
Showing posts from January, 2012

Performance analysis for Algorithms on Embedded Devices -

I am doing a project on an embedded device that has an ARM 926 AJS processor. I need to analyze the performance of the algorithm. I am new to the embedded environment and do not have more information about performance analysis for embedded devices. Can anyone tell me what parameters should I need for analysts? What kind of debugging is it? Do you have the environment? Do you have a circuit-emulator (ICE)? What I suggest is that you have a debugging environment, such as you can stop the execution manually at a random time and test the status of the program including call stack (). Manually sampling the call stack in this way will reveal the locations of the code, which are responsible for the important parts of the time so that you can optimize them. This may be slightly different from what you were thinking. Many people think that you need the time code to customize things, but this is not the case. A good way to know the time is that the difference you made, but the s...

.net - Is there a SqlFileStream like class that works with Sql Server 2005? -

For the background of this question, check that it is now a big reward . Sits above a blob () value stored in the database that gives you however, due to limitations on SqlFileStream implementation it will only work with SQL Server 2008. Logically I can not see any reason because some APIs can not be made available on SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005. Does anyone know that this has been done? Is there an open source implementation of this anywhere? What am I missing in thinking that this should be possible I do not know about any other class except SQL Server 2008 I suspect that it is completely below the fact that SqlFileStream class is especially "at the top Sitting is created for "SQL type 2008" column type FILESTREAM within SQL Server 2008. This is only available in SQL Server 2008 and essentially allows to store large amounts of data in this column. A FILESTREAM column is actually a varbinary (max) column with a FILESTREAM modi...

Make android app icon available to other applications -

I would like to make my application icons available in other applications. I understand that it is a bit unclear, so try to explain: Applications such as Astros Program Manager have a list of applications with their icons. For all apps this is the correct icon on the launcher, except for me which is displaying the standard Android icon I have used my icon as manifest: android: icon = "@ drawable / runninglate" It works on the launcher but Astro still shows the default icon from the time I'm making the project (which I had removed long ago) I also changed my icon file to icon page Have tried, if They have failed to do this work was standard. I am clearly doing something wrong, or lost a setting somewhere, some can tell me in a right direction. Make sure your & lt; Application & gt; element has your icon, possibly in addition to & lt; Activity & gt; The element of activity that should appear in the launcher.

iphone - Image drawing on PDF fails to draw image with transformation and outputs wrong -

I have a problem in drawing pictures on PDF. I apply scaling, rotation, move etc. to an image and pull that image onto the PDF. But the drawing is not output properly when I rotate the image, it does not just scales and rotates. Here, I explain in more detail: I place an image on UIWebView to fix the imitation effect of the image again on the PDF, I draw a picture on the PDF I am on UIWebView while creating PDF But when I go and prepare PDFs with the modified image, which has implemented a lot of changes, the image scale does not rotate. Here, img_copyright is a inheriting UIImageView class. CGFloat orgY = (newY-whiteSpace) + img_copyright.frame.size.height; CGFloat modY = pic. Size.height-orgY; CGFloat orgX = img_copyright.frame.origin.x-Product_PAGE_PADDING_WIDTH; CGFloat modX = orgX; // To decide where we want to place the image on PDF, here's an image of X, Y. Cgartextact = CGRactamac (MDX, MDV, IMGCCPRF frame size.imd, IMGCCPRFr.Im.High); // Preparing the rectan...

iphone - Need access to the cell in the tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: -

मुझे तालिका में tableView: heightForRowAtIndexPath: से मेरे सेल को एक्सेस करने की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि मैं उपयोग करना चाहता हूं मेरे पास ऊंचाई की गणना के लिए सीओटीएम सेल का डेटा है I मेरी कोशिकाओं को प्राप्त करने का एकमात्र तरीका है tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: कॉल करने वाला यह है कि कॉलिंग tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: है वास्तव में कोशिकाओं को बनाने और उनके साथ कुछ भी करने से नहीं। जब एक ही सेल को ड्राइंग उद्देश्य के लिए उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होगी, इसे फिर से बनाया जाएगा तो उसी सूचकांक के लिए सेल को दो बार बनाया जाता है। इसलिए मुझे आश्चर्य है कि ऐसा करने के लिए एक अधिक प्रभावी तरीका है। मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। आपके पास इस विधि में सेल तक पहुंच नहीं है क्योंकि यह नहीं है अभी तक अस्तित्व में है tableView: heightForRowAtIndexPath: को tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: । में सेल बनाने से पहले कहा जाता है। लेकिन इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता क्योंकि आपको मॉडल की जानकारी नहीं पकड़नी चाहिए सेल ऑब्जेक्ट्स में कक्ष केवल विचार होते हैं और आपको हमेशा अपने मॉडल में एक सेल ...

hosting - Are there any PHP Hosts (shared) which do not block port 2195 and 2196 outgoing for iPhone Apple Push Notifications (APNS)? -

I have my iPhone Apple Push Notification (APNS) which is working on PHP on my own machine. I do not block port 21 9 9, but it seems that HostGator is reluctant to open the port. I imagine that many web hosts are the same, but I am thinking that if anyone got what does not block 2195 and 219 I realize that I can use a VPS to do this, but I want to keep costs low, I'm not sending a lot of notifications, and I know that I They also have simple PHP scripts that work. Jennifer

php - how to download update zip package and install it -

Hey guys, I know how to write an updated script for my project, the easiest way is to write a file and give it. Ask the user and go for it but I want to update my website automatically. Just like WordPress, you can see that as a user you can click on a button and the script will work in the next step. The problem is that by downloading a zip file from the target server, it can be removed on the user host and automatically installed I could write on myself, but I thought that at present we new and shiny php-5.3. The rocks, which provides. And you do not even need to "unzip" it.

