c# - WPF: Custom routed event with extra information -
I have a normal WPF window, let's call it TopLevel , in which one The bunch is, among other things, in a simple ListView , some events should be logged in various elements in the application. It looks like I have a group of user controls called grid in TopLevel which contains work each , there is an object with them, let's call it a order , as well as a standard checkbox. Now whenever a user checks a checkbox in work , but command objects in the event also top level Should be included, so I can work from TopLevel to keep it in the event log. How can I do this? I'm guessing that I want to use the rooted event for this, but I did not know how to get the "code" to order the "code" in the check box, call it TopLevel . How to do something like this ... Private Zero checkbox Checked (Object Sender, Routing Avent ARG E) {Sendbox as Checkbox = Checkbox; Job Task = FindPartTkS (Checkboxes); Order order = task.order; } Because...