email - PHP Mailer - Attachments not sending properly -

When I send a message with a string attachment, then opens the string attachment which returns only 1 and in the email it Says

  - b1_5a1a74831dfa0ce86353d222b95078c6 Content-Type: Text / html; Name = "epile-invoice-2001. html" content-transfer-encoding: base 64 content-disposition: attachment; File name = "epile-invoice-2001. html" MQ == - B1_5 A1A 74831 DFFCTCCECADAM MB9080 CCA -  

Using this code to add this attachment Has been:

  $ Mail & gt; AddStringAttachment ($ invoicehtml, $ filename, 'base64', 'text / html');  

See it here:

Based on the fact that you are getting base 64 results, I think you need to decode the encoding method or decode 8-bit or $ invoicehtml before.


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