
Showing posts from April, 2012

c# - Getting only the Referrer page not complete address in .NET -

I am using C #. Below is my sample code. Private Zero Page_load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs e) {string str = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString (); Label1.Text = str; The result is Label1.Text . Thank you If you want only one part after the last / in the URL, then the call should be done by calling the method: System.IO.Path. GetFileName (Request.UrlReferrer.LocalPath); If you want output to keep query string information from URI, use the property: System.IO.Path.GetFileName (Request.UrlReferrer .PathAndQuery);

iphone - how to insert UIImage into UITextView -

IM is working on an editable notebook type project that has some text and images at any time. In the UITextView , if we add images as a subview, the frames are okay but I have the editable option so I want to copy the image to NSString Save in UITextView , but it should look at the image type in the UIPart. So please suggest me how I can manage this requirement. In advance thanks I think you are demanding something that is possible is not . If you really want to interfere with text and graphics, then UIWebView is about your only answer. But it is not editable.

Comparing SQL and Prolog -

I started learning progressl and am thinking about the theoretical difference from the SQL language. For example: Both declarative languages ​​are Both support a fact-based knowledge database Both support questions - Styling data - Retrieving Both support functional dependency Any more common points? Any remarkable differences? Most (earlier) answers here are a reflection of the fact that most people do not know that SQL What is it (its relational calculus implementation) or what it means (this is a form of projectionist logic). These two are argumentative They can repeat, express, and use relationships (logical connection in Prologue) They can find out the facts and conclusions of both the facts (data in SQL) They are both questions, they are both [/ li] both of them (Both have programming languages) etc., etc. Generally, people do not know about these equivalents: "facts" and "data" are the same thing. It comes out directl...

Preventing Cookie replay attacks in ASP.Net MVC -

I have been tasked with implementing point 4 in this article: The subscription provider Uses include adding a comment to users' server side records, when they sign in and exit, and then confirm that the user is not logged out when used to authenticate the cookie is. This makes the right sense for me where it starts to separate, we do not currently use a membership provider, and it seems that I use all our authentication codes again to use a subscription provider. I am facing complete fulfillment. We currently check authentication in a controller, and call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie () , once we know that the user exists is it really Necciality, it will be a lot of work to force a membership provider. Can I roll in my own key value store of cookie values ​​to log in user and just make sure that when a user hits the logout button if it looks insecure, then does all this authenticity code Is there a way to implement a minimum membership provider without assigning it? ...

objective c - What kinds of search solutions are there for an iPhone app? -

There is a problem in determining the search solution for me to use in my new iPhone application. I have the data structure a hierarchy plist that describes a table of contents that is linked to an HTML file stored locally. I only have two levels in the TOC (chapter and section), so it is well equipped with a UITableView Fits in with headers and chambers. The main content is text in HTML files. I have a different approach that will allow someone to search for words and return it to relevant documents (in this case, as described in Plast). All this data is coded hard in the application (it does not change), so hardly the compiled index code is acceptable. I have some ideas but want to implement the best and easiest method to implement search algorithms on an iPhone. == Reverse word indexing == I'll scan the HTML documents related to related words and copy them to a flat file (plist with an array of references to those files. ). The problem does not help with more than on...

jquery - Does SSL also encrypt AJAX posts? -

मैं jQuery के साथ SSL सर्वर पर पोस्ट कर रहा हूं। हाँ, सामान्य https पृष्ठों की तरह

collections - Is there an accepted Java equivalent to Python's zip()? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 जवाब मेरे पास दो सूची ऑब्जेक्ट्स और मैं उनको जोड़ना चाहता हूं, जैसे फ़ंक्शन में पायथन। मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि यह जेडीके में उपलब्ध नहीं है, लेकिन ऐसा कुछ भी है जो एक व्यापक पुस्तकालय में समान है? धन्यवाद। में है, zipWith और zipIndex जिस तरह से आप हास्केल या स्काला से अपेक्षा करेंगे (वास्तव में, लेखकों को बहुत सारे हस्केल प्रोग्रामर हैं।)