Reading and outputting UTF-8 strings in c/cocoa -

In an Objective-C / Coco app, I am using the C function to open a text file, line it Use some lines in the -buy-line and third party function. In psuedo-code: char * line = fgets (aFile); Library_function (line); // This function asks for a UTF-8 encoded four * string Unless the input file contains special characters (such as Accent or UTF-8 BOM), where But library function, however, if I do this: four * line = fgets (aFile); NSString * stringobject = [NSString string withUTF8 string: line]; Library_function ([stringObj UTF8String]); Then it all works well and the string gets output correctly. That [NSString ... What is line I am not? Am I doing something wrong with the line at the beginning? Or is it completely something else? UTF-8 is a multi-byte character set, which means that some letters There are a number of bytes needed (those you have played). C is of type , so the definition of C of "character" does not match Unicode. If you want to read...

java - Stopping a program if the next process in the pipeline was stopped -

जब मैं निम्नलिखित पाइपलाइन चला रहा हूं: cat my_large_file.txt | सिर | Wc प्रक्रिया लगभग तुरंत बंद हो जाती है। ठीक है। लेकिन जब मैं अपना जावा प्रोग्राम चलाता हूँ java MyProgramReadALargeFile my_large_file.txt | सिर | Wc 'wc' से आउटपुट को stdout पर मुद्रित किया गया है लेकिन जावा प्रोग्राम अभी भी चल रहा है यह कैसे पता लगा सकता है कि पाइपलाइन बंद हो गया था? अधिकांश यूनिक्स उपयोगिताएं ध्यान देती हैं, जो प्राप्त होने पर, इंगित करता है कि एक पाइप स्ट्रीम जिसकी प्रक्रिया लिख ​​रही है, उसे दूसरे छोर पर कुछ भी नहीं सुनना है, इसलिए काम करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। "जावा पॉज़िक्स सिग्नल" जैसी कुछ चीज़ों की खोज से कुछ लाइब्रेरी उत्पन्न होती हैं जो आपको अनुमति दे सकती हैं अपने जावा कोड में सिग्नल हैंडलर्स को जोड़ने के लिए।

performance - GWT - Populate Grid asynchronously -

We found a GWT application with a simple search mask displaying results in the form of grids. Server side processing time is fine as well as network latency Client rendering time on low spec hardware with Internet Explorer 6 is fine, as long as the number of results is not very high ( Maximum 100 rows in maximum grid). We have implemented a navigation scheme by allowing the user to scroll / scroll down the grid. It is fast enough too. Does anyone have an idea if it is possible to display the first 100 results immediately and draw the rest in the background? GWT architecture allows this though I am interested in potential loss eg What happens if the user starts another query, while the browser is still taking the last result etc. Thank you! Holger and may be a good starting point for you :) Many interesting (although always full / complete / not static) tables and other endorsement solutions - like

php - Echo can you hear me? -

क्यों है शोफापी_मार्टफ़ॉम () बिल्कुल भी गूंज नहीं। foreach ($ response-> ; $ क्विज़ के रूप में क्विज़) {गूंज $ क्विज़- & gt; प्रश्न; // प्रतिध्वनि प्रतिधारा नहीं $ quiz- & gt; उत्तर; // नहीं प्रतिध्वनित करें} अनुवर्ती प्रश्न & lt; html & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt;? Php // Talisman 01/2010 द्वारा बनाया गया ★ ✩ $ vorto = $ _GET ['vorto']; // बाहरी अंतरिक्ष से शब्द प्राप्त करें और इसके लिए खोजें! यदि (isset ($ vorto)) {गूंजती "आपका प्रत्यक्ष खोज था" $ Vorto '& Lt; br & gt; & lt; / br & gt; '; } और {$ सहायता = "कोई Vorto - & gt; जोड़ें? Vorto = इस वेबसाइट के अंत तक" वर्ड वायुवांट "; प्रतिध्वनि $ मदद; } // अब एलेक्स के वोरारो खोजो, यह jsonp / / EX का उपयोग करता है। / * फ्यूचर फ़ीचर इनप्रूइड भाषा फ़ंक्टालिनालिटी * / // मैंने एलेक्स के व्हॉर्टर्स // # प्लान के लिए (variables for, tn //:, ap // मुझे लगता है कि इसकी...

winforms - Setting up Windows Form with C# -

A good resource for installing a Windows form with C #? Thanks for creating your first database application using C # and VS 2008. Thanks any advice very much appreciated. Many articles on Windows Forms, even though its focus was recently on WPF - jQuery Z-Order Problem in IE 6 -

I'm having trouble displaying a div with the jQuery Fadein () command, everything is OK in IE 7 and IE 8 Appears, but in some versions of IE6 (for example SP2), a field from the grid that is displayed through the dialog. Does anybody have any signs? I have a screenshot but can not currently go to an image hosting site behind the firewall. I'm guessing that the areas that are shown through the Select box are if this is the case, then it has been a problem with IE6. The selection box will always appear above everything when the overlaying devel is removed, so when you want to show the overlying dividing and want to un-hide them, then the way around it is to hide the selection box.

.net - Dynamically setting a log4net property using common.logging -

Does anyone know that it is similar in general. Logging (for Net) to set the property for the log4net factory adapter? I have had great success using the log-in: & lt; Appender name = "file exceptions" type = "log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" & gt; & Lt; File type = "log4net.Util.PatternString" value = "logs \ log_% properties {brokerID} .txt" /> & Lt; AppendToFile value = "wrong" /> & Lt; Rolling style value = "size" /> & Lt; MaxSizeRollBackups value = "- 1" /> & Lt; Max file size value = "50 GB" /> & Lt; Layout type = "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" & gt; & Lt; Conversion pattern value = "% date% -5 level% logger -% message% newline" / & gt; & Lt; / Layout & gt; & Lt; / Appender & gt; and the installation of assets like: log4net.GlobalContext.Properties ["BrokerID"] = 10 The file look...

Output array elements randomly with PHP -

How can I resonate 5 elements from an array of approximately 5 elements? Thank you. Does this work? $ values ​​= array_rand ($ input, 5); Or, as a more flexible function function random value ($ input, $ num = 5) {return array_rand ($ input, $ num) ); } // use $ array = range ('a', 'z'); // print 5 random characters from the alphabet print print_R (random value ($ array));

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library -

मैं SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.0 का उपयोग करता हूं। हाल ही में जैकबबेट 2.0 निर्भरता द्वारा आवश्यक मैवेन निर्भरता कंसोल से पता चलता है कि अद्यतन करना: "अनुपस्थित आर्टिफैक्ट org.apache.commons: commons-compress: jar: 1.0: compile" मैंने जांच की समस्याओं को देखा और यह निम्न त्रुटि दिखाती है : कंटेनर 'मावेन निर्भरता' का संदर्भ नहीं मौजूदा पुस्तकालय 'सी: \ दस्तावेज़ और सेटिंग्स \ AElshereay.m2 \ repository \ org \ अपाचे \ commons \ commons-compress \ 1.0 \ commons-compress -1.0.jar '। इसके अलावा: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: मिलान वाइल्डकार्ड सख्त है, लेकिन कोई घोषणा नहीं हो सकती तत्व 'config: simple' के लिए मिला। मुझे पता नहीं है कि आखिर क्या है! कृपया मुझे इस समस्या का समाधान करने में कोई मदद कर सकता है? अग्रिम धन्यवाद। मैं पिछले त्रुटि संदेश के बारे में 100% निश्चित नहीं हूँ, लेकिन पहले दो निश्चित रूप से संबंधित हैं: आपने पीओएम पर निर्भरता घोषित की है, इसलिए .classpath को आपके स्थानीय रिपॉजिटरी में इंगित करने के लि...

