how to retrieve friends' list using facebook connect with iphone app -

I am using Facebook Connect for my iPhone app. It is able to authenticate the user and also publishes comments on the user's wall. But I'm not sure how to recover the user's friends list. A sample code will be highly appreciated.

- Thank you in advance,

FBCAdidate And do this in any of the classes implementing FBRSDAGLet:

  - (zero) getFriends {NSString * funcName = @ "friends.get"; [[Delegate with FBRAccount Request: Self] Call: Fondek Name Params: Nile]; } - (Zero) ProcessingFreendas: (ID) Results {friends = [[NSMUTPABARROL] INST]; NSString * element; GDatabase.userIdList = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: MAX_FRIENDS_LIST] AutoWaves]; For (element in result) {friend * pride = [[[friend alok] init] autorex]; NSString * uid = [self dictionary tuUid: element]; Afriend.userId = (NSMutableString *) UID; [G database. User List Adobject: aFriend.userId]; }  

and then call it in

  - (zero) request: (FBCAEE * *) was requested: (ID) result { Self-promotion: results]; }  


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