iphone - How to load images from the Documents folder that have been saved dynamically? -

I have problem loading images from the document folder of iPhoneView in TableView.

Different requests, I look at all the images on the server and download them in the "Pictures" folder under the documents. I'm pretty sure the images are saved properly.

  NSString * filePath = [imagesFolderPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: imageFileName]; [UrlData writeToFile: File path atomically: No]; NSLog (@ "saved in file:% @", filepath); 2010-01-22 17: 07: 27.307 Foo: [user / hoang / library / application support / iPhone simulator / user / application / 6133 A161-F9 DC-4C 92- 8 AE 6-6 ARA-51022 EA 94 / Documents / Images [NSBindal Main Bundle] is not suitable for loading images because at the runtime, the app tries to connect the server to download images, they Are not stable.  

But loading images from the document / image folder does not give an image to the table view

Fixed NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "cell range "; UITableViewCell * cell = [tableview] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[[UTTViewjell Alok] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: cell identifier] AutoCare]; } // Set up the cell ... UIImageView * imageView = cell.imageView; MenuItem * item = (MenuItem *) [array menu object and endex: indexpath.ro]; Cell.textLabel.text = item.descrizione; NSString * strImagePath = [[imagesFolderPath stringBeeAppendingPathComponent: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d_% d", item.idItem, item.idNode]] stringByAppendingPathExtension: @ "png"]; NSLog (@ "strmpath:% @", streammappath); ImageView.image = [[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: strImagePath] autorelease]; 2010-01-22 17: 07: 42.842 Fu [2102: 207] Stamp Path: / User / Hoang / Library / App Support / iPhone Simulator / User / Application / 6133 A161-F9 DC-4C92-8 AE6 -5651022 EAA 94 / document / image / 86_2.png

Is there any such problem?

I have seen around Stakeoverflow but have not succeeded.

In advance thank you

I just have to load images from the documents folder of the application Along with, there was only one problem in the UITABLE electricity table. This works:

  [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: fullPath];  


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