
Showing posts from March, 2011

How can I use different JARs for compiling and testing in maven? -

I compile my program against javaee-api. But for junit testing I should use a specific implementation such as the javaizer of glassfish. To avoid errors such as java.lang.ClassFormatError: The attribute in the absent code attribute that is not original or intangible in the class file javax / persistence / persistence (see also). Avoid using the method, which is only available in the glassfish implementation, I want to compile my artifact with the normal API but execute the junit with the implementation jar. But both offer the same named classes and inferfaces, so the class loader gets bothered. What is the best way to solve this problem? Can I solve this problem with Maven? Thank you very much I think this is possible. In fact, when starting with version 2.0.9, Maven uses POM commands to create a classpath, so that you can manipulate it anymore. And if you combine this with you, then it is possible to achieve whatever you want. In practice, if you have a first javae...

SQL calculation (Oracle) -

I have two db tables fine and fine. Fine has Fields * Forrest_ID [PK] * Penalty_mount There are fields in Fine_payment - * OK_Pemment_ID [PK] * Forrest_ID * Payment_mount Therefore There may be several payments in every fine. How do I go about choosing the penalties that are not fully paid and show unpaid amount? Oracle DB choose fine_id, fine_amount ----- --------- ----------------------------------------- -------- - - Insert one here, if "payment" gives a new match -------------------------- --------- ----------------------------, (OK_AMIT - COLLACES (payment.lalp_pad, 0)) Submit Outstanding Outside Balance as Outside External (Select OK_ID, OK (OK_ID) from FIN_PAPMENT GROUP already deposited in form of Payment (payment_size, 0), OK. Do not pay any taxes on the payments.Fin_ID where fine.fin_mount edit : internal included to has been replaced with external external partner / P>

objective c - How do I declare a class property as an enum type -

मैं एक कस्टम एन्यूम घोषित करना चाहता हूं जैसे कि: enum menuItemType {LinkInternal = 0 , मेरे उद्देश्य के लिए एक प्रकार के रूप में: @interface MenuItem: NSObject, LinkExternal = 1, Image = 2, Movie = 3, MapQuery = 4} {NSMutableString * menuId; NSMutableString * शीर्षक; Enum मेनूइस्टमम टाईप * मेनू टाइप; NSMutableArray * सबमेनूआइटम; } लेकिन मैं अनिश्चित हूँ कि मुझे कहां की परिभाषा डालनी है - अगर मैं इसे @ इंटर्फ़ेस से पहले इसे वाक्यविन्यास रूप से गलत समझा यदि आप इस क्रम में किसी फ़ाइल में अपने दो कोड स्निपेट डालते हैं, तो आपको केवल enum घोषणा के अंत में एक ; जोड़ना होगा और आप एक enum चर के बजाय एक संकेतक के बजाय एक enum चर का उपयोग करने पर विचार करना चाह सकते हैं। यह देता है: enum menuItemType {LinkInternal = 0, LinkExternal = 1, Image = 2, मूवी = 3, नक्शा = 4}; @ इंटरफेस मेनूआईटीम: एनएसओबीकेम {एनएसएमयूटीएबल स्ट्रिंग * मेनूइंड; NSMutableString * शीर्षक; Enum मेनूइस्टमम टाईप मेनू टाइप करें; NSMutableArray * सबमेनूआइटम; }

criteria - Controlling Hibernate's generated subselect -

Consider the following three hibernate organizations: public class carriage {@OneToMany (fetch ======================= ================================================== ============ Consider the following criteria: criteria = getSession (). CreateCriteria (Car.class); & Lt; Cars & gt; Cars = criteria List (); (Car Car: Cars) {Start (Car Gate Vahls ()); } Is there a way to control the subscribed query that will arise? In particular, I would like to be involved in the sub-genre so that hubbaps can also be obtained when the wheels are achieved. It can definitely be completed by replacing FetchType in EAGER, but I need some more ad hoc - the basis of the question On a query on As the code currently I will need to generate another selection to get Hubcaps. Yes, you can use these parameters but I do not remember how this has been done. Look for joining the criteria, though I would recommend using HQL, but the criteria is far more readable: Select f...

finance - MT4 Time based entry signal in MetaTrader4 -

Is there any code for any instance to generate during day based entry signals in MetaTrader 4? Like a particular hour and minute of each day I'm just working on such a function There is something to customize - I'm working on creating another common version which is going to be very big and tedious, it will need to include my file but without changing the code, it will have different charts Will be worth being able to stick on This will basically be a big case statement which I already have optimized for each individual time frame. What are you doing? Thanks for your interest in time and foreign exchange! bool existordertime (date time time, int octipat = -37) {// + -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- + / / | This function has been used for the inside of () and other conditions //. Usually called over time () Example: // | // | If (Existordertime (Timecourt ()) // | // | It accepts a datetime from time to time: // | 00:00 Many sec...

java - Need session key from facebook to get user data -

I have an external web app, which is essential to connect to Facebook and receive user data such as contacts. I successfully setup Facebook Connect on my website. Now I have to know how I can get the key to Facebook session and then call the Facebook Race Java API. Is there a clear tutorial that just does that? I have found this article to be really good:

javascript - Is it considered bad practice to use non-standard HTML attributes? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब मुझे यह बहुत सुविधाजनक है इस तरह की विशेषताओं को सेट करें: & lt; एक stackoverflowId = "123" & gt; ... & lt; / a & gt; और जावास्क्रिप्ट में: var soId = $ selectofA.attr ('stackoverflowId'); // jQuery क्या यह बिल्कुल अच्छा अभ्यास है? मुझे अभी तक इसकी कोई समस्या नहीं हुई है। एचटीएमएल 5 में आप इसे डेटा - * विशेषता: & lt; एक आईडी = "myDiv" डेटा-स्टैक ओवरफ्लोआईडी = "123" & gt; ... & lt; / a & gt; चूंकि आप jQuery का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, इसलिए आप को चेक कर सकते हैं। यह आपको क्लास विशेषता में JSON मेटाडेटा को संग्रहीत और पार्स करने की अनुमति देगा, और आपका मार्कअप अभी भी मान्य होगा। आप इस तरह अपना मेटाडेटा सम्मिलित कर पाएंगे: & Lt; a वर्ग = "your_class {stackoverflowId: '123'}" & gt; ... & lt; / a & gt; और इस प्रकार इसे निकालें: var डेटा = $ selectofA.metadata ();

php - Preventing jQuery from Loading -

If jquery has been added globally to header.php, then how do jquery libraries Stop the site which does not really need to load? If we can not use multiple headers. The purpose of the question is not to punish those pages, which are loading slowly which is not really needed. Your site should not require more than one global header, if you want to use the header Choose from options to start from If this happens, just include jQuery on all pages. This is a small cache file, it will not harm the browsing experience. By using this, it may be that many of your uses have already been cached before reaching your site.