php - Reassigning an array frees the memory used by it? -

There are a member variable array in my class, from time to time I have the array as the value of the second, floating array Reassign, such as: $ temp = array (); $ Temp [] = new object (); $ Temp [] = new object (); $ Temp [] = new object (); ... etc $ $ - this- & gt; Item = $ temp; So, can I have a memory leak? $ $ Value - $ temporarily awkward, or will they be free - $ temporarily by reallocating a new value, temporarily reassigning $ all items (item items)? This will not cause the memory leak. $ Temp and $ the-> items are only references to the same array since PHP is a garbage collective language, the array will be removed (garbage collected) when there will be no reference to an array.

sql server 2008 - SSIS Bulk Insert Task from Format File -

I want to use bulk inclusion work in a target server / database / table using a format file. The table or can not already be present in the SSIS 2008 drop-in to the bulk insertion task anyway and as part of the process, reproduce the table from my SSIS format? Why does bulk insertion work in front of the task (SQL function) why the existence of the table test And if it does not exist, then make it?

plugins - Is it possible to set a cookie from a browser plug-in? -

Browser plug-ins, such as Yahoo Toolbar or others, have the ability to set cookies on multiple domains in the form of a user Browse the web? Does the browser disclose the essential access to the plug-in? It will be useful to know if it keeps changing in browsers. Thank you! Cookies are stored in files and in real plugins (i.e. browser's addon / extension engine Instead of using NPAPI) can read / write files, therefore, it is possible for any browser to do this, although it is not actually straightforward. Cookie Editors also expose Firefox addons due to AdSense ads (which can edit cookies for any site). Chrome / Chromium allows cookies through "content scripts" that go in the context of a page (any page) - which is still in beta branch, but will be stable soon However, the downside is that you may have to go to the site to work on the site (you can make a fake, using iFrame). No information about opera.

Regex & PHP - isolate src attribute from img tag -

With PHP, how can I separate the content of src attribute from $ Foo? The end result is just "me" $ foo = '& lt; Img class = "foo bar test" heading = "test image" src = "http: / /" alt = "test image" width = "100" height = "100" /> ; '; If you do not want to use regex (or any non-standard PHP components) ), A proper solution using the built-in will be as follows: ); $ ImageTags = $ doc- & gt; GetElementsByTagName ('IMG'); Forex Currency ($ imageTags as $ Tag) {echo $ tag-> GetAttribute ('src'); }? & Gt; mvc - Why doesnt my jquery execute? -

I am trying to show and hide a div element with the jquery toggle method. I have a link button that calls JavaScript to the onclick page. When clicking on the link button, the page does a postback, when I announced the javascript function to return false. How did anyone know how to solve this? Function Toggle () {$ ('#Apps'). Toggle ("sharp"); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Form runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ASP: LinkButton ID = "LinkButton 1" Runat = "Server" OnClientClick = "Toggle (); Return Return;" Text = "show / hide" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: LinkButton & gt; & Lt; Div id = "app" style = "background-color: fusia, width: 900px; height: 300px;" & Gt; & Lt; P & gt; JQuery example & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Write your JS again on the following and it should work properly & lt; Script type =...

iphone - Loading .xibs into a UIView -

I have a UIViewController that is with .xib of my own, and I use UISegmentedControl to apply the bottom half I want to display different information in the screen. I have created a UIView in the .xib of the container and it is connected to the UIViewController in the container by a UIView property named detailView . Then I created three .xib files in the IB, for one see that each section needs to be displayed in the detailView field. Now I'm stuck because I do not know that the Detail View field to load and load the appropriate .xib file. Here is where I am: - (zero) SegmentWall Change: (ID) sender {switch ([sender selected index of partition}) {case 0: // Details of whatever , Expand View UIView and // Load AddressView.xib in breaking the file; Case 1: // Load whatever is in the extension and // load it into the ContactsView.xib file; Case 2: // Open whatever, view the details in the UIView and load it in the NotesView.xib file // Load it; Default: Break; }} How...

