iphone - Does my application "contain encryption"? -

I'm uploading a binary for the first time iTunes Connect has asked me:

Export laws require that the products with encryption be properly authorized for export.
Failure to comply may result in serious penalties.
For more information, click here. Is your product encryption?

I use https: // , but only NSURLConnection and UIWebView .

My reading is that my app is not "encryption", but I am thinking that it is spelled anywhere. The "serious fines" do not seem very pleasant, so "I think it's right" is a bit sketch ... an official answer would be better.

Thank you.

[ update : HTTPS usage is longer than late September 2016 ERN is free)

Unfortunately, I believe that in the context of US BIS your app contains "encryption" even if you only use HTTPS (if you Exceptions included in App Question 2 are not exceptions). By the price:

" How do I know that I can follow the exporting registration and reporting (ERN) process?

< P> If your app uses , access, tool or industry standard encryption algorithm is included for purposes other than those listed as exemption under 2, You need to submit for an ARN Authority. Standard Enqueue Examples of reactions are: AES, SSL, https . This authorization requires that you submit an annual re-submission to each U.S. government agency with information about your app in January. "

" Second question: Does your product qualify for any discounts offered under Category 5 Part 2?

US Export Rules Many discounts are available in applications and Category 5 Part 2 (Information Security and Encryption Rules) for software that utilizes, accesses, implements or enforces encryption.

Claiming incorrectly about incorrect interpretation of export rules Is borne by all owners and developers of the application.

If you meet any of the following criteria, then you can answer "Yes" for the question:

(i) If you determine that your App is not classified, based on the guidance provided by BIS, under EAR under category 5, part 2. Details of the agreement for medical devices in supplementary number 3 of ER 774 can be reached on the Federal Regulation Site of the Electronic Code. Please go to Question # 15 in the FAQ section of the Encryption page for sample items, BIS has listed which can claim 4 discounts.

(ii) Your app only uses encryption for access, accesses, or adds

(iii) your app's access, access, tool or encryption Contains 56 bits of symmetrical, 512 bits asymmetric and / or 112-bit elliptical curves with main length, which is a mass market product in which your app length is more than 64 bits Is not, or if a symmetric algorithm is 768 bits asymmetric and / or 128 bit A Dakar does not exceed the curve.

Please review Note 3 in Category 5 Part 2 to understand the scale criteria of the market at large.

(v) Your app is specially designed and limited for banking use or 'money transaction'. The word 'money transaction' includes the collection and disposal of rentals function.

(vi) Your app's source code is "publicly available", your app distribution has been rebooted for free to the general public, and you meet the notification requirements provided under 740.13 Have been. (E).

Please visit the web page, if you need more help in deciding that your app is any discount

If you believe that your app has passed for exemption, please answer "Yes". "


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