c# - Change Desktop Wallpaper using a Jpeg file -

I am trying to write a simple program to replace my desktop wallpaper. I am using a downloaded JPEG file and I would like to convert it to code. The problem is that bitmap needs to display 24 bits. How do I do this? thank you in advanced. Public class ChangeWallpaper {[DllImport ("user32.dll", Charset =] Stable extern int system ParametersInfo (int uAction, int uParam, string lpvParam, int fuWinIni); Public Stable Zero Main () {bitmap wallbm = new bitmap ("pic.jpg"); Wallbm.Save ("pic.bmp"); SystemParametersInfo (20, 0, "pic.bmp", 0x01 | 0x02); }} I could not work for a clone for some reason. I was able to work with trial and error using the following code: public class ChangeWallpaper {[DllImport ("user32.dll", chartset =] steady extern int System ParametersInfo (IntuAuction, Intuperateum, String LPVPerm, Int FuWinini); Public Stable Zero Main () {bitmap BM = new bitmap (Image.FromFile ("pi...

java - Simple open socket hanging very infrequently -

I have a code that is hanging in Java. The hanging happens very often, probably because of the order of 1000 hanging it does not reproduce the problem of running it in a loop in any device. Long time expired = 10000; Long end time = System.currentTimeMillis () + timeout + 5000; Socket ping sign = faucet; String host = "host"; String port = "22"; Do {try} {pingSocket = new socket ()); PingSocket.bind (zero); PingSocket.connect (new InetSocketAddress (host, port), 5000); If (pingSocket.isConnected ()) {pingSocket.close (); Back true; } PingSocket.close (); } Hold (unknown haphazard e) {throw e; } Hold (IOException E) {// All other errors are subclassed with IOException, and I want to ignore // my spin duration until then. } {Thread Try sleep (SPIN_SLEEP_DELAY); } Grip (Interrupted e) E. {return false; }} While (system syentime milliseconds) & lt; = endtime); Since this happens occasionally in production, it has become difficult to reduce the problem. I a...

jquery - How can I make use of a JavaScript variable across two separate functions? -

मेरे पास निम्न jquery फ़ंक्शन है $ (function () {$ (' ('# ब्राउज़-सभी')। नहीं ('# ब्राउज़-सभी')। होवर (फ़ंक्शन () {pauseResume (); var imageBrowserContent = $ ('# मुख्य छवि ब्राउज़र')। Html (); $ ('# मुख्य इमेजब्रोसरटबबटनव्राप्पर, #स्लइडहो & gt ; Div ') .अनुमति ({अस्पष्टता: "0"}, {अवधि: 250}); एजेक्स फंक्शन (' पाद '); सचेतक (छविब्रोजर कंटेंट);}, फ़ंक्शन () {अलर्ट (इमेज ब्रावोर्स कंटेंट);})}); माउसओवर पर, मैं #mainImageBrowser की वैरिएबल को imageBrowserContent की सामग्री की प्रतिलिपि बना देता हूं तो यह एक अजाक्स फ़ंक्शन करता है जो HTML की सामग्री को बदल देता है #mainImageBrowser और फिर मुझे सामग्री क्या है के बारे में चेतावनी यह सब काम करता है। मेरा इरादा मूल सामग्री के साथ #mainImageBrowser को प्रतिस्थापित करना था, जिसे imageBrowserContent में संग्रहीत किया जाएगा। मैं इसे काम करने के लिए नहीं मिल सका, इसलिए मैंने चेतावनी (imageBrowserContent) डाल दिया; मैं क्या खो रहा हूँ? अगर मैंने चेतावनी में एक टेक्स्ट...

Using a substring twice in regex -

First of all, this question can be asked first, but I'm not sure which phrase to search. I have a string: Maaa I have a pattern: Aaa I have to match twice, I should give the initial index of 1 and 2. But of course, I only get one match (starting index 1), because the Reggae engine locks all 3 "A" and can not use them again, except with 1 "A" which is not matching Have an account. How can I fix this? Thank you! you type 2a a (? = AA) / Code>

objective c - Question regarding iphone allowance of custom notifications -

I have an app on which I am working, and some part of its main functionality is to do something to the user Have to alert. So although they are not in the app, I want to be able to pop up a warning from the app, reminding them to do something. Is there permission with the iPhone SDK? Perhaps this is not a great deal at all, but for some reason I was thinking that it would require background processes or something that is not possible or possible. Whoever has any idea about how it will be implemented, will be appreciated. Thanks! Check out jailbreaking outside the app store and distribute your app, running background processes at this time There is no way.

Learning C (via K&R) using xcode -

I am learning C with the C programming language (K & R). Since I do not want to move forward and back between the text editor and the running GCC, I have decided to use the encoded as an idad. Up to now, I have been able to follow the example of the book without any problem till Section 1.5.2. When a valid (?) Program was given ... #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Zero main () {long nc; NC = 0; While (getchar ()! = EOF) ++ NC; Printf ("% ld \ n", nc); } ... I am not telling any final output how many characters were in my input. I am entering my input through the Xcode Console window. On some debugging, it seems that my program gets trapped in the loop, and never encounters the EOF Token. To accommodate this, I replaced a new line as a new condition by changing "\ n" with EOF instead, whatever Does not and gives me an indication of indicator comparison warning. What am I doing wrong here? Do I use xcode & amp; Will R be able to f...

iphone - Notification of or detecting screenshot being taken? -

Is any information or other mechanism being told that the user is taking a screenshot with the home / power buttons? I have seen the thread about the desire to disable screenshots, but it is not what I am doing. I have a photographer customer who is worried that their work will be copied through the users taking screenshots and I thought that if there was a chance to put a watermark in the image before taking a screenshot, then its fear Must overcome. I doubt it will ever be a thing and for a good reason. You should not be able to remove the screenshot functionality from your users.

windows - How to get data from crystal report viewer's fields to local variables in C# or VB.Net? -

