java - How to determine field-type for SOLR indexing? -

I have a table in MySQL table with a VARCHAR and a "title" for the classified (classified website). Second, there is a text field with "text" for classified.

Two questions:
How should I decide how to index these two areas? (which field-type, which class to use etc)

Currently I have "ad_id" as a unique identifier for each ad, for example "BMW_M 3_82398292"
Whenever a 'query match' is found by SOLR, how can I return SOLR to this identifier? (The first part of the identifier is actually the contents of the heading area, the second part is a random number


1 schema

Your solar schema is much more specific than your desired search behavior in your schema.xml file, you will see" text "and A bunch of options like "string" will appear. They behave differently.

   ==  in a SQL statement. 

  field type name = "text_way" class = "solar.testfield" increase in positionGeep = "100">  gt; linking class = "solver.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory "/>  gt; & lt; / fieldtype & gt;  

text_how field type tokens however, in the text area One big stop stop-word Issues and delimiter and filter for lower-casing. Note that these filters have been designated for both the Lucine Index and Solar Query. So when searching for a text field, it will optimize the query term using these filters to help find the match.

  & lt; Fieldtype name = "text" class = "solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap = "100" & gt; & Lt; Analyzer Type = "Index" & gt; & Lt; Tokenizer class = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" /> & Lt; Ignore filter class = "solr.StopFilterFactory" = "true" word = "stopwords.txt" /> & Lt; Filter ..... /> & Lt; Filter ..... /> & Lt; Filter ..... /> & Lt; / Analyzer & gt; & Lt; / Fieldtype & gt;  

For example, when indexing things like news, you probably want to search company names and headlines differently.

  & lt; Field name = "headline" type = "article" /> & Lt; Field name = "coname" type = "string" index = "true" multidimensional = "false" omitNorms = "true" />  

The above examples give you the & amp; Coname: Intel & amp; Title: Processor + specifications allows to do a search like that and exactly achieves matching matches to kill Intel's stories.

If you want to search for a category

2 result fields


  & Lt; RequestHandler can set a standard set of return fields in name = "mumble" class = "solr.DisMaxRequestHandler" & gt; ; & Lt; Str name = "fl" & gt; Category, coname, headline & lt; / Str & gt; & Lt; / RequestHandler & gt;   

You can also define the desired field by using the fl parameter in your query string.

  / select? Indent = ON & amp; Version = 2.2 & amp; Q = coname% 3AIn * & amp; Start = 0 & amp; Rows = 10 & amp; Amp = coname% 2Cid & amp; Qt = standard  

You can also do this in your query field: [x to *] using the syntax. If you want to select some ads from your date, you can create a query in your query terms with

  ad_date: [20100101 TO 20100201]  

You can. (There are several ways to search for categories, I am presenting a method that uses an integer rather than a date range.)


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