git - Why do I get a Windows file permission error (IO Error 13) with Android SDK when writing to files starting with a dot? -

Titanium accessor running 0.8.1 on the Windows XP Virtual Machine with Android SDK 2.1

To get the following error, to get the following error, create / install applications:

  [trace] f = open (os.path.join (dest, dest_file), "w ") [TRACE] IOError: [Erro 13] Permission denied: 'C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ First Name \\ Desktop \\ MyApp \\ Build \\ Android \\ Classpath ' 

Removing Classpath Results. The square path is being created, but the error runs only on the next file that he has to write.

The files are in a GIT repository, checked out via the messaging, but only one error occurs when the files are copied directly from the GIT server to the Windows machine. Unfortunately, the Titanium Dev app will not rebuild the Android package for any existing app if the build \ Android files are disappearing, so it is not possible to check it in git only.

Correct Permissions - Written by the current user account, the read-only flag is not set (checked through 'Attrib'), and through security / advanced communication on files and directories (And

as far as I can tell, there is nothing to open the file (the possible cause of IOError 13).

Here What can be the reason? What can be a crime criminal?

If someone else gets the same problem, then answering your question: attrib - H ), the file permission problem can be solved by removing the hidden flag.

(Hidden masks msysgit, match the 'hidden' nature of dotfile in unix To)


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