Text after " How do I get values ​​of the report field to open data from reports, others window forms or other reports? Are there required to get O. variables to pass local C #? After several time ... On the report of this upgrade it is possible to get Textobject data on any Textobject ClickPage event on fire and by clicking that in the sub You have to upgrade to Crystal Reports 2008 SP 3.6, link bil and the work is fine! Private sub-crViewer_ClickPage (ByVal manages crViewer.ClickPage as this object, byVal e CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.PageMouseEventArgs) (e .objectInfo.Text) IsNothing Clipboard.Clear () Clipboard.SetText (e.ObjectInfo.Text) Me.CallBackForm (e.ObjectInfo.Name.ToUpper.Trim, e.ObjectInfo.Text) end then End Sub I think this problem is at a higher level, you want to use "variable">

plpgsql - PostgreSQL - Language pgplsql does not exist despite running CREATE LANGUAGE -

I tried to create my first plpgsql function. When executing the script, I get error: language "'plpgsql' 'does not exist Then I create LANGUAGE plpgsql to launch command; which shows the following error: Error: The language "plpgsql" already exists The commands are running on the same database. Relationship Peter Please note that your error has extra characters, most likely you have written: create a function ... language 'pl Pgsql ' sort mysql things like this Bad syntax is just do it Create function ... language plpgsql

How to Count the Number of Steps Using the Accelerometer -

I want to know how to take steps using accelerometer. In fact, I calculate the acceleration and use this code to calculate the step length = sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z); If (length> = 2) {stepcount + = 1; } Where acceleration calculates acceleration using acceleration, acceleration. Acceleration.z, but my main problem in launching the application gives the correct phase value to the stack step, but as time does not have its value, in fact you are using a sudden acceleration at a certain value, which is in the form of a sign that some person. One phase is ending or starting. First of all, you have to make sure that you finish sampling an explorometer, which is not to remember one step. Then you are going to make sure that you are accurately guessing what your limit should be. It will require a lot of testing and error. Am I suggesting that the length is ending with time and if you can come up with a good range value which is usually correct. But, regardless, it rea...

Access a value from a struct via a pointer? (C++) -

यहाँ मेरा स्ट्रेट है: struct जांचकर्ता {कम पंक्ति; छोटा कर्नल; अहस्ताक्षरित छोटी संख्या; छोटा रंग; }; अब, मुझे चेकर्स बोर्ड का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए एक अन्य संरचना भी बनानी होगी: स्ट्रेट बोर्ड {चेकर चेकर्स [2] [13]; // ज़रेथ 13 का प्रवेश नहीं किया जाता है परीक्षक * ग्रिड [8] [8]; // प्रत्येक प्रविष्टि नल या चेकर्स सरणी में एक तत्व का एक पता // रखता है; यदि यह मामला है, चेकर्स [0-1] किस पक्ष का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, [1-12] प्रत्येक टुकड़े के लिए अद्वितीय संख्याएं हैं। वैसे भी, मेरे पास एक 8x8 ग्रिड, जो या तो नाल को इंगित करता है, या एक चेकर टुकड़ा। मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं कि उस चेकर को अपनी अनन्य आईडी (चेकर्स [0] [5] से नहीं बल्कि उदाहरण के तौर पर) का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए, बल्कि ग्रिड पर अपनी स्थिति के आधार पर। मैं कैसे प्रवेश कर सकता हूं इस फैशन में डेटा के सदस्य हैं? I'l संक्षेप करने की कोशिश: बोर्ड खेल घोषित किया ग्रिड सेट करें ताकि मेरे पास [0] [0] पर चेकर्स का टुकड़ा हो। यह चेकर्स होगा [0] [1] । तो इसके बजाय cout & lt; & lt; चेकर्...

api - Opening file from Java -

I need to give instructions to the OS to open the file with the default program used for that file type. In fact, that is, that file was double clicked by the user under Windows. The purpose is, that is, "Your PDF file was generated. Click here to open it". Platform-independent, if possible ... I do not know the exact words for what I want, so if a tag can update I would appreciate it most;) You need class and especially the method. Launches the associated application to open the file. If the specified file is a directory, then the file manager of the existing platform is launched to open it.

animation - How to create a smoke effect in iphone? -

I am developing an application where I want to make some smoking effects like animation and interact with that smoking Want to Do I need to implement it OPLAL or any simple solution? Is there a sample app for this? Can you just write a simple particle emitter for that what is it for the game? Or for any other type of application? It also depends on the level of realism you are looking for. A person was voted to mention liquid mobility, but if you want really , want realism, this is the best way. After saying this, you can actually get a good smoke regular particle emitter (you can try to open it even on the core animation, not in the OpenGL E). In addition, if you are targeting iOS 5.0+, then there are many particle FXs in the UIT which you can use, all you have to do with the parameters ... checkout Cheers!

Having "Exception Value: The _imaging C module is not installed" with my Buildout/Python/Django/PIL on Mac OSX SL? -

I am using Buildin for Django projects with FeinCMS. I got a good setup locally on my Mac OSX Snow Leopard, when I use Runner, there is no error. But when I upload an image with FeinCMS in the admin area, it comes with an "Exception value: _imaging C module not installed" error. My traceback is here: My buildout.cfg file looks like this: [buildout] parts = zlib libjpeg PILwoTk django-mptt Django-staticfiles django eggs = PILwoTk feincms [zlib] recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi url = config-options = --shared [libjpeg] recipe = Hexagonit.recipe.cmmi url = Jpegsrc.v8.tar.gz [PVC] Recipe = GC. Creep.Egf: Custom Search Link = Included- Diaries = $ {zlib: location} / include $ {libjpeg: location} / library-dirs = $ {zlib: location} / Lib $ {libjpeg: location} / lib rpath = $ {zlib: location} / lib $ {libjpeg: location} / lib [djang contains O-mptt] recipe = infrae.subvers...

iPhone plist key-to-struct of values -

I'm new to plists; they look very powerful for static data but I'm not sure how to complete the following . I have a table of data (currently a spreadsheet) where the first column is a unique ID (true for the key)) and I want to structure the data of a structure w / the rest of the column Key for I am looking at my plist in XCode and I'm pretty sure how to set it up as if it is my wish that I have only one value to be the main result. In addition, is there an easy way to get all the spreadsheet data into my list of files? The value associated with the key should be an array (or dictionary), which can have multiple values.

python - How can I see error logs of Django views -

I'm coding a small application with Django but I can not see any error logs in the console when an error (such as Python syntax error etc.) is in one of my views - no action at all. How can I view error logs of my thoughts? Like blind, debugging is really annoying. Degene does not print any errors from the console by default. Instead, it provides a very useful error page that is displayed for any errors occurring in your thoughts. Please check that your debug setting is set to: This must be true in development which will give you a good error page for 404 and 500 errors. The beautiful error page will look like this: For some more information about the original debugging technics with the Django, I can also recommend it with DjangoCon2009.

