MySQL Basic about relationship -

I doubt how to treat the following:

I have a system where the user Belongs to a company, and this user has his own customer.

How is the correct way to get the list of all company customers and follow the username?

In the client table

  • There is a field with this company: Company_ID ???
  • Something else ...
  • Tkz Roberto

    Tables Relationships:
    Client (FK_companyID, FK_UserID) "If you have multiple companies, use FK_companyId"
    User (FK_companyId).
    Company (no foreign keys for customer or user).

    If there is only one company in the system, you do not have to include it in the relationship:

    Open the client from the client where userId = userSessionId;

    If you have multiple companies:
    Quit leaving a client's client, client.clientInfo, client.companyId, company.companyInfo (client.companyId = company.Id) Leave the customer at, where userId = userSessionId;

    Note: The left join is used to obtain "company information", but if all the user clients connected to that particular company will be recovered.

    Finally: If a client information can be managed by the mute user, then you do not have to add both organizations together by adding them together.

    BTW: Your english is awesome!


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