REST-style URLS and PHP -

I have a hard time getting my head while using REST-style URLS Can you get a little help? I have a query string right now, like:

I have a modern rewrite that can hide .php Expansion is being done How to do this

  1. It should be calendar_ expanded / date / 1270094400 .
  2. Receive $ _ from the url after this fact?

I like the concept behind this, but working 16 hours a day to complete a deadline for the whole month is taking a toll on my mind.

Thanks for the help.

If you want to create too many REST URLs, then you have a PHP framework that uses the design pattern. .

In this way, each request is processed by the framework and you are flexible enough to design your URL, but they should be visible.

The example supports a cheerful design outside the box.

BTW Runt URLs are only understood if the parameter is fixed in some way and specify the resource, for example the title of the blog post if you want to pass the parameter only for example to a table Control the sorting (i.e. the view of something) then it should go in the query string as the "normal" GAT parameter.

In your case it seems that you have to control which day should be shown in a calendar I personally will only use the normal GET query string.


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