Uploading a text box into a text file on an ftp C# -
Can I tell a multilingual text box to stream into a text file on an FTP server? Can anyone tell me Is that where I'm going wrong?
Private Zero btnSave_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {UriBuilder b = new UriBuilder (); B.Host = "ftp.myserver.com"; B.UserName = "User"; B Password = "pass"; B Port = 21; B.path = "/myserver.com/directories/" + selected + ".txt"; B.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeFtp; Uri G = B Yuri; System.Net.FtpWebRequest c = (System.Net.FtpWebRequest) System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create (G); C.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; System.Net.FtpWebResponse d = (System.Net.FtpWebResponse) c.GetResponse (); System Io Stream H = D. Gateresonsstream; System.IO.StreamWriter SW = New System. IO.StreamWriter (h); String [] content = textbox1 Lines Toure (); (Int i = 0; I & lt; Content height; i ++) {SW.WriteLine (content [i]); } H. Close (); SW.Close (); D.Close (); }
The error I am getting is this line:
System.io.stream water SW = new system.io.stream water (h);
The stream was not writable.
Any thoughts?
Feedback from FTP site stream data to You need the request stream from the site to ... but then you will not want any method of DownloadFile
- you are not downloading , You are uploading, so you want UploadFile
- Exceptions are thrown when you are not closing anything: Use
by using
for it Block - This is a bad idea to access such a network on the UI thread; UI threads will be blocked (hence the entire UI will hang) while FTP requests are being requested. Use a background thread instead.
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