eclipse plugin - How to disable mnemonics? -

I am extending Eclipse using Eclipse plugin infrastructure, and I have come across a problem:

< P> I have created an eclipse editor and I would like to disable the memorable menu eclipse, for example: ALT + a menu is similar to search because my editor requires these combinations (Alt + ...). ?

is recommended as:

your own Create and add the necessary keybinding for it. Add this line to the customization IiI file:

  org.eclipse.ui/KEY_CONFIGURATION_ID = & lt; Your scheme ID & gt;  

/ P>

  1. No new with parents Plan After this you can set as many keybindings as you want, because you will not see any of the default bindings.
  2. Create a new plan with default plan origin You will get all basic keybinding, but whatever you define in your scheme, it will be given priority (I think :)
  3. Close a child's context of context with some binding; Any keys that you define in your context, will gain priority over the original context.

    For a special solution for a particular solution, just for a SWT component, while keeping the default plan for the rest, a listener ( See the following):

      last listener keydown filter = new listener () {private zero postquality (final integer type, last character letter, final int keycode) {final display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench () . GetDisplay (); Last event event = new event (); Event.type = Type; accident. Character = character; Event.keyCode = keyCode; (event); } / * (Non-javaadok) * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener #handEvent (org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event) * / Public Zero handling documentant (event ev) {if (ev.widget = = RichText.this.editorControl) {if ((ev.keycode == SWT.CR || ev.keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR) & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; Mask & SWT.SHIFT == 0) {EV. Doit = ​​false; PostKeysEvent (SWT.KeyDown, (four) 0, SWT.SHIFT); PostKeysEvent (SWT.KeyDown, ev.character, ev.keyCode); PostKeyAt (SWT.KeyUp, (four) 0, SWT SHIFT); }}}}; Last Display Performance = PlatformUI.getWorkbench (). GetDisplay (); Display.addFilter (SWT.KeyDown, KeyDownFilter); This.editorControl.addDisposeListener (new Disistenor) {/ * (non-JavaWadoc) * @ # widgetDisposed ( * / Public Zero Widget Displays (Last DisposeEvent ev) {display.removeFilter (SWT.KeyDown, keyDownFilter);}});  


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