python - How limiting are web frameworks -

This is a common question how web development frameworks such as DJango and Ruby-on-Rail are limited.

I am planning to build a secure web service that does not have pure JSON / XML interface, no GUI. This service relies on a database but there is no clear way to put a "model" object directly into the database table for some important functions. Apart from this, I need complete control over how data is being written on the data and database. I will need to maintain many database connections so that some connections can be used only for reading and writing others.

I have seen "full" MVC frameworks such as Django and more basic people on such web sites. Pi and Pylons I have this assumption now that if I go with the full framework then things start up Will grow faster, but eventually I will get trapped because I will be limited by the framework of what I can do. If I go with another infrastructure then everything will take longer to run but whatever I want, I will be free.

It looks like it seems but I suspect it may be wrong, how many sites have been written in the DJGengo and Rail, its impression has been given. Would you please give me your opinion I am totally wrong and there is a way to do anything easily with the structure like a DJ or rail or should I go some way according to my needs? Div>

Web frameworks are used to optimize the construction of websites, making it easier for more general use cases to be completed Make them. Once you start doing more "out of the box" with a framework, you can find that you spend more time working around it, then you can use it in the first place.

It is difficult to generalize here (especially since I really only work with Django in depth), so I will give some advice based on my suggestions, J.J.O.O. Developing a JSON API using:

Simple, I do not recommend using the DNS to write a Rest API, in my own experience, really anything worth writing about home did not get. I did not need the DNS system's templateing system, so I actually used it for the use of URL dispatch and ORM. However, I had to do some hacks to do whatever I wanted in the URL sender - did I not use other features, which is actually faster to use a different URL system. In your case, the OSG will not be suitable even as it does not support multiple databases (unless you are using 1.2 alpha ...). With the lack of good startup signal of Jingo, the compound and Jongo start feeling very bad for the job.

If I was in your shoes, then I needed to dig for some specific libraries that I needed (ORM, WSGI, etc.) and just used them, instead of trying to bow And Gomez is going to do anything according to my needs.

On a completely different note, you may be able to easily HTTP forwards, both of them are simple and fast.


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