objective c - Unfamiliar with technique to solve pre-populating textfields (w/out access to a viewDidLoad or similar method) on Mac Desktop -

I have a main menu. Xib - which sets all my interface items (buttons, textfield, etc.).

I have a log controller who has access to all these items through IBolet and IABET. Works fine - all connected and good running.

However, I want to assume pre-populated NSUserDefault in Textfield. However, I can not understand how - my logcontroller does not extend to a UIVIUC controller (like the world of the iPhone) - I do not have access to using delivery methods such as viewDidLoad - etc. - where I I can not put it here (because its UI does not have access to UI elements):

  - (zero) applicationDefinitionLunching: ( Nsnt Ikeshn *) ANotification {// Insert here to initialize your application}  

So did for desktop applications on the Mac, how about me solve this kind of problem?

is your friend

  - (zero) awakeFromNib  


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