emacs - How to setup Aquamacs for Clojure development? -
I have tried several times to transfer Emac to Closer development, after blog posts, screencasts and tutorials, But in the way something went wrong sometimes - the keybinding which did not work, the incompatible version, etc., and I found myself to be able to whim back. But I know that I want Parets and Salim.
So, I'll try again, this time supported by powerful Stack Overflow ™ community.
I hope that the answer will still be answered, and serve as a reference for temporary converts like me.
What do I need: - Closer - the latest stable release of Aquamax (if it's good enough, Rich Hickey, this is great for me), a recent version - Closer Mode - Slimy / Swanak - Parade - Something And which is indispensable?
Step-by-step instructions will be excellent for installing above - preferably with the link of documents and cheatsheets in the shell script format, I begin with the most common closure-related actions (including key-binding) I would also like to have some pointers about
These steps are what I had set up without using ELPA hope it would be helpful.
> Curl-O http://mumble.net/~campbell/emacs/paredit.el
Closer & amp;
- Use either MacPorts
sudo port -v Closer close-contrib
- or Direct Download
Obtain Closer-Mode and Squac-Closer (AMACS Side)
GIT Clone http://github.com/technomancy/clojure-mode.gitgitclone Http: //Github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure.git
Swank-Closer Receive (close-side)
- Download pre-generated jar file
Curl-o http://repo.technomancy.us/swank-clojure -1.1.0.jar
- or build from source (assuming lean is installed)
Keep Closer, Closer-Contrib and Squac-Closet. Es in ~ / .swank-clojure or ~ / .clojure (default location where swank-clojure.el searches for them)
Either ~ / .emacs or ~ / library / preferences / Aquamax MX / customization. L (change path to match your own settings) < (Add-to-list 'load-path' / opt / local / share / imax / site-lisp / slim / ") (add-to-list 'load-path' / opt / local / Share / Imac / Site-Lispi / Slim / Innerbab / ") ;; To match your settings (add-to-list 'load-path' path / to / diamonds / close-mode / ") (add-to-list 'load-path' path / to / dir / swank-closure) To change these routes. / ") (Add-to-list 'load-path' path / to / diamonds / perad /");; Start the swank-close to reflect possible class changes; Mx ielm `mud -Lip-implementationRet or see 'Squank-Closer.El' for more information (defedivis slim-read-i Tactical-algens (before ad-closing) ('ashock' is required) (Appot 'mud-lip-implementation' closure (list (swan-closer-CMD): init 'swank-clojure-init) (' sludge ('Paredit' is required) ('close-mode' is required) ('squak close' is required (eval-after-load "sludge" (Prague;; extra) "Contrib (mud-setup ') (mud-copy mud-banner mud-highlight-editing-mud-f G)) (setq;; UTF-8 coding sludge-trap-coding-system 'UTF-8-UNIX; Fuzzy Completion (m-tab) mud-full-symbol-function' use mud-fuzzy-full-symbol ;); Use bracket edit mode paredit (defun paredit-mode-enable () (Pyrite-mode1) (Ad-hook 'Push-mode-enabled' slim-mode-hook) (Ad-hook 'slim-rip-mode -Hook 'powered-mode-enabled)) ;; By default the input and results are the same color ;; Customize the color of the result to isolate them ;; If you want to further customize, you should look for 'deface' (custom-set-face '(slim-rip-out-face-face ((T: foreground "LightGreen") in' Slim-Repell ' )) () -Bir-loaded "squac-closure" (pronounced; make REPL more favorable for the closure) (LAPA is not included in it?); The function is defined in swan-closer.l but its Not used ?? (Ad-hook 'sludge-per-mode-hook' self Adding a classpath to the inconvenient (just an example);; The preferred method of setting a classpace is to use the swan-closer-project Add-to-list 'Squak-closing-slim-rip-correction-syntax'; Close-classpath 'path / to / incenter / module / engender-app / target / * ")))
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