java - how to append a list in href url? -

I want to add a list to URL which is an href, how can I do this and how do I code it .getParameter () ? Or a complete bean object in the URL?

Use the same name for each item, create something like this: http: / / .

And then you can use HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap () . Or alternatively, you can use the HttpServletRequest.getParameterValues ​​(name) . You may want to use the latter by specifying the name, for example,

  string [] amts = request.getParameterValues ​​("amt");  

By the way, getParameterMap () gives you a map object in the form of the parameter names as it will have all other request parameters as well as your 'AMT'.

  Map map = request.getParameterMap (); String [] amts = map.get ("AMT");  
