Flash movie not made available by ASP.NET MVC -

I am working on an asp.net mvc app which uses Flash movie as a banner. I am trying to load it, however for some reasons the URL is considered as an action and the user is sent to the login page.

The funny thing is, if I put a file in the same directory

If I point my browser to this URL:

A different extension (.txt, for example) and try to load it, it is not considered as an action.

Does it give a redirection to me / account / logon? Return URL = ..., Standard ASP.NET MVC Access Route.

If I point out my browser on this url: / P>

This gives me the file, both the URLs point to the files on the server in the same directory Are there. It seems that something The SWF file is blocking the type.

I am using IIS 7 Windows, and the checked MIME is such, but the problem is not getting. How does ASP.NET MVC decide whether there is some file or controller action?

Ignore the MVC route for ".swf" extension.


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