msysgit - git init error: unable to create directory for .git/HEAD [inside htdocs/] -

When I try to create a repo inside Actiodioks folder of your Apache installation (z servers using CE) Jiaiti gives me this error: the

  $ git init error: e: /WORK/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/gittest2/.git/HEAD  

Unable to make directory it works well / htdocs out, but I would like to repos to work on them at the same time within the dir.

I am using git bash with administrator privileges and AFAIR

use it:

  • Win7 x64

  • install git from msysGit -> git-Lk6k5kl preview 20091022. exe


  • Voncci has suggested that this may be a bug in this release of msysGit


Use the Tortoise to create a repository in the directory that is causing you problems Good chance it will succeed

Sometimes Jiaiti GUI (Masejit) was successfully a 'problem' repo (on my previous repo in this folder, although it is not)

It may be related to a bug with 64 bit Git1.6.5.1:

msysgit だ と "error: .. [project] / unable to create directory for Git / HEAD" と か 言 っ て リ ポ ジ ト リ が 作 れ な か っ た
散 々 悩 んだ 後, 1.6 .. 3.2 に バ ー ジ ョ ン 下 げ た ら あ っ さ り 成功

This is a translation of what Google ruffly:

It msysgit " Error: Unable to create directory for [project] / .git / HEAD. "Nor can they drag the stores including mine.
After the devastating torment, version may geta success light

Then there may be a shield answer to here.
But I did not find any

as they say: ..な ん じ ゃ こ り ゃ (WTF);)

Also check (if you are using a TortoiseGit), 64-bit version to use and not 32 -bits


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