iphone - Cannot read XML File -

There is a slight problem getting the content of an XML file (using TouchXML).

My first query works very well, something looks like this:

  NSString * url = [NSString stringWithFormat: STATION_ID, latitude, longitude]; CXMLDocument * rssParser = [[CXML Document Alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: url] Option: 0 Error: Zero]; NSLog (@ "% @", rssParser);  

So this log gives me the full XML file.

Then, in another method, I am trying to:

  NSString * Url = [NSString stringWithFormat: WEATHER_URL, [positionInformation objectForKey: @ "stationId"]] ; CXMLDocument * rssParser = [[CXML Document Alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: url] Option: 0 Error: Zero]; NSLog (@ "% @", RSS parser);  

But the log is getting (empty). The URL string for URL string gives me empty or empty URL without the URL, for example the URL log looks like this:

  NSString * url = [NSString stringWithFormat: WEATHER_URL, [ PositionInformation objectForKey: @ "stationId"]]; NSLog (@ "% @", URL);  

The result of the debugger console

  http://api.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXCurrentObXML.asp?ID=KCASUNNY19  < / Pre> 

Looks good with this file with your browser. Anyone know what is going wrong ?????

I tried the string withContentsOfURL first to get the contents of this URL, but it also does not work

This guy had the same problem: It seems that the expectation of the API user agent on the Weather Underground Is doing and is returning the 500 HTTP response when he does not see one.

You can use the -initWithData: options: error: on CXMLDocument to pass the data using.


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