wpf - ListView not updating after RaiseCanExecuteChanged is called -
I have a list view that is bound to store visual models. The item template has a button that is bound to an order on the visual model. When I set up the property, I call RaiseCanExecuteChanged for each view of the items in the list view.
Public Binding List & lt; IVehicleViewModel & gt; Vehicles {Back {return_vehicles; } Set {if (_vehicles == value) returns; _vehicles = value; OnPropertyChanged ("vehicle"); RaiseCanExecuteChangedEvents (); }}
Despite the fact that I have verified that true view is returned to CanExecute on all visual models, button buttons are shown in depth. The only thing I have noticed is that if I change the Risen Excecutus, when the list view already does everything required, and if I give it a list description before calling it and then through the item When scrolling, they sort themselves.
A static method commandmanager. Unauthorized code
is a command executable Re-evaluate (this is a word?) Try calling it whenever you want to make sure that your UI update reflects the change in the CanExecute
result of your order.
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