"No persister for" error with NHibernate, NHibernate.Linq and Fluent Mapping -

I am using Nhibernate with GH Nhibernate.Linq 1.0 and download the latest version of FlintNhibernate from master on github I am doing. / P> I am doing some testing and whenever I try to delete a unit retrieved by a Linux query, I get this error: No firmness for it No: NHibernate.Linq.Query` 1 [[Employee. Core. NTTSEMP employee, employee. Core, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = zero]] All other operations (insert, update and select) looks fine; My Entity class: Public class employee {public employee () {} Public Virtual Ent 32 ID {receipt; Private set; } Public Virtual String Name {get; Set; } Public Virtual String Sahelo () {String.Format ("Hello World!", Said, "{0}.", Name); }} Mapping Class: Public Class Employee Map: Classplapp & lt; Employee & gt; {Public Employee Map () {ID (x => x.Id); Map (x = & x; x.Name). Not. (). Lang (50); }} Configuration: Assembly MappingSaSmith = Assembly. Ga...

iframe - Security implications of allowing framing? -

I know that when I try to reach the StackVwarflow via the reddit toolbar, I get a popup that "For security reasons, not allowed". See for an example. What are the safety reasons for actually? I know that this may be a question for Meta, but this is actually more of a general web security question, so I'm giving it a shot. Thank you. / P> You can check. Edit: OK, so the cited from the link The problem with framing is that it is the first The move is how is it done? You can have a clearly harmless page, which is at the top of the link which has a transparent frame, which was careful when you click on the link on the page, then you link the page with the frame Or click on the button. Although you can not see the frame (due to complete transparency), your clicks will be caught by this, the result is that while the user thinks that he is just navigating to the random page, he can actually change his Twitter status, Sending email, doing something on F...

c++ - what is auto_ptr_ref, what it achieves and how it achieves it -

auto_ptr_ref प्रलेखन कहते हैं यह एक निश्चित वर्ग है जो स्वत: वस्तुओं को पारित करने के लिए और फ़ंक्शन से लौट आए। क्या कोई यह बता सकता है कि यह कैसे हासिल करने में Auto_ptr_ref मदद करता है। मैं सिर्फ auto_ptr वर्ग और इसके आंतरिक समझना चाहता हूं यह बल्कि भ्रमित है असल में, auto_ptr_ref मौजूद है क्योंकि auto_ptr कॉपी कन्स्ट्रक्टर वास्तव में शब्द के मानक अर्थ में एक प्रतिलिपि निर्माता नहीं है। प्रतिलिपि कंसल्टेंट्स में आमतौर पर हस्ताक्षर जो इस तरह दिखता है: एक्स (कॉन्स्ट एक्स एंड बी); auto_ptr कॉपी कन्स्ट्रस्ट्रक्टर के पास ऐसे हस्ताक्षर हैं जो इस तरह दिखता है: एक्स (एक्स एंड बी) इसका कारण यह है कि auto_ptr को auto_ptr के स्वामित्व शब्दों की सुविधा के लिए अपने सूचक को 0 में सेट करने के लिए वस्तु की प्रतिलिपि बनाने की आवश्यकता है। कभी-कभी, अस्थायी प्रतिलिपि कन्स्ट्रक्टर से मिलान नहीं कर सकते जो कि इसके तर्क को const घोषित नहीं करता है यह वह जगह है जहां auto_ptr_ref आता है। संकलक प्रतिलिपि कन्स्ट्रक्टर के गैर-कॉन्स्ट संस्करण को कॉल करने में सक्षम नह...

