependency is a smell that you violate. There should not be more than four dependencies. This is a relative guideline I ...

Ruby on Rails - Storing application configuration -

I have a relatively simple rail app and I would like to store different configuration settings that can be changed when an admin user The application is running For example, to allow comments on the post or to change the display format of the date. I know that I can configure environment etc. in the environment.rb file, although they are loaded only when the server restarts. Is there an alternative location Can I define this information or would it be better to put it in the database? Any advice appreciated. Thank you. You can use the database to create a separate table "Settings" that will give you the necessary key / value Stores the parameters. The negative side of this solution is a performance hit (DB asks every time you need setting) To correct this issue, you can read / write through the "cash_money" cache or "RailScash"

unexpected call to a function in Javascript -

I'm not really good at javascript, so I'm asking here. Below is a sample code. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function Test (A) {Warning ('Surprise with a Parameter! First Function'); } Function test (one, two) {warning ('expected: second function with two parameters'); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "javascript: test ('first')" & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Question: I expected it to be 'Wondering! The first function ' with one parameter will be alerted onload as I call the function with only one parameter. Can anyone explain this to me? And how can I make my way around it? JavaScript does not support overloading; It just overwrites the function, so the last time the call will be called. One way around it is to create just 1 function and to check some situations to see if variabl...

ruby - Making multiple HTTP requests asynchronously -

की आवश्यकता होती है 'net / http' urls = [{{'link' => ' .com / '}, {' link '=>' '}, {' link '=>' '}] urls.each do | यू | यू ['सामग्री'] = नेट :: HTTP.get (URI.parse (यू ['लिंक'])) अंत प्रिंट यूआरएल यह कोड तुल्यकालिक शैली में काम करता है। पहला अनुरोध, दूसरा, तीसरा मैं सभी अनुरोधों को असिंक्रोनस भेजना चाहूंगा और उन सभी के बाद urls प्रिंट करना चाहूंगा। यह करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? क्या उस के लिए फाइबर उपयुक्त है? यहाँ धागे का उपयोग करते हुए एक उदाहरण है। 'नेट / http' urls की आवश्यकता है [['' लिंक '= & gt; 'Http://'}, {'link' = & gt; 'Http://'}, {'link' = & gt; 'Http://'}] urls.each do | u | do u ['content'] = नेट :: HTTP.get (URI.parse (और ['link'])) "सफलतापूर्वक अनुरोध किया # य...

Java: Is it ok to set Integer = null? -

I have a function that returns the id number if the argument is present in the database. If not, then it gives blank. Is this an empty indicator begging for an exception? Negative ID numbers are not allowed, but I thought it would be clear for non-existent arguments instead of error-code instead of -1. What do you think? The private integer throws SQLException (name of string) tidOfTerm {string sql = "select from term_data WHERE name =?"; Submit Prepared Placement = conn.prepareStatement (sql); Prep.setString (1, name); Results Result = prep.getResultSet (); If ( ()) {return result.getInt ("tid"); } Return tap; // TODO: Is it a null pointer to beg for exceptions? } This is absolutely legal if you want to avoid any NPE Enter custom exception, but do not return a negative number if the caller does not check the return value, you will always have a problem. But calculating false (because for example, -1 is multiplied) is definitely hard to deb...

php - PEAR MAIL HTML email not well formatted in Hotmail/Yahoo/GMail -

I am using peers to send HTML emails from my website. My email is sent, but when viewed in Hotmail / Yahoo / Gmail, they are not formatted according to CSS when I see them in Windows Live Miles, they look great. To be more specific, it seems that no idea of ​​CSS has been taken into account (text format, background image, etc.) Here is the code using email: $ headers = array ('from' => $, 'subject' = & gt; $ subject, 'From' = & gt; $ to); Need_once 'Mail.php'; Need_once 'mail / mime.php'; $ Crlf = "\ n"; $ Mime = new Mail_mime ($ crlf); $ Mime- & gt; SetTXTBody ($ plain); $ Mime- & gt; SetHTMLBody ($ htmlText); $ Body = $ mime- & gt; get receive (); $ Headers = $ mime- & gt; Headers ($ headers); $ Mail = Mail :: Factory ("Mail"); $ Send = $ mail- & gt; Send ($ from, $ header, $ body); If (PAR :: ether ($ send)) {$ mail_sent = 0; } And {$ mail_sent = 1; } Should I include content-typ...