.net 3.5 - Allow only positive number with text input mask -

I have a set of text input mask that is better than numbers 0-999 or better than 1-999 Allows So I tried the mask "## 0", but unfortunately it also allows negative numbers too. Is there any way to allow only positive numbers? Best regards, Anira Until 9090 I understand your question. This will make space an allowed character for two first digits, and the last one must always have a number.

c - Returning an array of char pointers -

I am trying to return an array of char * in a function. The code is simplified in the case of a test, in which a four array is cloned, in which instead of changing the letters indicates those characters. / * * code.c * / #include & lt; Stdio h & gt; Four * mapcountercopy (four CEN []); Int main () {char cTest [] = {'c', 't', 's', 't'}; Four * CPT [] = MakePaperCopy (CTT); Printf ("% p% c", CPTist, * CPTST); Fflush (stdout); Return 0; } Char * makePointerCopy (char cIn []) {char * cOut [sizeof (cin) / sizeof (Cen [0])]; Int iCntr; (ICntr + 0; iCntr & lt; for sizeof (cin) / sizeof (Cen [0]); iCntr ++) [iCntr] = cIn + iCntr; Returning cottage; } On the one hand, what the compiler has to say about this code snippet: Invalid initial (but char * CPT [] = MakePaperCopy (CTT); ) Why does this happen? Because makes a copy of a copypoint a four * Is not a four * [] . You should be able to change that line to: ...

debugging - Can't debug Android: This device cannot start. (Code 10) -

I have a new Nexus One. I'm trying to follow the instructions. When I plug the device, it does not start with the new hardware wizard because the documentation suggests. I can run hdwwiz.exe to launch it and install the driver manually, but when I do, Device Manager says: "This device can not be started. (Code 10)" What am I doing wrong here? I forgot to enable "USB debugging" in Settings -> Applications -> Development such as Only I did this, the new hardware wizard appeared and the installation was easily done.

What is the maximum application filesize for Blackberry App World -

We are planning an application program for BlackBerry and are wondering if the maximum size of the app is. There were just a few small apps in search of the App World. There will be hundreds of images and audiophiles in our app, which will be about 40 to 50 MB. Is it possible for your Blackberry? Thx for your reply! It is possible - but not practical. First of all, consider that many people install the app OTA (over air) and it takes a lot of time to download 40-50 MB even on the fast 3G connection. Another factor is limited memory on the device. The app has to be stored and run from on-the-flash memory, which is quite limited (32MB for older device, 64 MB or 128MB on new devices). Apps, email, contacts etc. take place on all main storage, so this place is at premium. Basically even if people give enough space to adjust an app on their device, then it is likely that unless they are actually a killer app, they are not setting it up due to size. An alternative for bundling i...

big o - Algorithm analysis , Big O Notation Homework -

Can anyone tell me how to solve this homework? (N + log n) 3 ^ n = o ((4 ^ n) / n) I think it is similar to solving this inequality: (n + log n) 3 ^ n and lt; You need to find the AC (as you mentioned in your problem), and you need to show that inequality is more for everyone than all Kashmiri. By showing that you have c and k questions, you have proven to be a great force. On the contrary, if you can not find such AC and Kashmir, it is because the function on the left is not actually to the upper limit from the function on the right side. This matter should not be here, though (and you will know that you are getting more intuitive understanding of uncompressive development / bounding, when you can actually explain why).

android - How to do something after user clicks on my EditText -

मेरे पास एक EditText है जो समय दिखाता है जब उपयोगकर्ता EditText पर क्लिक करता है, तो मुझे TimePickerDialog दिखाना है, इसलिए मैंने अपने EditText पर View.OnClickListener सेट किया है। । लेकिन OnClickListener अजीब व्यवहार कर रहा है - मैं EditText को स्पर्श करता हूं और फिर सॉफ्टवेयर कीबोर्ड दिखाई देता है (जो मुझे नहीं चाहिए)। जब मैं फिर से स्पर्श करता हूं, OnClickListener.onClick () को अंततः कहा जाता है और संवाद प्रकट होता है। मुझे क्या करना चाहिए अगर मैं संवाद को तत्काल प्रकट करना चाहता हूं? अधिकांश अन्य नियंत्रणों के विपरीत, EditText s फ़ोकसनीय है, जबकि सिस्टम 'टच मोड' में है पहला क्लिक ईवेंट नियंत्रण को केंद्रित करता है, जबकि दूसरा क्लिक ईवेंट वास्तव में OnClickListener को निकालता है यदि आप android: focusableInTouchMode विशेषता के साथ स्पर्श-मोड फ़ोकस अक्षम करते हैं, तो OnClickListener को अपेक्षित रूप से आग लगाना चाहिए। & lt; EditText android : Text = "@ + id / editText01" एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: एंड्रॉइड: layout_width =...

sharepoint - Multiple Groupings within a Content Query Web Part -

Does anyone know how to do multiple groups on content query web part I've been able to achieve everything , But I got the issue of sub group What do I have to do, first group the list of column 1, then in that group group, on column 2 Any help will be great thanks ContentQueryMain.xsl you need to modify & lt; Xsl: template name = "outerTemplate.Body"> but it will end in the group you want to add to end it. And you can give more options (I have not got a feature list to confirm that you can do to many groups)

string - Retain case when using str_ireplace? -

I am creating a search that searches the text tag and I'm working this code correctly: str_ireplace ($ q, '& lt; span & gt;' $ q. '& Lt; / Span & gt; ', $ row [name]); The problem is that if a user searches for Tom then Tom will show that is cool, but if they Tom will show tom because of str_ireplace , does this make sense? The real issue is that if someone records Tom ARNFAL , though this will do the right thing, the aesthetics are actually Page Tom ARNFAL Should I retain the capital letter of both the stars and the lower case? Is there a better way to wrap the insensitive text from a string? use stristr to get the needle from itemprop = "text"> a stack of grass, case insensitive $ keyword_caseRetained_all = stristr ($ numerator, $ keyword); But it also gives the needle and the cover of the remaining grass, so you only have to use substrost to keep the needle part. Start at the position of 0, Reach...

validation - WPF TextBox Validating results ToolTip -

Experiment with WPF valid input, I tried to use ToolTip to display results of text box input validation, Like: & lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "Validation. HesError" Value = "true" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "Tooltip" value = "{Compulsive Relative Sorce = {Relative Aces Self}, path = (Validation. Arrays) [0] .RescueSource}" /> & Lt; / Catalyst & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> This was very uncomfortable for me, that tooltip is not shown in the text of the text in the text box, while validating the error at the moment, but only after the mouse pointer, the intentional text The box is put on. This violates the user's expectations regarding the applicability of the UI, so when I get the verification verification error, the validation error results have been entered in the separate text block that appears automatically and instantly . > But maybe I'm wrong and do not use...

c - How to write a function within a function (list_map) -

Hello, I have asked some questions on linked lists. First of all I want to thank everyone for helping me with this. But I have a problem that I can not understand. I also asked the professor, but he emailed me back with a bit of information, in fact I am writing a link in C (see link above). One of the professors gives us the header file: zero list_map (INTLIST * list, zero (* f) (zero *)); / * Implements a function for each element of the list. * / So I emailed him about this and said: Another question In the header file, you have not defined a sorting function, do we have to type a sorting function with prototype and what is the list_map and responded with it: / P> Tell you to implement the sorting function It is what is called through Suchi_map (List, F). Hope it clears your doubts. I only doubt that it has not been completely taught. Here's some pseudo code: How can I actually sort the link list? tmp = head; While (TMP! = Null) {tmp2 = tmp- & gt...

