How can I center google map based on countrycode? -
According to the documentation, I have found this: geocoder.setBaseCountryCode (countrycode); However Any help? Itemprop = "text"> GOCODerratBaseConverter code () will not center the map. This will set the base country for geocoding so that if you try to geocode 'Plymouth', then it will differentiate between the UK and Massachusetts cities. If you want to specify the country code manually, you can use GClientGeocoder as the following: var Country_code = "ES"; // Change the country code here to function initialize () {if (GBrowserIsCompatible ()) {var map = null; Var Geocoder = Null; Map = new GMap2 (document.getElementById ("map_canvas")); GeoCoder = New GCLient Geocoder (); If (geododer) {geocoder.getLatLng ("country:" + countrycode, task (point) {if (point) {map.setCenter (point, 13);}}); }}} In this situation there is no need to set setBaseCountryCode () , because country codes are clearly unique. If yo...