Android: How to create popup with choices -

I want to do something like this: The user clicks on a button "Choose Color", and with a simple popup 5 colors appear, I can do it with popup window and inner list, but is there a simple solution like this for a specific widget? How should it look: / P>

Which open source Source Controls products integrate with Microsoft VB6? -

I probably want to go away from CVS (probably SVN). Do anyone know whether the open source version control system is integrated with VB6 IDE (automatic checkout etc.)? SVN will work with a VB 6 version of SVN with VB6, which is an IDE with SDNVB6 Interferes. I want you to direct:

c# - Reuse existing types with ADO.NET Data Services -

I have an application that uses both WCF service and an ADO.NET data service. Types are shared between server and client using shared class library. When I configure the service reference for the WCF service, I can choose to use existing types in the class library to prevent duplicate types from creating proxy classes. But Visual Studio does not give me the option to do this on Data Services. Is it an ADO? It is possible for Net Data Service Great question. Yes, this is definitely possible. I have just put together that shows you how to close the default code-generator and instead give an existing type of reference, and also show how to use the data service, and how Mapping between the required types on wires, the type used on the client. Note: Even though this type of data is within the service and on the client, it is still possible that the data service is configured to expose server types to different namespace, hence this mapping Still may be necessary...

mysql - Join two rows Distinctly -

If I have a table that number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 And I want to display the same table in two columns SELECT t1.num, t2.num FROM (SELECT * FROM x ) AS T1, (SELECT * FROM x) AS T2 Then the result set appears Number 1,1 2,2,3, 3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8 9 How do I do this in MySQL Edit Sorry, I did not want to make things complicated to start with: But this What is trying to do in the present To make a bit more clear, what is actually trying to do? num 1,2 2,3 3 , 4,5,5,6,6,7,8,8 9 / Do I want to be able to forward: SELECT t2 Note that the above query will return all 1s but the values ​​in my database are appearing individually above Thanks in advance I do not understand Why do not you just do something simple: SELECT num as num1, num x to or if you really want it As a string: SELECT CONCAT (num, ',', num) x to num x If you select twice the table You can join the table with you, but I do not know why you want to do this: Sele...

php - Writing a good Wordpress template -

I was asked to write a custom template for a WordPress based site, and I see that the theme is usually a The big unreadable PHP code is mixed with HTML, with a horrible indentation above it - even the default template also follows this type. Now what I am doing, I've put all the PHP code first, then markup is at least PHP only for control structures and variables - what kind of controller do you have & lt; -> System will see, only one file. What is a good way for people to write templates while keeping logic code separate from markup? This is a nominal high traffic location, so I want to keep the unnecessary overhead minimal. Try to get the default template and instead of using it to use. I agree that Wordpress does not have MVC, but you do not need to mix a lot of logic in your templates just use it accordingly and you will not have too much spaghetti code May be really light subjects. When you know that you are mixing too much logic with the presentation... - Get HTML Source after JavaScript manipulations -

How do I get completed! HTML source of web page, after which some JavaScript code has been run, which alters HTML source. I am using VB.Net's WebBrower control, I want to create an additional function that gets the full HTML source of my custom webbrosenteration. Thanks in advance One of the tricks to inform about control Looking for the way that JS is running. You may be able to do that JS has set a form element 'value (isJSComplete) when it is complete and web browser can vote with control. Use the following code to check a form to see if it is ready MyBrowserControl.document.getElementById ('IsJSComplete'); Use the following code to draw HTML from the page. MyBrowserControl.Document.documentElement.OuterHTML Better yet, here's how JSB to control by WebBrowser control Waving the event is just you can break an event when JS is done and your code is trapped and then drag the HTML using the above approach.

