What learning path I must follow to learn ASP.NET? -
I am an OOP developer on most web development, the most popular scripting language for PHP,
To master my skills as a PHP developer, I get the form of PHP, OOP technology, Javascript, AJAX, AJAX libraries, CMS, framework (Zend, Cake, etc.) In-depth Linux (mostly Web) developer optical) ...
So now I need some specific guides to determine what are the concrete domains that will allow me to master aNeed to be Spiknet developer and then the way to learn how to follow him (such as C #, webform, ADO, etc.) ...
The best in SO all great developers.
- ADOnate (You can use LINQ to SQL or another ORM bit NHibernate) or C OR or VBnet (C # better)
- T-SQL and SQL Server (unless you plan to use
- Basic Windows Server knowledge and IIS management
- I think That you already have client side dev
- Web Services (or Better WCF)
- Depending on how complex your applications are, you need to have ASP.NET AJAX and Jquery (Visual Consider also some IoC containers by considering NINJECT or more advanced frameworks (Enterprise Library, Spring Newnet)
You can find recommead readings on Amazon in each of these topics. B can.
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