Why does Delphi warn when assigning ShortString to string? -

I am converting some legacy code into Delphi 2010.

Old shortspring, like string [25]

Why is the assignment below:

  Type S: string; Shorts: string [25]; ... S: = shorts;  

The reason for the compiler to generate this warning:

  The W1057 integer string was inserted from 'short string' to 'string'.  

There is no data loss to be here. In what situation would I have useful information for this warning?



short string type is not change Has happened. It's an array of examples, actually going on.

By specifying this as a string type, you are taking a group of AnsiChars (one byte) and putting it into a group of WideChars (two bytes). The compiler can do such a thing, and not enough to lose data, but the warning is to tell you that such a conversion has happened.


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