Switch to last-active tab in VIM -

In Vim, is there a way to quickly toggle between the current tab and the last active tab? Sort the way 'Toggles' plugins / keyboard mapping / magic are all acceptable between the current line and the last active line. Put it in your .vimrc: Walk: last tab = 1 Nmp & lt; Leader & gt; TL: XE "tab" .g: the final tab & lt; CR & gt; Au TabLeave * let g: lasttab = tabpagenr () Then, in normal mode, you type \ tl to swap the tabs you saw last.

c# - Dynamically Create ASP.NET Content Pages -

Is it possible with ASP.Net Master Pages to streamline content pages? That's it, I know that we can dynamically create content, but content pages themselves, can they create programs? I want to give my users the ability to define new content pages (i.e. categories: sof, tables, lamps, and deletion / removal if deleted) through a management panel. As a result, content pages should have proper URL naming so that they can index well. An example:. Can I see any of this performance somewhere? Your question is struggling some people once again, but these days some Better with the techniques. For the rescue! With it, you can map your friendly URL to your dynamically-generated content, so if a user creates a new "lamp" in the "Products" category, then ASP.NET MVC Uses those URLs to complete, and you can use it without the ASP.NET MVC if your project has these restrictions, if you can not use .NET 3.5, then another URL is relay Go with Tech.

c - How can I quickly determine the amount of rows in a text file? -

I'm new to using C programming, I was wondering what the function call is that the amount is quickly Can be used to determine the rows in a text file. integer number (char * fileName) {FILE * f; Four c; Int lines = 0; F = fopen (filename, "r"); If returned (f ==) 0; While ((C = fgetc (f)) = EOF) if (C == '\ n') lines ++; Fclose (f); If (c! = '\ N') lines ++; Return lines; }

DotNetNuke: load data in session at login time -

I am using DN5. When a user logs in, I want to load in some data sessions. Where should I add my code? Should I interfere with the code behind login.aspx ?

Django: How can you validate a model if the __init__() just raises errors as soon as you feed it data? -

मान लें कि मेरे पास CarModel (models.Model) है जो price = models का उपयोग करता है कारमोडेल आयात कार = कारमोडाल (नाम = 'कार्वेट', कीमत = 'हैलो वर्ल्ड') ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हालिया कॉल) : पिछले): ... मान्यकरण त्रुटि: 'कीमत एक दशमलव ()' होने की ज़रूरत है '' त्रुटि मूल रूप से यह थी। चूंकि कीमत दशमलव की उम्मीद थी लेकिन विश्व ') कार.पूर्णता_केलन () ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): ... मान्यकरण त्रुटि:' कीमत एक दशमलव () की आवश्यकता है ' क्या मैं इस बारे में सही सोच रहा हूं? क्या यह मानता है कि मान्यकरण त्रुटि को सहेजने पर ही उठाया जाना चाहिए () या स्पष्ट रूप से पूर्ण_क्लिकन () को बुला सकता है? उदाहरण सहेजे नहीं जाते जब तक कि आप सहेज न लें ()। कहा जा रहा है कि यह मुद्दा एक init है डीजेंगो सही मजबूर करने की कोशिश करता है, अपने सभी मूल्यों को सही डेटाटाइप में बदल देता है। इस मामले में डेटा को ठीक से ठीक से नहीं किया जा सकता है, इसलिए Django आपको तुरंत अपवाद देता है मुझे एहसास है कि भेद थोड़ा अस्पष्ट लग सकता है, लेकिन अगर ऐसा ...

python - Python3 http.server POST example -

I'm converted to Python 3 App a Python 2 AP and I'm stuck with the server I I got it Managed to get it, just fix the requests, but the post has continued to tempt me. Here I was introduced in 2.6, but 3.x that does not handle normal server POST requests I Python manual it appears from my reading should I use instead of Class A CGI server script in that directory Should also be mapped. I do not have to do this but I can not find another way. Am I missing something? def do_POST (self): ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header (self.headers.get ( 'content-type')) that Sitiipi == 'multipath / form -data': query = cgi.parse_multipart (self.rfile, pdict) self.send_response (301) self.end_headers () upfilecontent = query.get ( 'upfile') print ( "filecontent", upfilecontent [0]) self Wfile.write ( "& Lt; HTML & gt; POST is OK. & Lt; BR & gt; & lt; BR & gt; "); Self.wfile.write (upfilecontent [0]); Poking and after a few ...

sql - mysql numeric database limitation -

Can not a boundary of the database name be made as numeric? mysql> Create Database 1; ... Results in: Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; To use '1' near ...., check the manual related to your MySQL server edition for the correct syntax or am I doing something wrong? You can create a database with purely numerical names - you have to quote though: create database `1`; There are limitations on the names.

php - Dynamic pages and clean URL conflicts -

I saw some people and saw how other sites could handle it and in fact I did not see anything like a project I'm working on where you can create pages that are linked to another page. This is where my problem is coming. I'm not sure how to join these pages. I have only thought about two ideas: Note, I am using mod_rewrite to redirect them to a file which takes the page name as a parameter and captures all. The information related to DB and it displays, this is where one issue develops for # 2. Idea # 1 works and is solid, but I think it is very unattractive and you are not able to see many websites that other pages of that site , Which contains other padded other information in the URL. They will never exclude any such data, in whose case the pages formatted in this example would be more appropriate. I would like to compare these pages about SO SO Fax or Page, in which the URL is not formatted in this manner. Idea # 2 looks cleaner, but ...

