Batch files/table read ins -
I am trying to write a small script that zips my office to an FTP site and uploads the extractor myself Will help. They have to make many zimps / cells and give them names of different things.
I think that they have a small table for which they can type (i.e. the name that they call the file, the place of upload, where they want to remove it etc.) and then mine The program will handle it effectively (so when they want to upload 'line of data', they only select through GUI and run scripts).
I am normally new to batch files and programming. Just wondering if anyone has a tip to read the batch file from a table to the data?
this help?
Data.txt with the data file
one, two, three a, b, c
Send the CMD file ReadData.cmd
@echo off for / f "tokens = 1-3 delims =," %% (data.txt): Every line %% A %% b %% G is available: eof: Every line is @eachi first% 1 second is% 2 third is% 3 goto:
returns output
The first one is second second third third is first A second b is the third c
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