C++ compilation problem -

How to forget too much C ++ code Anyway, here's the problem.

I am trying to load the class defined in a CPP file.

In the main function:

  ... ... #include "loader.h" ... ... model load_model ("TechnologyEnterpriseFacility_Day_Gregor / TechnologyEnterpriseFacility_Gregor.model" );  

The header file looks like this:

  #ifndef LOADER_H_ #define LOADER_H_ class model {public: int texture []; Float corner [] [3]; Float triangle [] [13]; Model (const char *); // constructor}; #endif / * LOADER_H_ * /  

and here CPP file is:

  #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Sstream & gt; #include & lt; Typeinfo & gt; # Include "loader.h" using the namespace std; Model :: model (const char * filename) {... ...  

When I compile the main function, I found the error message:

  Gcc -o glrender glrender.cpp -lglut /tmp/cc3sWIgb.o: `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0 (int, int) 'in the function: glrender.cpp :(. Text + 0x11b):` Undefined' in the context of model :: model References (four const *) 'Gather 2: The exit status of LD1 is returned  

Comments and ideas have been welcomed, thanks.

Did you forget to include the model.cpp in your compile line? Are you

  GCC-O glender glender CPP model. Cpp - Lglut  


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