Best Approach to write a FaceBook application for Android -

बैकग्राउंड: फेसबुक एपीआई (और एसडीके) अन्य मोबाइल उपकरणों जैसे आईफोन, ब्लैकबेरी आदि के लिए आवेदन विकसित करने के लिए उपलब्ध है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि एंड्रॉइड (?) के लिए कोई आधिकारिक नहीं हैं। लोगों ने पोर्टड जावा एपीआई को एंड्रॉइड पर काम करने के लिए और फेसबाय क्लाइंट एप्लिकेशन लिखे हैं ()। जाहिर है, एंड्रॉइड के लिए अल्फा रिलीज में एक हल्के वजन फेसबीडी एसडीके (एक ला एफबीआरकॉक) भी है। लेकिन उत्पादन में इसका इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकता है। चूंकि ये फेसबुक फ़ंक्शनलिटी को आरईटी आधारित सेवा के रूप में उजागर किया गया है, इसलिए अधिकांश काम एचटीटीपी पर वांछित प्रारूप में अनुरोध भेजना चाहते हैं। इसलिए, एंड्रॉइड के लिए एक फेसबुक क्लाइंट ऐप लिखना निश्चित रूप से संभव है। बाजार में पहले से ही समान अनुप्रयोग हैं: ब्लू। प्रश्न: जब एक फेसबुक क्लाइंट एप्लिकेशन लिखने के लिए कहा गया, तो किस दृष्टिकोण का उपयोग करना चाहिए? क्या हमें एसडीके का चयन करना चाहिए या सेवाओं को एचटीटीपी से ऊपर ले जाना चाहिए? अगर पहले से ही एक वेब अनुप्रयोग है जो फेसबुक के साथ एकीकृत है, तो क्या हम उ...

c++ - First time ever creating a Terrain -

The first night to take a look at the different ways to make terrain. I want to work on a racing project and wondering if there was a way to create a 3D race track. We plan to use C ++, and are also using Physics and OpenGL. Where do I want to make terriers? Apart from this, anyone knows about some good tutorials / tips that can help me :) Thanks The most basic way to make terrain is to use an altitude map and create a mesh outside it. I can do it compared to Google. By the way, Avoid going to Lighthouse 3D now ; It has been hacked and crashes your browser. Here one can be helpful.

c# - user profile issue with Forms Authentication and SharePoint -

I am using SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise I and I am using Publishing Portal And I'm using a custom form authentication solution - I store the user's name and password in a custom (schema) SQL Server database. The database stores user profile information. I am developing VSTS 2008 + C # + .NET 3.5+ using ASP.Net + SharePoint Server 2007 SDK. I want to know how to integrate the user profile stored in the database in SharePoint User Profiles Management program so that with SharePoint all user information, I can click on a link for a user and then Stored data stored in my database can be displayed)? Any possible solution? BTW: I just care about displaying the same value of the profile, there is no need to recover user profile data from my custom database, any other repository is okay. P> Thanks in advance, George The provider will need to implement. Actually you will inherit from provider and implement information on how t...

Dealing with warnings in c compilations -

मेरे पास संकलन के दौरान निम्नलिखित चेतावनियां हैं: solver.c: 24: चेतावनी : असंगत सूचक प्रकार से 'mtrx_multiple' का तर्क गुजर रहा है mat.h: 5: नोट: अपेक्षित 'डबल *' लेकिन तर्क 'डबल **' solver.c की है: चेतावनी: असाइनमेंट बिना किसी पूर्णांक से सूचक बनाता है डाली solver.c: 39: चेतावनी: असाइनमेंट पूर्णांक से एक कास्ट /tmp/ccmU9zRf.o के बिना पॉइंटर बनाता है: फ़ंक्शन `vec_norm ': math.c :(। टेक्स्ट + 0x331):` sqrt' संग्रह 2 के लिए अनिर्धारित संदर्भ: ld 1 बाहर निकलने की स्थिति लौटे हैं: solver.c डबल * cg_solve ( Sparse_mat_t ए, डबल * ख, डबल * x) {डबल * ए; डबल ** आर; डबल * हो; डबल ** p; डबल ** x0; X0 [0] = वीसीकॉपी (एक्स, आकार); ... रेखा 24: आर [0] = वीक_स्यूबट्रक्शन (बी, एमटीएक्स_मल्टीप्ल (ए, एक्स 0), आकार); रेखा 30: x0 [k + 1] = vec_addition (x0 [k], vec_numb_multiple (a [k], पी [k], आकार), आकार); रेखा 39: पी [के + 1] = vec_addition (r [k + 1], vec_numb_multiple (हो [k], p [k], आकार), आकार); } math.h पंक्ति 5: डबल * mtrx_multiple (spars...

Oracle Apex - Optional List of Values (LOV) -

To use the list of values, there is a way in Oracle APX or select a list, but the user Do not force them to choose and allow them to enter different items? The basic requirement I have is similar to the combo box, where you can optionally select an item from the list or enter a completely new one. Thank you Mark Yes: You can use the Popup LOV item type, where the user can type anything to them, and LOV is used only to give them suggestions if they click the LOV button. You can use a selection list, and set display tap = yes; But then users can not enter their own values.

Lotus Quickr - QuickrlocaleUtil Error -

I have installed lotusquickr in my system. When I run an application called main.nsf in the lotusquickr folder, I get the following error "QuickrLocaleUtil is undefined". Since I am completely new to this, I do not know what is the reason for this error. Please help me. Based on the QuickCard version and how you set it up, one of these documents solves the problem Empty page will be displayed: Domino console class class exposure: QUICKER WELCOME PAGE will not be displayed (url :)

iphone - Customize height of n cells in UITableView, but not all the same -

Thanks for the people here I've already learned quite a lot on my way to a cool iPhone app, I'm working on the I am However, I was wondering if anyone knew how to manipulate a UTTL VV so that a cell can be a different height (if any, or if it is not possible, it is only one of the selected ones). I know I can use something like this: - (CGFloat) table view: (UITableView *) table view height ForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath * ) IndexPath {return 70; } * / To modify the entire table view, but how do I put it into a single, specific cell? The ultimate goal is to get an "OS X doc" - while scrolling in a table like zoom effect ... Any help is appreciated. Best regards, Jay * The method you have in your question Quoting, this is exactly the method you want to use. The code you post always gives a fixed price but the indexpath parameter is there so that you can use it in whatever conditional processing you want to do. For example, determine whether t...

cocoa - How to properly cascade delete managed objects in Core Data? -

I have a core data model that has three entities: A, B, and C. In connection with one-to-many B, there are many relationships with B and many relationships. The rules removed for A are -> B "Cascade", and B -> A "No Action" B -> C is the rule for "no action", and C -> B is "taboo" . I am having trouble deleting a unit. What I want to do is the following: I delete an example of A (use deleteObject: ) Any B Remove the spread of All the beings connected with A. have been destroyed Any relationship of C whose associated B was destroyed was removed. It may be a little misleading, so summarize me: when AA is removed, remove all associated B And any In terms of C, they should not have any more context in reference to those B. In my trial, I do not have to "remove all my rules" cessed. When I delete an A, I immediately call processPendingChanges (only to ensure that deletion is done). Then I am comparing th...

how to generate permutations of array in python? -

I have an array of 27 elements, and I do not want to generate all the permutations of the array (27!) I need 5000 randomly selected permutations, any tip will be useful ... using a permutation Repeat this operation in a loop and check the duplicate every time you use it to copy and archive the result (there is probably none) Will be). Your results set contains 5000 items, stop. To address the point in the comment, it is based on Python and it has a duration of 2 ** 19937-1 , which is 27! , it should be appropriate for your use.