html - I need a flash effect like this -

Please open an open source or other device? If I need to develop it by myself, then what technology can we use? Please give me more details. Here is an open source version: Here are two more pay-types Versions are: The code behind the page-flipping technique is very similar. You read how it has been fulfilled in the book - Chapter 3 Edit It appears that PageFlip.U is no longer open source. However, this is one:

ms access - time query for vb6 and msaccess -

query for VB6 and MS Access Table: - user ID Logdata log Time 1 1/1/2010 9:00 1 1/1/2010 10:00 1 1/1/2010 11:29 1 2/1/2010 10:00 2 2/1/2010 22: 00 2 3/1/2010 11:00 as the need to demonstrate: - user ID Logdet log Time Logdata log Time 1 1/1/2010 9:00 1/1/2010 10:00 1 1/1/2010 11:29 2/1/2010 10:00 2 2/1/2010 22:00 3/1/2010 11:00 a #User to use a sub-query Something like, need to find the next date: TeTime, (Top 1 TB Stack Overflow TimeTime 2 datLogDateTime FROM tblStackOverflowTimeQuery TBSTKOVERflatimetry2 where TBSTIC overs Flotimekting. LngUserId = tblStackOverflowTimeQuery2.lngUserId and tblStackOverflowTimeQuery2.datLogDateTime & gt; tblStackOverflowTimeQuery.lngUserId, tblStackOverflowTimeQuery.datLogDateTime ordered by tblStackOverflowTimeQuery2.datLogDateTime from tblStackOverflowTimeQuery ordered by tblStackOverflowTimeQuery.datLogDateTime) as datEndDateTime; lngUserId datLogDateTime datEndDateTime 1 2010/01/01 09:00:00 2010/01/01 10:00: that w...

Layouts directory in SharePoint 2007 -

I am MOSS 2007. I have not found any _layouts directories. Do I have to make it or some configuration? I need this because I want to add a javascript (.js) file according to this link: Edit: > For me - C: \ Program Files \ General Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Web Server Extension \ 12 Directory Bin is a folder that has no layout directory where is it? This is the layout folder in the C: \ Program Files in _LAYouts folder \ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared \ Web Server Extensions \ 12 \ TEMPLATE folder.

java: ArrayList - how can i check if an index exists? -

I ArrayList & lt; String & gt; I'm using and I add data to a specific index, I check whether a specific index exists? Should I just get () and check the value? Or should I wait for an exception? Is there any other way? Update Thank you for your reply, but because I'm only adding stuff to a specific index, the length of the list will not be visible to me which are available. method arrayList.size () number of items in the list - therefore if If the index is equal to or equal to size () , then it does not exist.

iphone - GKPeerPickerController and GKSession -

Can we connect Bluetooth only by iPod touch or iFile using GCS and GkPPC Controller? , Or can we connect to other Bluetooth devices? Bluetooth communication can be used by GameKit ( GKPeerPickerController and G2Cession ) are limited to iPhoneOS devices. You can also use the internet instead of Bluetooth, but once again, you are still limited to iPhoneOS device. If you are interested in using external accessories, then I suggest that you check on this matter. In their documentation it is reported that: Accessories can be connected to the device via a 30-pin dock connector or wirelessly using Bluetooth. It will not still be able to enable you to play games between devices not being iPhoneOS, as you need IOSOS, and it is the gamekit framework on both ends if you If you are interested in setting up such a thing, then you have to manually manage it manually. I strongly advise against using Bluetooth, because it is small and slow, and it has a small range of wifi...

facebook - fb:comment does not work on my application -

I'm a new Facebook developer. I want to add a comment box to my application and I follow the tutorial on Facebook wiki. This is not working in my application. My canvas is a callback URL and I am uploading the xd_receiver.htm to the root code. I am using the following code & lt; Script src = "" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Fb: Comment & gt; & Lt; / FB: Comment & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; FB.init ("b6e07896a1d0889d9784dea150802587", "/xd_receiver.htm");</script> This is not visible in my application when I see this page with firebug me & lt; Fb: Comments ...

