How To Make A jQuery Async Multi-Response From One PHP Script Run -
I have a run.php that has a button called "run". Clicking it on a jQuery $ .get () AJAX response on the server. Call back to PHP, and send JavaScript codeback function getResponse (sData) inside run.php's HTML to show results back to the browser. I want to keep such things as response.php runs through a list of tasks, it resonates a reaction with the echo command and receives a response to the receipt of a condition with the condition as If he walks together, suppose that I have 5 steps inside the response 5.php, and therefore return 5 echo statements to get reverse ().
I tried to work it out, but what happens is that jQuery waits for jQuery and then one sends
What is the technology?
I ask that I have a script which is going to do something a bunch of files The first thing is that this file is counted, so it updates my progress bar, as it does with the files , It needs to increase my progress bar like every 1000 files.
I think there is no way to react to Ajax calls only in one call. But I can suggest that you create a session on php ... and at every step of your work, update that session ... then call another Ajax check that session if there is an update ... What do you have to do if updates happen ....
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