connection string - What is a TNS:listener in the Context of Oracle? -

border line serverfault question, but it seems that I will try here first because I already have luck with Oracle's queries Was there. / P>

I am trying to connect to PHP from an oracle database, and I am getting the following error.

  Ora-12505: TNS: The listener is not currently aware of the given SID in the connect descriptor  

This error is that the PHP report and error which Appears in listener.log.

My immediate problem is fixing this error. The big question I want to answer is how does the Oracle connection model work?

It is in a development environment running on my local window machine and working so far. Unfortunately, the environment was handed to me (I did not set it up) and those who set it are unavailable to help me debug it

if I'm getting an error with MySQL or PostgreSQL (two systems I'm more familiar with), I'll check to ensure that a database process is running, and then try connecting manually to the user name / W Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the Oracle tools on the Okelik tools (besides SQL Developers) and I do not know whether TNS: listeners or SIDs are in reference to Oracle (I have ambiguous ideas, but Vague thoughts rarely help

Updates per update:

There is a number entires in my tnsnames.ora file, related entry

  OBS2 = (D ESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = steel-ae39650) (port = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = OBS2)))  

The examples I run are not reflected in the list


So I think my next question is, how do I start an OBS 2 instance manually?

A TNS name is similar to a surname for your service example. The TNS listener service serves as a lookup service for you in this regard. This error will fail with the message if the actual service you are trying to connect through a TNS name is not valid.

You can see if TNS listener uses the service to properly serve the command line tool:

 %> lsnrctl services  

Some of the following should be output:

  Service "MyService" has 1 instance (s) in "My Instant" for the service, Prepare Position, 1 is the Handler. Handler (s): "D 2000" established: 0 Disapproved: 0 Current: 0 Maximum: 1002 State: Ready Dispatch & Lt; Machine: LOCALHOST, PID: 12345 & gt; (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp) (HOST = LOCALHOST) (port = 678 9))  

Can you please post the relevant TNS entry ( tnsnames.ora file)? It is located in Arahom \ Customer or DB \ Admin \ NETWORK. If you have both clients and servers, make sure that both copies of the tnsnames.ora file have the correct values, just safe.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = localhost) (port = 12345) (QUEUESIZE = 100)) (CONNECT_DATA = (server = defined) (SERVICE_NAME = myservice)))


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