.net - Partial Classes across Projects -

Whether it is possible to have partial squares in projects. For example, Project 1 has a customer class in Project 2, which is an optional module, attaching an order class and connecting to the customer class using the original customer class. You partial keyword to split the class code between projects Can not use partial keyword is a compiler trick; The compiler will out of a single class out of those parts, so all parts of the class must be present in the same binary file. Once class is compiled, no trace of partial class is left off. If you want to expand the existing class, you will need to get it (if it has not been sealed), or your own new organs that include classes, which you can add to the information Want to

Two-part Rails layouts -

There are two parts in my web pages, let's say above and below (excluding header and footer - all of these pages Are compatible). What is the best practice to dynamically generate those parts on the basis of action? An approach with which I have come is for the above and partial viewing; Layout calls for the top partially in the yield and bottom. This is the best way to make sure. I think your opinion is fine. In your thoughts, you could: & lt;% - content_for: heading -%> [...] & lt;% - end -% & gt; & Lt;% - content_for: down -%> & Lt;% = Render @ partial_name% & gt; & Lt;% - end -% & gt; Of course you should check that there is partial existence and provide some default behavior. But I think you know about it. And then in your layout: & lt; Div id = "top" & gt; & Lt;% = yield: top% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "down" & gt; & Lt;% = yield:% below & gt;...

qt4 - Qt Multimedia API and video decode -

I'm looking at Qt Multimedia AD because I want to show the same video on 2 separate widgets. After hacking the "videographicsitem" example to a lesser extent, it works using 2 graphics views but this example uses QMOVA to decode the GMX, I want to decode AV, MP4 etc. What can I use to replace QMVE? Is the multimedia API supported on every platform? Qt 4.6 videography system example uses the QMVE to decode the video, although it is only animated to be used by the zipper Supports more extensive support for video codec is available in the QT Fonon Multimedia Framework, which uses QuickTime on Windows, DirectShow on Linux, Zistrime on Linux, and Quicktime on Mac OS X. It is not clear to me how to use Phonon is a replacement for qimovi in ​​videography system, but you can use a phone phone alone to create a video player. QMultimedia is a work in progress. Given that what this is doing, it seems that it will gain the functionality that you are seeing. Submitting this fe...

jquery - first-child selector means what? Select the first-child of the element? Or select it if it is the first-child? -

इसे देखें: var चयन = $ ('तालिका टीडी: पहला बच्चा '); व्यवहार में यह पहली पंक्ति का & lt; td & gt; तालिका में तत्वों का चयन करता है। जब मैंने इसे पहली बार देखा, मैंने इसे इस रूप में लिया: & lt; table & gt; में सभी & lt; td & gt; के भीतर सभी प्रथम-बाल तत्वों का चयन करें। & Lt; / table & gt; । लेकिन यह क्या करता है: तालिका के भीतर सभी & lt; td & gt; का चयन करें यदि यह उसके मूल के प्रथम-बच्चा है प्रत्येक टैग के बीच पहले & lt; td & gt; का अर्थ है। तो, सवाल यह है कि क्या प्रथम-बाल चयनकर्ता एक ध्वज की तरह कार्य करता है? या यह jQuery के आवरण-सेट में प्रश्न के तत्व के पहले-बच्चे को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक तरह की विधि की तरह काम करता है? धन्यवाद, फर्स्टचाइल्ड को TD तालिका के भीतर मिलेगा जो उनके माता-पिता के भीतर पहला बच्चा है। यदि आप चाहते हैं कि आप क्या चाहते हैं, हालांकि यह कुछ ऐसा होगा जैसे table td & gt; *: प्रथम बच्चे । इसके बारे में सोचें बाकी : फ़िल्टर jQuery प्रदान करता है: छिपा हुआ, अक्षम, चेक...

javascript - How can I write a real time stats system? in ajax and php -

I am trying to create a real time statistics bar. And I think about using the Long Polling concept. But when a request is sent to php, if the statistics are updated then I need to test. Now I can make a loop with just one database query, and I can test it. But it just does not seem right to me :) Is there a more inexpensive method to test the database for updates? It is determined whether the data has been updated or not, on how intensive the query is Will depend. If this is a simple (and quick) query, then this would be the best option. If this is an expensive query, how the statistics are updated, then you either set up a datestamp or trigger the DB for you. No matter, you will need to query some type to check for updates. And you can not "push" the client from the server, so no matter what you need AJAX polling so that the customer can start the investigation ....