sql - one record from each group? -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक मेज है: x1 | Y1 | X2 | Y2 | क्षेत्र | रंग 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | आर 5 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 2 | जी 5 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 2 | बी 5 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 2 | आर 5 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 3 | जी 5 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 3 | बी मैं एक एसक्यूएल क्वेरी का निर्माण कैसे कर सकता हूं ताकि परिणामस्वरूप तालिका में एक आर, जी, बी (अधिकतम क्षेत्र वाले प्रत्येक) के एक इस रिकॉर्ड के निर्देशांक को संरक्षित करें? मैंने MAX (क्षेत्र) और ग्रुप द्वारा रंग की कोशिश की है, लेकिन इससे मुझे आर, जी, बी के लिए अधिकतम क्षेत्र के साथ रिकार्ड मिल जाता है, लेकिन उनके निर्देशांक के साथ मिलकर नहीं। मैं PostgreSQL नमूना आउटपुट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं (ऊपर के लिए ), कुछ ऐसा होना चाहिए: 5 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 2 | आर 5 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 3 | जी 5 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 3 | बी असल में इसे चौथा, 5 वें और 6 वें रिकॉर्ड को वापस करना चाहिए। आपका प्रश्न थोड़ा अस्पष्ट है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि आप यह चाहते हैं: SELECT T2। * से (चयन रंग, अधिकतम (क्षेत्र) एएस क्षेत्र से तालिका 1 ग्रुप द्वारा रंग) एएस टी 1 तालिका 1 में जुड़ें टी 2 ऑन टी 1.रेआ = टी 2.रे...

winforms - Is there something like master page in desktop aplications? -

Can I have a master form that has Windows Forms? Or even windows control? Thank you very much. I think you want to make it. Additionally, all Windows farms can have controls, so you can create a form by definition that contains control.

security - How to secure a service REST with spring3? -

I have just created a web service using Spring 3 using MVC annotation (@controller, @ request mapping) and Now I'm looking for a way to secure it. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you, I recommend learning about spring safety Ben Alex is the founder, so he is well qualified to teach. Disclaimer: While spring-protection will provide some authentication and access control, it will not guarantee that your system is safe!

java - commons net ftp deadlock? -

I have a procedure that is supposed to file the file at a remote location every 5 minutes. It seems that has been stuck for several hours and he is not sending the file. I have dumped a thread to see what's going on and this is the status of my thread: "SPPersister" prio = 6 tid = 0x03782400 nid = 0x16c4 Runnable [0x0468f000..0x0468fd14] java.lang.Thread.State: (native resident method) runnable on (unknown source) But at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead on sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes (unknown source) (unknown source) - lock & lt; 0x239ebea0 & gt; (A at on (unknown source) (unknown source) - stopped & Lt; 0x239ebea0 & gt; (A at (Unknown Source) at org.apache.comm...

drupal rules i have to create a history table when users does some action -

Anyone can tell me how to do this He creates a content, browse a specific page, do a search ... I have created a content type history and I have written a rule to insert one row in the table .. It works fine, but it displays when I create a view to display the results. Only the rows I created manually (create content-> history), the view only shows this result. Another way to view the database query is to create a node. I have tried with the firebug module, but how it will be detected. Diu modules Many debugging functions allow you to print the content either on the page or in the log file. I do not use the firebug adon / module combo, so do not comment on it. I would recommend using it though I have used to work now and how it works that I have not yet bothered / need to switch anyway. To use Devel, you need to call dpm () to get your debugging to print it on the screen or dd () to log it into the log file Printed in The log file is created in the TMP file ...

css - add delay to this jquery on hover -

I am using this code: var timeout = 500; Win cell = 0; Var ddmenuitem = 0; Function navBar_open () {navBar_canceltimer (); NavBar_close (); Ddmenuitem = $ (this) .find ('ul'). CSS ('visibility', 'view');} function navBar_close () {if (ddmenuitem) ddmenuitem.css ('visibility', 'hidden');} function navbar_timer () {closet = window.settime (navBar_close, timeout) ;} NavBar_canceltimer () {if (colitimer) function {window.clearTimeout (collater); Close ('mouseover', navbar_open) / mouseover $ ('# nebra & gt; Lee'). $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# navBar & gt; li'). Bind ('Mouout', Navibar_time)}); // Mouseout document. Click on = navbar_coll; Which works fine What do I want to do that adds delay to the mouseover event I will be honest, Found on other sites and it does not fully understand how it works. I think that when users exit the mushrooms, then the navBar_timer function, which adds ...

javascript - ASP.Net RegularExpression Validator - Parsing bug -

Using ASP.NET RigXP Vedic, I want to write a regular expression which ensures that the field has only numerical and decimal values, and at least one letter ^ [0- 9] {1,40} (\ [0- 9] {1,2})? $ Originally: [0- 9] {1,40} - Meaning of at least one to 40 numeric characters. ASP.Net does not have a fire for the regexp validator, an empty area - where there is at least one letter. Actions-around: Using the custom validator in javascript with regexp check: validate the function (sender, args) {var error = true; Var txtMinTrans = document.getElementById ('TxtMinTrans'); Var regexp = new RegExp ("^ [0- 9] {1,40} (\ [0- 9] {1,2})" $ "); if (txtMinTrans.value.match (regexp)) {Warning ( "Good");} and {warning ("bad");} if (error) args.IsValid = false; Else args.IsValid = true;} Code> txtMinTrans.length == 0 . There is no need to check if someone else has experienced this. Regx verifier will not actually run unless there is no va...

ruby on rails - Encrypting Parameters across controllers -

I need to pass one parameter to another in one controller I understand the parameters Must be highlighted in a gET url string. What is the best way to encrypt the data, so no one can see what is actually happening in the string? Also, is there a way to pass it through POST or is my original understanding correct? I have not used ROR, but in the web world, this problem is solved with sessions. You can store the parameters on the server by using sessions and avoid sending sensitive data with GET or POST (both are unsafe). Looks like a great reading related to this.

typeclass - What is the effect of type synonyms on instances of type classes? What does the TypeSynonymInstances pragma in GHC do? -

I'm reading Real World Haskell PG151, and I've seen the following passage as one For more than hours: Remember that string is a substitute for [variable], which in turn has [a] type where the character is modeled for the parameter. According to the rules of Haskell 98, when we write an example, then we are not allowed to supply one type of substance instead of any type of parameter. In other words, writing an example for [a] would be legal for us, but not for [four]. 16 Comments 5335 It's not just drowning in. I see that too many other people are actually suffering with it I still do not understand it by comments ... First of all, everything about it confuses me, so please if you think that you can explain anything about this path, Or TypeSynonymInstances please Here's my problem: Int a data constructor string one data constructor and type synonym Can not answer questions: Why does one type of option prevent a member from a typ...

architecture - Is it possible to run x86 assembly on a x64 operating system? -

Recently I decided to try on the basic x86 assembly so that the program is easy to debug, etc, etc. So I started (about a week ago) learning x86 assembly, in that time, I upgraded my computer to 8 GB RAM, so my x86 Windows XP installation was ruining all the memory, now, I have a x64 Copying Windows 7, the question is: Is it possible to work on an x64 operating system with x86 assembly? Is this emulator? Or should i learn x64 assembly? Yes, of course. Most programs are still 32 bits and run fine on 64-bit Windows systems. There are machine languages ​​in those programs, where there is one mapping with the assembly (and it can be easily divided into the X86 assembly code).

