c# - EndianBinaryReader - Contious update of the input stream? -

I am trying to use EndianBinaryReader and EndianBinaryWriter Which John Skeet wrote as part of it, it works very well for the two uses used by me.

Reading before the network stream ( TCPClient ) where I read a loop reading data. I can make a single Andyen Banner Reader and then I can settle it after application closes. By creating EndianBinaryReader in TCPClient.GetStream

Now I'm trying to do the same thing when one reads from UdpClient But it does not have a stream because this connection is low so I get data like this

  byte [] data = udpClientSnapShot.Resive (ref endpoint);  

I can put this data into a memory stream

  var memoryStream = new MemoryStream (data);  

and then EndianBinaryReader

  var endianbinaryReader = New EndianBinaryReader (new BigEndianBitConverter (), memoryStream, Encoding.ASCII) . ;  

But this means that whenever I read, I have to create a new Andian Reader. ID is there a way where I can only create a stream that I can update inputstream with data from udp client?

I do not remember what Aidian Banner Reader buffers - you Can a single memorystream overwrite? But to be honest, there is very little overhead from an extra item here. How big are packets? (It can be cloned by memorystream and by byte] ).

I would be tempted to use the simplest thing that works and what is an real problem is probably a change i would be using By using (because they are IDisposable ):

 using  (using var memoryStream = new memorystream) (Var Andian Binirder = ..blah ..) {// use it}  


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