oracle - creating insert trigger error -
I am trying to create a trigger that sets the ID with a predefined sequence.
Start with the increment of the frequency of 1 to 1; For each line, select seq_list_status.nextval at list_status: double by; Create or change trig_list_status_insert trig_list trigger before the list. / << Code> I'm getting the error while creating the trigger
Error starting with line 1 in the command: triggered triggers before intrapat on list_stats Select or change seq_list_status.nextval for each line: Dual error on command line: 4 column: 4 error report: SQL error: ORA-04079: Invalid trigger explanation 04079. 00000 - "Invalid trigger explanation" * Reason: Build Trigger Statement Aman The * Action: Check the details for the correct syntax.
I googled it but it seems all right what could be wrong?
You can start
/ p < Pre-> Create or Change Triggers Select list_status for each line before the list of triggers in seq_list_status.nextval: double by; End; /
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