iphone - stuck with sandbox account -

In order to check in app purchases I have created a test account I could buy and the purchase was successful, after that one in the navigation Found bugs I fixed a bug, created another account and in the last session I removed the logged account. Now I can not test anymore in app purchases, as the App Store automatically logs me with a ghost account which is not already present. I have been asked to enter a password despite this, that before every debug session I will sign out of the settings in the store and remove the previous version of the application. How do I reset it?



I know that This is an old topic, but I had trouble finding a solution and through some trials and error I found a solution till I thought I would share it here because I could not find it anywhere else.

First of all, make sure that after every transaction you call:

  [[SKPMentQue Default Qi] Philish operation: transaction];  

What happened in my case is that the transaction did not end and remained on the queue, so even when I switched to a different sandboxed account, it continues to ask for my old account password Stayed.

To correct this, I said:

  escapementquiah * queue = [espement queue default QE]; For (espayment transactions * transactions in queue transactions) {[[SKPMant QUU default Qi] filtransaction: transaction]; }  

Before I added a transaction supervisor, i.e.:

  [[SKPMentQueue default QE] addTransactionObserver: self];  

In addition,

  (zero) payment in queue: (SKPMentQ * *) Queue Update Transaction: (NSARRA *) transaction  

function, I've added this line of code:

  [line finished behavior: transaction];  

In case of SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored and SKPaymentTransactionStateFet switch statement, do not add it to the purchased state, because you do not have permission to terminate it from what I know.

I'm not sure which of the two above mentioned bugs was fixed because I signed it out of my iPhone, removed the app, ran it down, and made a clean rebuild / installation that eventually made me Badges for password locked in account. Hope this helps someone

Edit: (11/12/15)

So I found out the reason for breaking the sandbox accounts. This happened after the purchase was restored, then after the kill of the house key, reopening and after the restoring button again happened, causing crashes. The only way to get in the restored queue and the above procedure was to exit the popup asking for a password.

To stop this, I said:

  delete [[SKPMentQue Default QEUU] Transaction Oberwar: Self]; Before navigating my in-app shopping manager object, the application of my main view controller has been called by DeDirectorBackground (broken function) by  

I think what's happening is that I More than once, as a transaction supervisor and it was creating strange behavior. With this in mind, this problem has been completely fixed because I have not made the error again.


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