OpenCV detecting an application frame from a set of screenshots -

I have this problem, I want to find a special window with a set of screenshots. If I have 100 screenshots then I have to know what is there in iTunes. When I come to OpenCV, then am I still a Noah, do I have to train a Higher file for this Or is there to make or is there no easy solution because the app frames are not different? There are several ways to identify image containing iTunes in 100 screenshots. The specific route you take will depend heavily on the details of your problem: Are you always looking for iTunes? How is it right to be? Is false positives acceptable? How about negative negative? Is there always a screenshot from the same system? Will iTunes be always maximized? Will desktop background ever change? iTunes should be identified in different circumstances, eg coverflow, visualization, iTunes store? Will iTunes always look the same? For starters, I can see that you can see full simplified metrics and see if they separate your iTunes from ...

web services - How to store data accessible to both a web site and android application? -

I am developing an Android and web application that will serve as a service (use the same data). My question is how should the data be allowed to access the same set of data for both web and Android applications? Should Android Apps Connect to MySQL Server to Access / Access Data Sites? If so, how can I gain access to someone when I am not in the service sector? It looks like you need to provide a REST or SOAP interface for your webserver data So that the Android app could get it. In order to provide access to the service area, you will need to cache data or complete some data sync capabilities to keep working copy of data on Android device. I advise the Android device to connect directly to an external database, if this is also possible. Do you have a fully functional web app that you are copying just as an Android app? If so, then I would recommend that only Android users see your site through a web browser. Probably provide another mobile friend version of CSS. This... mvc - How can I tell which image has been clicked? -

& lt;% का उपयोग (HTML.BeginForm ("ChangeLanguage", "AppController", FormMethod.Post)) { & gt%; & Lt; div id = "चीन" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "imageChina" नाम = "btnsubmitLan" प्रकार = "छवि" मान = "सीएन" alt = 'चीन' src = "/ सामग्री / छवि / चिह्न एचएच / फ्लैट सीएन। Gif" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "US" & gt; & Lt; input id = "ImageUS" नाम = "btnsubmitLan" प्रकार = "चित्र" मान = "यूएस" alt = 'अंग्रेजी' src = "/ सामग्री / छवि / चिह्न / एचएफ़ / फ्लैट.जेपीजी" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "वियतनाम" & gt; & Lt; input id = "ImageVN" नाम = "btnsubmitLan" प्रकार = "छवि" मान = "वीएन" alt = 'वियतनाम' src = "/ सामग्री / छवि / IconHH / FlatVN.jpg" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt...

c - Error from gcc compiler -

What is the meaning of the following error: function `get_ints`:` l` undeclared (previously Function in the function) Thanks, Josh Undoing L from the experience - Check your integer constants, you have a possibility of 1 instead of l .

linux - How to create a RPM build for opensuse 11.2 form netatalk 2.0.5 -

Is there anyone who knows how to make RPM from Netcatock 2.0.5? Or better URL for an RPM? I want to ask this because I know that there is no RPM here for 11.2 (or SSE). thanks, Ivo Trompert Create RPMs manually: At least once you have to make and setup new pkgs is quite fast. I believe that there are also online pages in redhat too.

visual studio - Visualstudio macro - enumerating all projects properties -

I have a big solution with many projects, I set a special property for each (alert level for example) I want to do projects. Can this be done with the macro? It looks like it may have access to it However, I suspect that it's some sort of The script can be simple to write (e.g., AVK, PRL, Ruby, Python, etc.) which processes the files. For example, if you have to deal with C / C ++ projects, then it can spin through the .vcproj files and change the lines as needed.

caching - Lazy initialization of cache with Spring IBatis -

We are implementing our legacy to the Spring Ibatis model. It says that I have two classes [both singleton ] DAOImpl apply DAOInterface CacheDAOImpl is applicable DAOInterface Showing the code snippet CacheDAOImpl Start privatization in . Private Static CashADOML Our Instance = New CashIDOML (); Public static CacheDAOImpl getInstance () {Return to our interns; } object usage DAOImpl to code snippet private DAO GetCacheDAO () {return CacheDAOImpl.getInstance (); } @ Override Public SomeObject lookUpId () {GetCacheDAO Get}. LookUpId (); } The above implementation is started only in the cash when a method is applied in the DAIOIMPL, while with the initial spring model, can we do this? Can not work as a lazy-int object, the DAIOIMple can always be used with non-lazy beans First, the method of defining an object in the form of singleton is to define the method of spring in singleton (which is the default) bean area. Second, lazy-init should w...

c++ - Global Keyboard hook not working -

I created a global keyboard hook. The hook is built in a DLL. #pragma comment (linker, "/SECTION:.SHARED,RWS") #pragma data_seg (shared ".") High HHOOK HKB = null; Fixed CMyFile * PLF; #pragma data_seg () Hintus Hins = Faucet; Exile 'C' LRESULT __declspec (dllexport) __stdcall callback KeyBoardHookProc (int nCode, wParam wParam, lParam lParam) {if (nCode & LT; 0) {return CallNextHookEx (0, nCode, wParam, lParam); } Return CallNextHookEx (HKK, Encoded, WPAMM, LPARM); } Extern "C" LRESULT __declspec (dllexport) __stdcall Install Callback () {PLF = New CMyFile (L "C: \\ 1.txt"); Hkb = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD, (HOOKPROC) KeyBoardHookProc, hins, 0); Return 0; } Extern "C" BOOL __declspec (dllexport) __stdcall uninstalled callback () {return UnhookWindowsHookEx (HKB); } BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {switch (ul_reason_for_call) {case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: HINS = (...

orm - openJPA on Java SE -

I try to develop the JPA project on IBM Red. And I can successfully run it on the webpage, but the problem is that my machine is quite old. Do not deploy the Java EE container reasonable.And I want error play it JSE.But gives the following: 94 test information [main] openjpa.Runtime - OpenJPA 1.2 start . 1-Snapshot 235 test information [Main] openjpa.jdbc.JDBC - Dictionary class used "". 1797 Test Warne [Main] Openjapa Enhance - This configuration does not allow runtime optimization, but the following listed types were not extended on build time or class load time with Java load: "[class customer]". Exceptions in thread "main" & lt; Openjpa-1.2.1-SNAPSHOT-r422266: 686069 Fatal user error & gt; Org.apache.openjpa.preistence.ArgumentException: type "class client" has not increased org.apache.openjpa.meta.ClassMetaData.resolveMeta ( on org.apache.openjpa.meta.ClassMe...

