javascript - Strange bug with OpenLayers + CloudMade -

I'm trying very simple, you can see a demo here:

This bug only Appears in Firefox, to see that once it presses one of the links (this will take you to NY or Israel) then press the other link. The bug is that it will not show me the tile in that place, instead it will Will show the background of div.

In PS PS it works randomly.

I do not know if this is a clue or it can confuse you, if you press the "watch the world" link by pressing the NY or Israeli forces, it will allow you to see the other location ..

For complete source reference


tiles are invisible when myMap_OpenLayers_Container has the following CSS:

Position: Absolute; Z-index: 74 9; Left: -2.02815e + 7px; Top: -2007340 px;

If you change them, you can see that the correct tiles were full, so its likely JSWaddled can mess with them. Tile CSS also has strange values ​​when they are not shown

Update :

Problems also result from testing locally, so that JSFDL Turns out (

  updateCSS = function) {OpenLayers_Container = document.getElementById ( "myMap_OpenLayers_Container":  

To set this value after the zoom ring to the right as a function Will be done) .style.left = "0px"; }

It looks like a bug, however if it is in the open layer or it is difficult to tell cloud maid layer properties - I imagine the latter, or it is widely reported There will be a bug.

  centerLayerContainer: be relevant code OpenLayers.js would function (lonlat) {var originPx = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat (this.layerContainerOrigin); Var newPx = this.getViewPortPxFromLonLat (single); If ((original pixel! = Null) & amp; (newPx! = Null)) { = Math Field (original Px.x - newPx.x) + "PX"; = Math.round (native Px.y - newPx.y) + "px"; }  


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