A help system for a PHP web app -

Since our new web app becomes more complicated, therefore the need for help documents increases. I talk about the documentation code Not really, I'm really talking about application support. Therefore, applying myapp / help, or for example, from a particular point in enabling context such as myapp / help / users / create / etc. Is there an app to do this? For example, use Wufoo WordPress for which I like (and understand that WP is a good solution), and the Xero has a lovely ASPX interface. But I'm wondering what I'm looking for There may be more dedicated implementation. We are on a Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP stack, but there is no end to a Mycollo-supported installation world. Do anyone have any suggestions for this? When going to POP + Support + system it is a bit of a minfield. You can try more for 'non-blogging' content management system, because you actually Everyone needs a straight support site. There is a choice of options for using a wiki...

iphone - MUST I provide an NSSortDescriptor in core data when doing a fetch request? -

I wonder if I can execute NSFetchRequest with just one unit and nothing else. However, it is not working with any errors, but since I have never seen such a thing, I am surprised that there are any major drawbacks to do so. It is not stated in the document that when no NSSortDescriptor is available, instead it has any default value to be used. Work, but your object will return in an unexpected order. If you really need every instance of an entity in relation to the order, then yes, it will work in your desired manner.

java - Why compiler tries to Wide and Box Why not Box and Wide? -

When applying a special method, I have read that the Wide and the Box is Preferred, why not Box and Wide Why can you explain with a small example? Widening: calling a method with a narrow parameter type public class test {static zero doIt (long L) {} public static zero main (string [] args) {int i = 1; Chhandam (i); // OK: Int I has been widened}} Boxing: A method is calling that takes cover type with an ancient argument. Public class test {static zero doIt (integer i) {} public static zero main (string [] args) {int i = 1; Chhandam (i); // OK: integer I is boxed in the integer}} wide and then boxing: does not work Public class exams {static zero doIt (long el) {} public static zero main (string [] args) {int i = 1; Chhandam (i); // Failures Boxing and then wide: only works if a supertype to widen. Public class test {static zero doIt} {} static zero go (long L) {} public static zero main (string [] args) {int i = 1; Chhandam (i); // Fine. I have boxed for integer, and ...

Can I load an app built with Android source onto other devices? -

It looks like the answer will not be answered, but does anyone know that the custom made version of Custom-Android? Then load that apk file on a different device? Obviously, if you make changes in the OS and then trust them in your app, then you can not believe that you can use the source of repo (or appropriate version)? If you can, then you can theoretically link against those things which are otherwise hidden in SDK, right? Or am I completely based here? You always call private methods through reflection, But in general, it is a very bad idea that the handset vendors are free to change anything in the SDK, so your app will not work on some devices. However, if you only want to work on the app on only one device, or only work on a specific version of OS :)

iphone - problem with IBoutlet UITableView connection -

I have a problem with the IBOutlet UITableView connection. It seems that IBOutlet is not connected to TaleView I set the delgate and dataset for file owners and set iboutlet in table view in neb. The tableview has been started well. I just want to reload something and it does not work. I try to disassemble something only to see if it does not reload, the data is problem, but it does not deselect, so I think that iboutlet is not linked to my table view. This table view is a ViewController that A modalViewController is called in Here are some code: My H file: @interface AddEditProjectsViewController:. UIViewController & LT; UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, UIActionSheetDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate, UITextViewDelegate, UIAlertViewDelegate & gt; {IBOutlet UITableView * addEditProjectTable; } @property (nonatomic, retaining) IBOutlet UITableView * addEditProjectTable; my.m file: - (zero) viewWillAppear: (bool) ...

Flex + CheckBox + Dataprovider... quite possibly the easiest question you will answer today -

It may be that I did not get enough sleep last night but I am facing a strange Flex 3.4 issue. Scenario: I have a class that provides a dataprider in my whole application, called "Dataprover.As": package {Public class DataProvider {[bindable] Public Static Ver email_enable: Boolean = true; }} In an mxml form, "settings.mxml" I have a checkbox control which is bound to the email_enable variable of my Dataprover class: & Lt; Mx: check box x = "452" y = "170" label = "{Language.loadLanguageResource ('lblEmail')}" id = "chkEmail" selected = "{DataProvider.email_enable}" change = "on change ()" /> All prices are getting well, if I set the variable to correct or incorrect my DATAPRad, the checkbox indicates this change; However, if I click on the checkbox and change its value, then the datacenter variable never reflects the change I am peering my head against the wall And it...