java - How do I initialize an object of a class? -

मेरा कोड ऐसा कुछ है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग फू {सार्वजनिक int a; बार [] बार = नया बार [10]; ए = बार [0] .baz; } सार्वजनिक वर्ग बार {सार्वजनिक int b; सार्वजनिक बार () {// मैं इस निर्माता के साथ दूर करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन वह नहीं था // तय कुछ भी बी = 0; } सार्वजनिक एएनए बाज़ () {// do somthing}} और मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश मिलता है: थ्रेड "Foo" जावा में अपवाद .lang.NullPointerException फ़ू में जो भी लाइन मैं क्लास बार के किसी फ़ंक्शन या मान को कॉल करने का प्रयास करता हूं। मैं बाक [] को रिक्त होने से कैसे रोकूं? संपादित करें: कुछ नगण्य के बाद, मैं अंत में इसे तय कर लिया, धन्यवाद सबको! हालांकि, मैं चीजों को ठीक करने के लिए निर्माता को कॉल नहीं कर सका; मुझे एक और फ़ंक्शन बनाना पड़ता था और मेन से उस फ़ंक्शन को कॉल करना था (मेरे मामले में, क्लास फू वास्तव में कक्षा मुख्य है, अगर वह वास्तव में मायने रखता है)। मेरा अंतिम परिणाम: सार्वजनिक वर्ग फ़ू {public int a; बार [] बार = नया बार [10]; सार्वजनिक फ़ू () {// इस निर्माता को किसी कारण के लिए नहीं बुलाया गया था ... मैंने सिस्ट...

flash - Resizable MovieClip Component? -

I was thinking that anybody can be kind and can help me, as a class of 3 or I was looking at google about the component, allowing me to load properties such as SFF or image, give me a kind handler to change the size of the loaded asset, you know in flash, when you want one Change the size of the symbol, in which you have a small square handler, From which you can drag to change shape, I do not want to change the wheel again, and I'm sure it should be a class or component that I get or buy, just do not help in any luck Thank You for! You can see an example with the source file or some other

Have iPhone webpage URL open in specific view in application -

I have an application that works like an internet browser for a webpage. If the webpage is in one view, can I do this when a specific URL is chosen that this URL will open in a different view? Yes in your web interpreter, implement it (BOOL Webview: (UIWebView *) webview should start StarlightWithRevist: (NS URL Request RAQUAST *) Request Navigation: (UIWebViewNavigationType) Navigation Type { Check to see if this is the URL you are interested in , Then create and cover the scene that displays the web page. Oh, and not being able to stop the load from being in this scene.

SMS to multiple numbers (iPhone SDK) -

Is it possible to copy several numbers from one table to the clipboard, then paste it on the To-field of the SMS app. Is it possible to use commas after the number? Thanks in advance !! :) This is not a complete answer, but look at the UIPP board that allows you to manipulate the system clipboard gives . You can try adding several NS URLs 'SMS: ...' to see 'Item' on the normal pasteboard, whether the SMS app interprets them properly. Please reply and tell me if this works. Even look at the MFMailComposeViewController I do not think it will support SMS internally, but you can use it to send more than one SMS number or differently using a normal SMS gateway The providers can use a lookup table of cell phone providers by blocking the number allocation to access gateways. The advantage of using MFMailComposeViewController is that you do not have to leave your app. There are some "Free Text Messaging" apps on the App Store, "Free MMS Messages...

user interface - Create Square Window C++ -

Stuck on a little stupid problem. I am using a CreateWindow () command to create a GUI in C ++ using XP and VS C ++. My question is, how do I make the inner painting area an ideal class? When going into the size of the making of the window, some of them are cut to the top of the menu bar, border around etc. Can I pass a real time variable, eg 500x500 To create a window: ... 500 + borders, 500+ MENU_TOP + BORDER ... Thanks everyone The way I usually do this is that. I'm easier than other suggested methods (which should work as well as it is your choice). Use it like this: RECT rect = {0, 0, desired wide, desired] height}; Adjustwindow (and reset, windowstyle, hemenu); Const int realWidth = rect.right - rect.left; Const int realHeight = rect.bottom -; and pass realWidth & amp; realHeight to CreateWindow . The function, as its name suggests, adjust the window according to your window style and menu usage, so that the customer area matches the...

javascript - jQuery week calendar plugin -

I searched the net and found nothing. Maybe someone has used something that Google can not give me here I wanted to use one week's calendar, I am using it and there are many difficulties in it. One happens when my date and time are the same, they overlap in one another and can be clicked on only one head. I have tried to hack the code, but it seems like this forever. Can any jQuery week calendar suggest you? See jQuery-based calendar I had a very good experience with which was very customizable. Many of these can be customized according to "week-view"

How to Transform XML with XSLT using PHP in Wordpress -

Now I change an XML document with an XSLT stylesheet using Javascript (in a Wordpress-based website). It works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but not in IE Also, if Javascript is not enabled, nothing will be visible. So, my goal is to do XHTML to XML / XSLT conversion server, not to use the client, especially PHP. I have tried many other PHP scripts that others have written (I'm a newbie), but I can not get them to work. I included the simplest PHP script found below I know that the dynamic file path can be a problem, but I do not have a better way to locate XML and XSLT files. When I use the script below, I get an error: Parse error: Syntax Optional solutions will also be welcome. & lt ;? Php $ xml = new DOMDocument (); $ Xml- & gt; Load ('& lt ;? php bloginfo (' template_directory ') ;? & gt; rentals /works.xml'); $ Xsl = new DOMDocument; $ Xsl- & gt; Load ('& php bloginfo' ('template_directory') ;? & g...

gdi+ - .NET graphical text entry -

Suppose I'm displaying a bitmap and want to keep the text on that bitmap. I can display a RichEdit or Textbox control in place and allow text to be typed in a certain font / size ... but then the user can "see" the rectangular text entry control appears and the entry / Disappears on editing and cancel edit Includes this bitmap while entering / editing the text My question is how to do this Land that text entry control window "transparent" or "not visible". Again, if the text is on bitmap, then the user clicks on text and voice appears in the carat text, displays any rectangular rectangle controls, such as text boxes, recit Etc ... , the text becomes "magical" editable. Is there a way to enter "transparent background" text in .NET? Some options are given: This is a The text entry box is not a bad thing to show. This explains to the user that after clicking on the bitmap they have entered a new "mode" and a...

