How to print a value from a file with comments printed? -

An input name is being named in a program ....

From a file I Read Price Line From Line: Say In File ...


If I want to print

  Name of the batch file name in Hello batch file  

How to do this?

The following (pure CMD ) will do this:

< ( infile.txt ) for prefix @echo off setlocal enabled extension enabled / / %% a (infile.txt) input file for < Hello

/ pre>

creates this:

 Hello name in the batch file name in the batch file 

I need to adjust the "name in the batch file" bit to make the script more suitable For example (for example "Bob" ).


provided you enter Correk Tly name variable for loop Before, you can also use the variable for the name. For example, the following script:

  @echo off setlocal enabled extension enabled extension set / p name = Enter name: For / F %% a in (infile.txt) do (Echo %% a! Name!) Endlocals: 

 c: \ pax>. Enter \ Go.cmd name: Hello Pax, Pax 

c: \ Pax> _


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