Java Web service using Apt. Do I need an annotation processor? What is wrong? -
I am trying to create a simple web service and it has been done later. Unfortunately I'm stuck. Here I have done this:
1) I have created this class:
package server; Import javax.jws.WebService; @ WebService Public Category HelloImpl {/ ** * @ Ultimate Name * @ Hello to the person, say hello. * / Say public string is hello (string name) {return "hello," + name + "!"; }}
2) I attended:
3) I get this warning is:
hostname [username: ~ / Desktop / webtest] [534]% suitable Warning: annotation type without processor: [JavaxkxmlkbindkannotationkXmlRootElement , Javax.xml. bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType, javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType, javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement] 1 Warning
production in the appropriate order should (according to the tutorial) files:
HelloServiceImpl.wsdl schema1.xsd classes / server / HelloImpl.class classes / server / jaxrpc / SayHello.class classes / server / jaxrpc / SayHelloResponse.class classes / server / jaxrpc / SayHello .java classes / server / jaxrpc /
Designed do when went generated I called it: ( Not generated, but it is still in the directory Not have) HelloImpl.class server / jaxws / SayHello.cass server / jaxws / server / jaxws / SayHelloResponse.class server / jaxws / Say
(missing :)
HelloServiceImpl.wsdl schema1.xsd
(paths are also slightly different)
I suspect that generated warning Going and other files are not being generated because I have "annotation type without processor".
I think the warning tells that he needs an annotation factory (processor). I know that you can specify what a factory is:
Enter the code here
-cp Where to find user class files and annotation processor factory
The 5-year tutorial could be a bit longer than Jax-RCP's successor , May require that you run only APT instead of equipment.
Take a look here for a mini tutorial
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