c# - Is there an 'Application.DoEvents' at the form level? -

I currently have an application that produces many examples of the same winning form. Each instance of the form has a timer which updates many controls and some properties of the form at about 1 tick / second. Once the application reaches a certain number, then the timer tick, Updates' to paint.

I want to hold the UI thread under the timer and allow the application without color, calling the application. Doants (I understand that applications. Duents () all applications have all pending window messages (which can include other timer's ticks - not sure - when I want to do this process). Now reprint of the form that many controls have been updated).

It is not clear why you call DoEvents at all Want to just paint the window properly? What is the wrong way with the way it behaves right now?

Duigent typically indicates that some background should be in the thread - in your case it may seem like it If you have a lot of events going on, if your GUI is so complex that it can not be brought to another, it seems that there is a design problem with the UI.


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