What's the difference between my ($variableName) and my $variableName in Perl? -

मेरे ($ variableName) और my $ variableName पर्ल में? कोष्ठकों को क्या करना है? महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव तब होता है जब आप एक ही समय में चर को प्रारंभ करते हैं इसे घोषित करें: मेरी ($ a) = @ बी; # $ A = $ b प्रदान करता है [0] मेरी $ a = @b; # $ A = स्केलर @ बी (@ बी की लंबाई) दूसरी बार महत्वपूर्ण है जब आप कई चर घोषित करते हैं। मेरे ( एक, $ ख, $ C $); # सही, सभी चर को अब मेरी $ a, $ b, $ c; # $ ए को अब मौखिक रूप से स्कॉड किया गया है, लेकिन $ b और $ c नहीं हैं यदि आप सख्त का उपयोग करें >

winforms - LINQ: Stop lazy loading or force properties to be loaded -

Consider a report in Windows formats that uses Linux for objects in the form of data. I have a unit named credit with a consortium named Customer . The problem is that when I try to reach A property in the customer's report, it returns empty or empty string. I think this is due to the sluggish load, but I'm not sure to be honest, is there any way to fix this problem? In your case, closing the data reference leads to zero value, which for through use had not been recovered using DataLoadOptions to indicate clearly the context: (var your Detatontekst = .....) {DataLoadOptions Dlo = new DataLoadOptions (); Dlo.LoadWith & lt; Loans & gt; (LoanRecord => LonarCard. Customer); YourDataContext.LoadOptions = dlo; // Type the code to retrieve data}

Processing a simple workflow in Python -

I am working on a code that takes the dataset and runs some algorithms on it. User uploads a dataset, and then selects the algorithm to run on this dataset and creates a workflow like this: workflow = {0: {' Dataset ':' some dataset ', 1: {' algorithm1 ': "parameter"}, 2: {' algorithm2 ': "parameter"}, 3: {' algorithm 3 ': "parameter"}} which means that I will run the workflow [0] as my dataset, and I will run it as algorithm1 . After that, I will take the result and I will run the algorithm2 on this result like my new dataset. And I will take new results and run it on algorithm3 This happens to this last item and there is no limit to this workflow. I am writing it in Python. Can you recommend some strategy about processing this workflow? You want to run a pipeline on some datasets. It looks like less operation (fold in some languages). result = less (lambda data, (anonym, p): algo_by_na...

c# - Link to a root controller from area controller in ASP MVC -

How can I link to one of my area's root root administrator? & lt;% Html .render action ("Action", "page", new {domain = "root", name = "administrator"}); & Gt%; This gives me an error: No route matched in the route table matches the values ​​supplied. I have a controller named page in my root controller archive in the folder named Admin . I can access this admin by typing the \ Admin \ page. In this way I register the route: routes. MapRoute ("Admin", "Admin / {Administrator} / {Action} / {ID}", new {admin = "admin", action = "index", id = ""}); I expected that I can address the "admin" path in my view of this syntax, but that was not working. Any ideas about fixing it? & lt;% html.RenderAction ("action", "controller", new { Field = ""}}; & gt;

c# - How to use AxWebBrowser in console application -

I want to use AxWebBrowser on the console application, but it gives me the following exception: The type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost + InvalidActiveXStateException' was thrown. Please help me use AxWebBrowser for any of the sample code # console applications c # without any exeption ... Your console application is no longer separate from a Windows Forms application. By launching a new project with the Windows Forms Application Project template, it is really easy to fix everything by starting project + properties, output type = console applications. Edit the app. Call Run () Program.cs, so it is not making a form. It will not deal with the application. Run () Any easy, timer to run the code.

What are the good Scala IDEs at the start of 2010? -

I know this is an accurate, but a year has passed and Scala is fast moving, so I think It may be acceptable to ask again: What is the best IDE for Scala development now? I know that the eclipse plugin is in progress and a complete rewrite for Scala 2.8 But I saw that a colleague recently used the construction and it was very poor. I use IntelliJ IDEA (9 free) and for this Scala plugin is really good. Excellent syntax highlighting, code navigation, etc. It's not as good as Java support, but then I expect it not to expect it. It's great that I think I was more productive than I was in Java! There is also specs integration and console integration.

java - How to erase existing text in a file -

I am working on an assignment for school, and am trying something beyond additional credit. The program is for displaying the difference of efficiency between a linear amp; Binary search for a given array size of an integer I have a loop set up which creates an int [size] array, searches for a random number, then creates a new array of int [size * 2] is. The result then a text file. Output ok, but after compiling & amp; While running the program several times, the output file contains several sections of the data. This is my code that is nested in any attempt / catch block: file output = new file ("c: \\ BigOhResults.txt"); Int counter = 2; If (output. CanWrite () & output.exists ()) {BufferedWriter = New BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (output, true)); Out.written (type + "\ n \ n"); // typed the search type. Type (type + "search result \ n \ n"); While (counter & lt; = data.size ()) {out.write (data.get (counter-1) + "milliseco...

flash - Get Current Browser URL - ActionScript 3 -

I'm trying to get the current browser URL. I have already tried with an external call, and it is not working. And with loaderInfo.url, I get the current SWF URL. Let it go one: import flash.external ExternalInterface; Var url: string = external interface. Call ("window.location.href.toString"); If (url) textfield.text = url; should do the trick.

hide - jQuery, trying to remove a hidden div after x seconds? -

Hey, I'm trying to "hide" a div, then hide once the "remove" It seems that I can work either, but not both. I've tried using setTimeout, but it is only hidden in the div, but not really removed. Here's the code: $ (this). Parents ("div: eq (0)"). Hide ("sharp"); SetTimeout (function () {$ (this) .parents ("div: eq (0)"). Remove ();}, 1000); If I delete without setTimeout, then it removes the divis, but the animation does not show hide. Appreciate any help! I believe this is a scoping issue when your setTimeout () function moves, the is different in the context of the function, when you declared it. Try it: var itself = $ (this) .prents ("div: eq (0)"); Self.hide ("fast"); SetTimeout (function () {self.remove ();}, 1000);

java - Where is the debug class path in netbeans / where does the spring config XML file go? -