What should my Nginx rewrite rules be for Rails with Passenger for page caching in a subdirectory? -

I am using Nginx 0.7.64, passenger 2.2.9, Rail 2.3.5. My page is set to the caching directory / public / cache, and I want to be able to serve pages cached on the HTTP request, but always press the rails app while requesting on HTTPS. The bulk of my config looks like this: server {80; Server_name; Proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto http; Root / home / posted / website / current / public; Active on passenger; If (-f $ document_root / cache / $ request_filename.html) {re-type (. *) $ Document_root / cache / $ 1.html break; }} Listen to server {443; Server_name; Root / home / posted / website / current / public; Active on passenger; Proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; Ssl on; ISBN: Ssl_certificate_key /home/deploy/website/shared/ssl/; } I hope that when I request, I should be served at /public/cache/about.html, but instead I used Rail Server ( Shows the log shows it). Was think...

oop - Classes, methods, and polymorphism in Python -

I created a module prototype in Python for the purpose of creating complex timer schedules. Emulating the class prototype timer objects, each repeat with your waiting time, timers and other repetitive objects to an entire building or timer, and again on a schedule class. The construction can be as complex as it can be and it should be flexible. Each of these three classes has the .run () method, which allows the entire program to go through. Whatever the class, the .run () method either runs a timer, a repeating group or schedule for a certain number of iterations. Is this polynomial-oriented approach or stupid? With other appropriate methods, should I consider building a versatile utility which allows all building blocks to be desired together in a complicated manner simultaneously? Thank you! Module Code: ###################### Importing the module from import time, Sleep ###################### Classroom Definition Class Timer: "Timer Object" with Period....

r - Creating a Plot Window of a Particular Size -

How can I create a specific on-screen R plot window with a specific width and height (pixels, etc.) ? Use () . (See.) plot (1:10) (width = 5, height = 4) plot (1:20)

svn - Easiest Subversion installer for Windows 7? -

I want to try subversion on Windows 7. The repository will be on the same PC that I will access it (i.e., server and client on the same computer) I read a blog entry which suggested that the easiest way to install SVN was. VSVN is really the easiest suggestion to install or not? Personally, I want to go for the tortoise if it's just a local store.

Eclipse PHP IDE - custom auto complete tags -

Eclipse was new in IDE and thinking that there is a way to add an auto complete / shift so that I type: This I know of the usual PHP code completion, but could not see anything about creating custom shortcuts. Thanks, Niggles If you use PDT, then your own Create a PHP Template From the menu window> select Preferences, PHP> Editor> Template. Click the New button, then use mres as the template name, then mysql_real_escape_string ($ {cursor}) As a pattern. To use it, just type MERS and press Ctrl + Space. If there is no other option for mres , then your template will be used now if you have started in the template name with mres or mres If there are 2 or more templates, then a popup will be shown so you can choose which one you want to use

java - Why is ampersand being interpreted as children on text node -

I have an XML file that I am parsing and I have the following tag ... & lt; Desc & gt; /wap/news/text.jsp?sid=242&nid=5662369&cid=5038&scid=-1 & lt; / Desc> I do not have control over the format of this XML file but I need to explain the content as partial URL which I later add to a base URL and a new file I get. When I parse it, a tag has a child, a text node whose value is ... /wap/news/text.jsp ? Sid = 242 But the rest line is parsed with the value of the nodes of 6 children on the text node above ... Amp; Nid = 566236 9 & amp; CID = 5038 & amp; Skid = -1 How do I treat this parser as just a text node and '& amp; The symbols form the hair nodes. The related parsing code is below. HTTink Connection C = (HTTP Connection) Connector. Open (inURL.toString (), Connector. RAD); Is = c.openInputStream (); Documentbuilder Factory Factory = Document Builder. Firmware (); Factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace (true);...

With Amazon EC2 and S3, is it possible to do both transfers to AND FROM S3 through EC2, making it free? -

This can be a silly question, but in the same area as the transit between EC2 and S3 Is independent within, why it is not possible to transmit all transfers through S3 and EC2 and transfer is completely free? In particular, I'm looking at Heroko, which is Ruby on the hosting service of Rail 2 running ES2, where bandwidth is free, they upload uploads first, and especially note They are free for the S3 when displayed through Heroku. However, I was wondering why a single move would not work in reverse, as if any requested file is flown through EC2? If this is possible, will it be difficult to setup? I can not find any ideas of this concept on Google. The transfer is free, but it still spends money to store the data on the S3. .. or am I forgetting something?

debugging - Qt: Python tcp client sends data over socket. How to read these bytes with Qt? -

Status: I have a TCP customer created with Qt from Python and TCP server. I try to send bytes with my client, but I can not get the QT server to read these bytes. Using Python, the customer and server were created, everything works fine except that I can not get any problems with my Python client with the C # server. Code for the Python client: Import socket import system HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 50505: Sock = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) Message except socket.error: sys.stderr.write ("[ERROR]% s \ n"% msg) sys.exit (1) Try: sock Message except socket.error: sys.stderr.write ("[ERROR ] (% HOST, PORT) \ n ') ). I have tried the Eki lucky / fatal code examples but they are not working. Bytes option is always 0. So the question is how can I read in my QT application "Hello World!" line? I just need that function when a server emits new connection () signals. connect (TCP server, signal (new connection), this, sl...

What is wrong with this simple jQuery code? -

This is a simple jQuery code, what I have to do is hide #bling , but it & lt; Script language is not "javascript" & gt; $ ("Document") ready (work () ($ ('# bling'). Hide ();}); & lt; / script & gt; & lt; div id = "bling" style = "background-color : #FFFF66; width: 100px; height: 100px; "> Change $ ("document") to $ (document)

Using php and regex to grab labels and data and store as associative array -

How can I use regex to find this table in one page (by searching by name it): & Lt; Td class = "data" & gt; Div class = "datainfo" & gt; Stuff & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td class = "label" & gt; Email: & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "data" & gt; Div class = "datainfo" & gt; Stuff 2 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td class = "label" & gt; Address: & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "data" & gt; Div class = "datainfo" & gt; Stuff 3 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Table ID = "Table Name 2" & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td class = "label" & gt; Field 1: & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "...

hyperlink - the best way to "link" two web pages -

I was planning to create two web pages (separate domains) that deal with the same subject. Articles will be published on the first page and I would like to show those articles on other pages (here only the example of the last 10 articles will be displayed here). Edit: I use php / mysql Should be stored in a database that is available from both pages (are they the same webserver?) Then on one page you can: select title Summary from the article DESC and on the other: SELECT title, full text by article DESC LIMIT 10 You can serve both web pages with the same webserver Even though the domain name vary.