Make radio buttons "checkable": HTML -

How do I work radio buttons like a check box? I need a radio button function, but it should be able to choose. Usually this is done by adding another option, users will not expect "none" Clicking on a selected radio button will unselect it because it is not a normal behavior. Another option, which is no longer used, is a "clean" button I do not like this option.

bundle - Rails Gem Bundler breaking Dependencies -

मैंने हाल ही में एकीकृत 3.0 रिलीज के साथ बंडल मणि (स्थिर 2.3.x) स्थापित किया है। 2.3.x को स्थापित करने के लिए दस्तावेज कमजोर है, इसलिए मैं यहां मदद की तलाश कर रहा हूँ। मैं स्थापित करने और मणि बंडलर को विन्यस्त (, मणि बंडलर स्थापित कर रहा है Gemfile को परिभाषित करने, preinitializer.rb जोड़ने, bundler_gems की आवश्यकता होती है / environment.rb) पर इस लेख से सब कुछ किया है: मैं स्क्रिप्ट / सर्वर को सफलतापूर्वक चला सकता हूं, लेकिन जब मैं अपने ब्राउज़र के माध्यम से किसी भी पेज को एक्सेस करने की कोशिश करता हूं, तो मुझे 500 आंतरिक सर्वर त्रुटि मिलती है, जिसमें कई ActionView विधियों का दावा नहीं किया जाता है: ActionView :: TemplateError (अपरिभाषित विधि `डिबग '... ActionView :: TemplateError (अपरिभाषित विधि` javascript_tag' ... कुछ मणि निर्भरता कहीं या कुछ और नाकाम रहने हो गया है? यहाँ मेरी Gemfile (रेल 2.3.5): clear_sources bundle_path "विक्रेता / bundler_gems" स्रोत "" स्रोत "" मणि " रेल ...

osx - Get a list of opened windows cocoa -

I am new to cocoa and I should know how I can get a list of all open windows. I'm not talking about running the program, because it would be an easy job. I want to list windows, for example, if I have 10 pdf open previews, then my program is a list with all the pdf Should be able to retrieve I also want to know whether some APIs are already available to interact with open windows (and perhaps to move them or do something else), which is from the external application. First, cocoa is not familiar, so it is not "cocoa": -) Second, your only (public API) option is accessibility API Take a look at the docs to get started:

Emacs users are unable to commit via bazaar to launchpad -

All emacs users on our development server are unable to make a market commitment to our development branch on the launchpad. They receive this message: bzr: error: can not lock / .. /.bzr/checkout/dirstate: [Error 13] Permission denied: u '/../. I have double-checked all the permissions and everyone has their keys properly installed. I am using Vime and there is no problem. . Any other ideas? Thank you, Jane This error does not appear because something to do Not even with Launchpad's server side. An error means that the beerger has failed to get the file system lock for the "checkout" part of the paste. The "checkout" in buzzer represents the check-out source files and associated metadata. What is it that makes it possible to run "bzr st", "bzr add" and similar commands? Since you tell the problem as emacs-specific, it may be something wrong in the emacs mode you are using for the driving beer, whether it is VC, or DVC...

NHibernate - Lazy Loaded Collection -

Will a lazy loaded collection in NHibernate ever give me a NullReferenceException? I get an exception in one of the following ways: Public Zero Test (Asynation session, int id) {var entity = session.Load & lt; MyEntity & gt; (Id); Entity.LazyLoadedCollection.Add (SomeItem); } Calling LazyLoaded to call is throwing. My mapping looks like this: & lt; Bag lazy = "true" table = "mytable" & gt; & Lt; Key & gt; & Lt; Column name = "Lazy Loaded Collection" /> & Lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; Many-to-many classes = "LazyLoadedItem" & gt; & Lt; Column name = "LazyLoadedItemId" /> & Lt; / Many-to-many & gt; & Lt; / Bag & gt; Is it the expected behavior in NHibernate? It's hard to say without looking at your class, but one thing you do not feel That is, you have to populate each collection in your class constructor. NHibernate will replace these collections wit...