I have another project with a series of packages in the Java Desktop App (Main Project) and Netbusiness. Some packages use spring for JDBC and IoC. I'm having the following error while running the debug: Reason by: class path resource [config.xml] can not be opened because It does not exist Where does the config file go? Where is the classroom path actually? Is it in the root of the project in dist , build , which spring or main project (desktop app)? Confused. When you call your app java You can specify it using: java - cp $ path my.Main Where $ path is your Classpath is This is a : - Jar files and / or directories that have compiled .class files, on the seperated ( ; ) windows If you run your program: java -cp configdir my.Main and its spring config configdir (full Way qualified path) should be searched. Netbeans : Unless I am a Netbeen user, probably provides several ways to accomplish the task you want:...

java - Why am I getting array elements with "0"? (See pastie inside) -

Hey there's Java initials here :) Well, I'm having some trouble with this program: 1) I want to divide my program into an odd list of "input" arrays, even set up lists and negative lists. However, while dividing it, it is adding a bunch of elements in the form of "0". 2) 0 will only be added to the weird list. 3) How do I add from the average and griter to the end of the array? thanks :) 1) Your array is longer than its content Because, because an array is of fixed length, there should be some extra spots which are 0. 2) You should add 0 if possible, even in the list, because > = int [] oddList = new int [a.length + 1]; Use the array line line.length-1] = averageAndGreater (input2); The easiest way to get an array of the right size is to use the built-in Arriylist class in Java. You can also remake at the end of the method, when you know how long it should be. Like the following: int array = new int [total]; For (int...

javascript - Getting rid of Value attribute of a textBox when using clone method in jQuery -

I am having trouble on this form, I am working on whenever I add or refresh the page Values ​​still exist. I believe this is because the clone method copies the value attribute from the text box. Is there any way, when I add another text box, can I get rid of them? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; JQuery example & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery-1.4.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function removeTextBox () {var childCount = $ ('p'). Keep track of the basic guidelines of the size () // paragraph // It should always be 2p if the user should not first remove if (childCount! = 2) {var $ textbox = $ ('# textbox') $ TextBox.detach ()}} function addTextBox () {var $ textbox = $ ('# textbox') var $ clonedTextBox = $ textbox.clone () //document.getElementById('textBox')....

c# - Assert all in A belongs to B and all in B belongs to A -

I am proud to claim this link: bool Assert1 = (A selection of B.C.Centent (E, new TComparer ()) All (x => gt = x true); Bool assert2 = (B in A selection A concent & Lt; T & gt; (E, new TComparer ()). All (x => x == true); Assert (assert1 & amp;; assert2); It will check that A and B are equal to the same elements ie a ⊆ b and baa. Is there a great way to do this? I will do this: iComparier Comparator = new tepexper (); bool equal =! A.exept (b, thannar). Any () & amp;! B.Expect (A, Tollar). Any ();

python - django error in my code ,what does i do -

से आयात setup_enver register2 आयात सेटिंग्स से setup_environ (सेटिंग्स) django से django आयात रूपों से contrib.auth.forms रूप _ वर्ग AuthenticationRememberMeForm (AuthenticationForm) ugettext_lazy django.utils.translation आयात से AuthenticationForm आयात: "" "Django के उपवर्ग` `AuthenticationForm`` जो एक मुझे चेकबॉक्स याद कहते हैं।" "" remember_me = forms.BooleanField ( लेबल = _ ( 'मुझे याद रखें'), प्रारंभिक = झूठी, आवश्यक = झूठी,) मुद्रित AuthenticationRememberMeForm.remember_me Traceback (सबसे हाल कॉल पिछले): फ़ाइल 'डी: \ zjm_code \ REGISTER2 \ ", रेखा 26, में से & lt ; मॉड्यूल & gt; प्रिंट AuthenticationRememberMeForm [ 'remember_me'] लेखन त्रुटि: 'DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass' वस्तु unsubscriptable है Django फ़ॉर्म कोड के लिए घोषणात्मक सिंटैक्स को सुविधाजनक बनाने के लिए forms मॉड्यूल मेटाक्लास का उपयोग करता है एक परिणाम के रूप में, आपको अपने उदाहरण के फ़ील्ड होने के लिए ...

Smalltalk superclass vs metaclass? -

I'm new to OOP, but with a "procedural" background. I am currently trying to take my head around the OOP through the "Smalltalk: Receiving Message" GO Smalltak and Lovejoy. I am confused as Met's Metals and Metacas class, I can see the legacy flow of Superclass I Superclass -> Class -> Subclass; But I do not know how / where fits in metaclass. TIA ... Description in an excellent free online book, Chapter 13 (Classes and Metcalaces). Things mentioned in this chapter are common for all small-scale applications.

php - Mod_ReWrite / ReWriteMap a URL using a database lookup script -

परिदृश्य मैंने एक मौजूदा मौजूदा एएसपी क्लासिक ईकॉमर्स वेबसाइट को पूरी तरह से PHP पर लिखा है । पिछले साइट के डेटाबेस डिजाइन में डेटाबेस की अन्य समस्याओं के लिए उत्पाद डेटा पंक्तियों को परेशानी से जोड़कर संबंधपरक आईडी समस्याओं का एक कारण था। इस के आसपास पाने के लिए मैं भी डेटाबेस, उत्पाद को प्राथमिक प्राथमिक कुंजी दे रही है, जबकि अभी भी पुराने पीके के साथ तालिका में एक कॉलम रखता है। समस्या मेरे पास समस्या तब होती है जब साइट है पुनः आरंभ, मुझे सभी खोज इंजन लिंक की ज़रूरत है जो 'उत्पाद। एएसपी? उत्पाद आईडी = 2 9' को डेटाबेस देखने के लिए इस्तेमाल करते थे, उत्पादों को पुरानी पीके से मेल करते हैं, और नए पीके यानी 'उत्पाद। पीएचपी आईडी आईडी = 53' '। मैं इसे Mod_ReWrite / ReRriteMap के साथ करने के लिए देख रहा हूं, हालांकि, मैं ऑनलाइन पा सकने वाले सभी दस्तावेज बताता है कि डेटाबेस स्क्रिप्ट पीके लुकअप से कैसे निपटें। अपडेट मैं ' ने इगनासियो वाजाक़ज़-अब्राम के सुझाव पर 'बाहरी पुनर्लेखन कार्यक्रम' पर आगे पढ़ा है, और यह सही और आदर्श समाधान लगता है...

click - Toggle next element (jQuery) -

HTML: & lt; div वर्ग = "साक्षात्कार" & gt; & LT; h4 & gt; साक्षात्कार & lt; / h4 & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" वर्ग = "प्रश्न" & gt; यह प्रश्न 1 है? & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div class = "answer" & gt; यह एक जवाब है! & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" वर्ग = "प्रश्न" & gt; यह प्रश्न 2 है? & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div class = "answer" & gt; यह एक जवाब है! & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" वर्ग = "प्रश्न" & gt; यह प्रश्न 3 है? & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div class = "answer" & gt; यह एक जवाब है! & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; if ($ ('साक्षात्कार') [0]) {$ ('साक्षात्कार। प्रश्न')। टॉगल (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (This) .next ('। उत्तर')। स्लाइडइं ();}, फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this) .next ('। उत्तर')। SlideOut ();}); } ... मुझे यह समझ नहीं आ रहा है क...