Auto update and build with eclipse and SVN -

Every morning when I come to work, I am updating my sources with SVN and creating it . This process takes about 15 minutes My question is whether it is possible to do it automatically, scheduling it ... I work with XP and Eclipse I am here. As mentioned in the comments, setting a The fastest way to schedule is:

php - smarty Debugging Console -

How to view no debugging console in the popup window? Like any idea in the same window? Change the debug template file debug.tpl . Just replace the following code with something suitable for your needs: # _smarty_console.document.write ('{$ debug_output | escape:' javascript '}'); ## Type the debug window directly into the current document document. Write ('{$ debug_output | escape:' javascript '}); `

Destination unreacheable (Android mobile) -

I have coded a web call, but when I want to try my Android application in Android device, the response is a Socket is the exception "Accessible Destination" (in my mobile device), but if I work with the Android Simulator then works well (no problem, no exceptions). My mobile device is connected to the service provider via UMTS, not WiFi. My Android model and firmware are: HTC Magic Firmware: 1.6 Thank you very much. Looks like a network, can you check the following: Is the address you are connecting to the Internet, and not on your LAN? Can you connect to other addresses on the phone in your program? Can you connect to other addresses on the phone outside of your program? (Browser, etc.) Can you connect to the address on the phone outside your program? (Browser, etc.)

Is there any way in Java to access information about a type at runtime without fully loading the class? -

I am trying to get a reference of java.lang.Class which is in my class and on seeing the members There is a problem with the reflection, I am just trying to do this with an incomplete cell spacing. This means that there are all classes in classpath which I am interested in, but it does not necessarily include further classes that may depend on these classes. So it is not possible to fully load the class in a normal way. Is this possible?

java - Why can't e.g. List<ChildClass> be passed to a method that takes a List<ParentClass> as parameter? -

सरल उदाहरण: सार्वजनिक वर्ग व्यक्ति {स्ट्रिंग का नाम; } सार्वजनिक वर्ग की वीआईपी व्यक्ति [स्ट्रिंग शीर्षक; } और फिर कर रहा है: सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {व्यक्ति p = नया व्यक्ति (); पी। नाम = "जॉन"; वीआईपी वीआईपी = नया वीआईपी (); = "Bob"; Vip.title = "सीईओ"; सूची के & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; PersonList = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; (); सूची के & lt; वीआईपी & gt; VipList = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; वीआईपी & gt; (); personList.add (पी); personList.add (वीआईपी); vipList.add (वीआईपी); printNames (personList); printNames (vipList); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य प्रिंट-नाम (सूची & amp; व्यक्ति; व्यक्ति & gt; व्यक्तियों) {for (व्यक्ति पी: व्यक्तियों) System.out.println (; } "प्रिंटनॉम्स (वीपीएलआईएसटी)" पर एक त्रुटि देता है (आवश्यक सूची & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; सूचीबद्ध सूची & lt; वीआईपी & gt;)। इसका मतलब यह है कि हालांकि वीआईपी एक है व्यक्ति, सूची & lt; वीआई...

SQL Server Authorization/Security Question -

We have created a C # framework, which should go through all the data modifications of our database. We do not want anyone to make data changes directly from the database. All changes should be run through our framework. My question is how to apply it? How can we allow the SQL server to include only the included / updated / deleted statements made from our framework, and not one of the potential hundreds of individuals, which can be connected through SSMS or any other device? I do not have much experience with SQL Server Security / Authentication, so I need some direction on this. Thank you very much. Create a SQL login for your application and allow it to be stored procedures or base tables - which There are also your requirements. Do not access anyone else. But you mention 'framework', which means that many applications and usernames will use it ... then you need another approach.

javascript - Is the DOCTYPE relevant only to the markup or also to the DOM? -

अमूर्त के स्तर पर & lt;! DOCTYPE & gt; घोषणा (और सामग्री-प्रकार ) का एक दस्तावेज़ प्रासंगिक रहेगा? उदाहरण के लिए, अगर मैं एक्सएचटीएमएल के साथ काम कर रहा हूं, लेकिन एक तत्व का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं जो एक्सएचटीएमएल में उपलब्ध नहीं है - एक आसान उदाहरण एक आईफ्रेम है - क्या यह बुरा अभ्यास होगा Programatically जावास्क्रिप्ट के साथ तत्व जोड़ें? या फिर मुझे आइफैम का उपयोग नहीं करना है या एक्सएचटीएमएल का उपयोग नहीं करना है? एक मान्यकर्ता अभी भी दस्तावेज को मान्य करेगा - क्योंकि यह जेएस को निष्पादित नहीं करता है - लेकिन इसमें डीओएम को संशोधित करने के साथ कुछ गलत है यह अब & lt;! DOCTYPE & gt; (और सामग्री प्रकार वापस) के अनुरूप नहीं है, या यह & lt;! DOCTYPE & gt; केवल मार्कअप के लिए प्रासंगिक है जब यह है शाब्दिक रूप में? परिशिष्ट अधिक विशिष्ट होने के लिए, मेरा प्रश्न यह नहीं है कि & lt;! DOCTYPE & gt; JavaScript को प्रभावित करेगा या जावास्क्रिप्ट को कैसे प्रभावित करेगा मेरा उदाहरण है अगर एक ग्राहक दोनों एक्सएचटीएमएल अनुपालन और WYSIWYG संपादकों क...

php - Checking Correct Answer and Submitting Form -

I'm not proficient in PHP because I hope that I have most of my experience with Wordpress loops. I am trying to create a very simple quiz that performs the number of correct answers in the URL (e.g., Domaindotcom /? P = 3 if they have found 3 correct answers yet). I'm using the following PHP code to get started: & lt ;? Php / * Current correct answer count * / $ answer_count = $ _GET ["p"]; / * Check to see if the submitted response is similar to the correct answer / ($ _POST ["submit-answer"] == "correct-answer") {$ answer_count ++; }? & Gt; Now I know that I can get the right link using the link: & lt; A href = "link-to-next-question.php /? P = & lt ;? php echo $ answer_count;? & Gt;" & gt; Next question & lt; / A & gt; But now I am trying to use it in a form and confuse with post, GET, etc. Here's my HTML: & lt; Form name = "quiz" action = "" method = ...