.net - Silverlight 3 alternative to FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo -
In a Silverlight 3.0 application I want to use to display the version information of the application. It is not the same and is usually retrieved in a .NET application using code:
var executed assembly = assembly. Gate AccedingAssambad (); Var fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo (implemented assembly.place); Var Versions Labels = FileversionInfoFileWarson;
Unfortunately, the class does not include the Silverlight 3.0 runtime. Is there any alternative way to use this information?
There is one way to do this with properties - I'm not sure if it works in Silverlight If you will, you have to tell me.
assembly assembly = assembly Gate contingency assembly (); Object [] attributes = assembly. GetCustomAttributes (typeF (AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), Incorrect); If (attributes = null & amp; attributes.Lang> 0) {AssemblyFileVersionAttribute fileVersionAttribute = (AssemblyFileVersionAttribute) attributes [0]; String Version = File Details Attribute Edition; }
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