java - Progam can't see file but it exist. FileNotFoundException -
Then, I am writing FTP server-client but code can not read a file. I mean. Suppose I have a file on the download / download / implant 2.pdf but I get a file not found exception. Even if there is a file and I can see it. I also created a test folder and set it privatization for 777. Still, nothing.
Can netbeans be set as superuser or something? I mean. I just want to copy and paste some, but I can not copy here and paste code if you see anything wrong with it, please share.
Public static zero copyfile (file, file out) throws IOException {chinal = new file in the file channel (in the input stream) .getChannel (); File channel out channel = new file output stream (outside) .getChannel (); Try {inChannel.transferTo (0, inChannel.size (), outChannel); } Hold (IOException e) {throw e; } Finally {if (chinal! = Null) in china.clos (); If (out channel! = Null) outChannel.close (); }}
Do you specify the right path Are the files?
You can try to specify the full path or keep the file in the same directory as the code.
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