Best cross-platform audio library for synchronizing audio playback -

I am writing a cross-platform program that includes a wave scrolling with uncompressed wav / aiff audio playback. Latency and accuracy are very important What is the best cross-platform audio library for audio playback while synchronizing for an external clock? This means that I would like to be able to write playback code so that she sends a listener several times per second, which includes "auditory frame" at the time of notification. All I need to do is do not have any recordings, no mix, 3 No audio, no audio. Playback with just the information available for the best possible hearing.

Right now I am considering RTUs and PortAudio, which mostly uses ELSA. Target platform, in order of importance, Mac OSX 10.5 / 6, Ubuntu 10.11, Windows XP / 7. Both C / C ++ are OK.

Thank you for your help!

Windows can leave ASIs (in case of low delay processing without dropouts) but you can not expect normal users to use the jack (before the app starts the monster should be launched by the user, and This can be a bit difficult to set up). If you are making an app specifically for capable audio, then I would suggest looking at Jack.


Not in the form of high performance, but very simple for the user (unlike jack, no special configuration will be required on their end). Most open source cross platform audio programs that I have used are Portladio (much more than Opal), but unlike Jack, I have not used it individually, it is callback based, and though looks very straightforward.