Moving from PHP to Python -

Currently I do all my web-based programming in PHP, and every day I try to python more feeling worried. It is not that I have not played with it in an interpreter, but I mean, write a web-based project in Python, and possibly completely move too much to Python. > But, I know that Python is not a web-based programming language (which is awesome ), which makes me wonder if it's a hoops to jump to use it on the web Yes or No. A simple example would be, that I'm sure that in Python as the variable is not by default, $ _ POST is how does Python get its kind of functionality? How can I easily transfer Python from PHP? How can I use Python on the Web? Python is contrasted with PHP executed by a CGI-like interface. There is an API for such variables in this interface. Including framework such as APIs, it is recommended to use such a structure that makes a lot of things easier.

c# - XNA Game, Full Screen Animation / Video Playback -

I have an XNA game (its a slot machine). I have some very nice animations for me artist who has 1600x1000 or more than 50 frames, made for me. I have been using Phantom Sheet for all the animations so far (where all the frames are in an image file and when it is render, it shows the part of the image). The problem is that you can only load the image of a certain size, depending on your videocard, 2kx2k or 4kx4k is obvious, by putting each frame in a file out of the question for this big animation It is done. Can you personally load each image and display them in order? My question: Is there any good way to run these big animations? As Texture 2D, there is no benefit to being a Sprischer instead of loading the frame individually? Is there a free way to play fullscreen video in XNA? Apparently, XAN 3.1 "now supports the ability to run the video that is used to visualize such images and logos, Displays the cut scenes, or can be used to open in-game vide...

.net - Assembly locations for Visuals Studio Toolbox -

I am trying to set up my development envrionment on a Windows 7 64-bit version system. I have installed VS2005 and VS2008 fine. At work, we have several self-developed control libraries for .NET compact frameworks under Windows XP 32-bit, I was able to store them in folder C: \ owncontrols and [HKLM \ ... \ Microsoft \ .NETCompactFramework \ VERSION \ WindowsCE \ AssemblyFoldersEx \ COMPANYNAME] The folder structure is as follows: c: \ owncontrols \ libname \ 2.0 \ dllname.dll c: \ owncontrols \ libname \ 2.0 \ dllname.wm5.dll c: \ owncontrols \ libname \ 3.5 \ dllname.dll c: \ owncontrols \ libname \ 3.5 \ Dllname.wm5.dll All DLLs have the same version number entries After putting it in the registry, I could add control to the toolbox and choose the correct DLL based on the version of the Visual Studio framework and the type of device (WM5 or WinCE 5). Under Windows 7, I am not able to do this, in some way I found registry entries under WOW6432Node node HLKM \ S...

networking - High rate data stream and memory deficiency -

मेरे पास एक प्रोग्राम है जो 800 Mb / s में नेटवर्क इंटरफ़ेस से यातायात जमा करता है यह प्रोग्राम डेल्फी द्वारा विकसित किया गया है, 32bit प्लेटफॉर्म में भी ( डेल्फी 64 बिट वास्तुकला का समर्थन नहीं करता है )। मैं मेमोरी (रैम) पर प्राप्त दिनांक लिख रहा हूं और कुछ समय बाद (अज्ञात और प्राप्त आंकड़ों पर निर्भर करता है), हार्ड डिस्क में प्राप्त डेटा (अज्ञात आकार और प्राप्त डेटा पर निर्भर करता है) का एक ब्लॉक लिखें और मेमोरी (रैम) । जब मैं अनुप्रयोग चलाता हूं, कुछ समय बाद, यह "मेमोरी से बाहर" अपवाद फेंकता है यह अपवाद को रोकने के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? यह एक बहुत अधिक डेटा दर है - मुझे लगता है कि यह एमबीटी ( 100 MBytes / second)। केवल तेज़ एसएसडी ही बनाए रखने में सक्षम होंगे, और यही केवल अगर आपकी प्रोग्रामिंग 100% कुशल है अनुक्रमिक लिखने की गति की जांच करें: यदि आप इस समस्या पर अधिक रैम फेंक सकते हैं, तो मैं 64-बिट मोड में जाने और अपने पूरे रैम बफर को एक बार में आवंटित करने का सुझाव देता हूं। / div>

Cross domain requests: Javascript vs Flash -

As you may know, browser security model loaded in a page to create cross-domain requests The script does not allow AJAX calls to any domain other than The javascript file could be served completely from a different domain ( and it is irrelevant it's a similar-basic policy. Something similar in Flash? But does Flash treat the original page as HTML page where the .swf file was loaded or the original domain that is the service .swf file? Then loads an .swf file from .swf can load resources from or now? I am assuming that there is no cross-domain.exml file setup on either or I think this article tells a lot about the problem you mentioned: From there: For website owners, all content supplied by the user should be served from a completely different domain. It already has Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Wikipedia, and many other major websites, but there is a huge amount of self-c...

linux - Is there a widespread C library for reading name/value pairs from a file? -

My program is reading a text file that has different rows of text for the settings file. Some lines may be too large, buffer size is currently 4096 characters. It is possible that some lines may be higher than this, whether malicious or due to various factors working within the program. The current routine was difficult to write and now I want to extend the possible contents of the file for which this tedious repetitive code will be required more. (This is for a settings type file, which includes name value and sometimes section headers. Many exact values ​​need to be read in the form of string because of many precision). The main thing I want to do is read an arbitrary length line without a buffer overflow. I have just come to know what this can do for me, but there is a library for heaven, which is just for this exhaustion Will work perfectly? Edit: I do not want to be forced to put a = mark between names and values, a blank The location should be sufficient as a se...

saving python variable to .mat file with -

यहां मेरा अजगर कोड है I & gt; आयात np के रूप में np & gt; & gt; आयात & gt; & gt; exon = [np.array ([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]), एनपी। अर्रे ([[7, 8], [9, 10]])] gt; & gt; obj_arr = np.zeros ((2,), dtype = np.object) & gt; & Gt; obj_arr [0] = एक्सॉन [0] & gt; obj_arr [1] = एक्सॉन [1]> gt; सिंपी.आईओवेटमेट ('/ टीएमपी / आउट.मैट', एमडीआईटीआईटी = {'एक्सॉन': लेकिन मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश मिल रहा है ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल " ", लाइन 12, में & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; प्रकार: त्रुटि: savemat () को एक अप्रत्याशित कीवर्ड तर्क 'प्रारूप' मिला P> विपिन टीएस ऐसा लगता है कि आपका () एक 'प्रारूप' कीवर्ड नहीं लेता है। ऐसा लगता है कि यह SciPy 0.7 में जोड़ा गया है, शायद आपको अपग्रेड करने की आवश्यकता है?