json - what's basic difference between JsonStore and JsonReader in context to Ext.data? -

What is the basic difference between JsonStore and JsonReader in terms of Ext.data?

I mean when I should go to JsonStore and when I should use JsonReader, both are providing the same solution. In fact, they are two different things A. A given JSON object reads and returns data records (

Which is later stored by the related data store.

There is a base class for all extension stores and uses auxiliary object to obtain data. To read writing data () and data ()

  • < Li>

  • This creates all of the enormous components that allow the developer to configure how to zoom it.

    • To make reading easier with simple javascript arrays,
    • , a store already preserved with only one store
    • ,
    • has a pre-secure store, only one store is configured with

    , so in reality it's actually just a feature class for developers to make it easy. for.

    The following two snippets will create the same (or comparable) store:

      var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore ('Url', {name: 'size', type : 'Name', 'url', {name: 'last mode', type: 'float'}, {{url: 'get-images.php', root: 'picture', idProperty: 'name' : 'Date'}]}); // or var store = new Ext.data.Store ({url: 'get-images.php', reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader ({root: 'images', idProperty:' name ', fields: [' Type 'date'}]}}};  


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