javascript - in jQuery, how to remove an element that has only one whitespace? -

किसी पृष्ठ पर निम्नलिखित HTML को देखते हुए: & lt; div class = 'test' & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & lt; span id = 'id1' वर्ग = 'test1 test2 test3' & gt; टेस्ट टेक्स्ट 1 & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & lt; span id = 'id2' वर्ग = 'test1 test2' & gt; टेस्ट टेक्स्ट 2 & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; span class = 'test2' & gt; & Lt; / span & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & lt; span id = 'id3' class = 'test1' & gt; टेस्ट टेक्स्ट 3 & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & lt; span id = 'id4' class = 'test1 test3 test2' & gt; टेक्स्ट 4 & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं पूरी तरह से चौथी पंक्ति & lt; span class = 'test2' & gt; & Lt; / span & gt; jQuery का उपयोग? अगर यह किसी भी मदद करत...

ruby on rails - Inject an @ variable into src of an IFRAME -

I have a dynamic URL that I am creating in my controller to serve as the source of IFRAME I am currently saving url as @iframe_url when I go to the IFRAME on the scene, I am & lt; IFRAME src = & lt;% = @ iframe_url% & gt; / & Gt; Has anyone benefited, can someone help me? I'm not sure this is a problem, but you should always include in quotation marks: & lt; IFRAME src = "& lt;% = @ iframe_url%> / & Gt;

php - Styled radio buttons (jquery?) -

I need the functionality of radio selection without styling. How can I act like a radio button, and capture the input in one form? something like this? I think that what he has done, he hides the actual radio button on the page, replaces them with fancy-looking icons, images, and text. Clicking these elements gives the radio button the curtains Is forced to change behind. All of those types are: - Using a HyperlinkColumn with a Label Control or just basic Text -

I have a situation where I currently have a hyperlink column control that I want to convert to a label or plain text How do I get the same column as the hyperlink? Any Idea? If it is DataGrid then you can handle itemized events and code by adding a new code Control can add. For example: & lt; Asp: DataGrade ... Previewed = "On Myadatgrid Itam's Creed" ... / & gt; Private Zero OnMyDataGridItemCreated (Object Sender, DataGridItemEventArgs E) {label textLabel = new label (); TextLabel.Text = "Hello!"; E.Item.Cells [3]. ControlsAdd (TextLabel); // "3" you may need to choose a different column)

Creating Silverlight UserControl -

I am creating a Silverlight user control, which I should be able to drag and drop through the mix. But this control must accept the map that is already on the page. For example Main. There is a map control in Xml. MapEditor.xaml contains buttons and other controls in .cs file, it needs access to map control (one of the main XML). How do I go about doing this? I was thinking about adding a parameter to the constructor for a constructor, but how do I pass in the map as a parameter in design mode? Thank you. ps I am going to break this control into a Silverlight Library so that it can be used later in many projects. You do not want to give your control a parameterized constructor, using XAML only by using its default constructor Will build type. Simple approach The easy way is to add dependency to your control, for which you will provide map control (I type the name in this example MyMap ): - Public Map Map {get {return (MyMap) GetValue (MapProperty); } ...

sql server - SP_Who does not return DBName Column -

My Delphi application connects to a SQL Server database through BDE. In this process, my application query SP_Who is stored procedure to get the DbName column value but now I want to add my application to the SQL Server database through ODBC. I am using SQL Server Native Client Driver for this, but why does the process DBName column do not return to my application query SP_Who Why is it? In this case how do I get the value of DNNABM? Is there any other procedure for getting the DBName column value You can get the database name using Are: SELECT DB_NAME () Are you running the DBName column sp_who2 ?

php - Code to parse user agent string? -

As I find it strange, I will not find any good PHP functions anywhere, an intelligent pars Will a user agent string? Now it lasted for about 20 minutes. I already have a string, I just need a few things that will bite it and at least give me browser / work / OS. A good snippet anywhere? The function is available for PHP for a long time. The PHP manual is free, it can be downloaded in various formats and can be viewed online (with comments)

c# - Finalize method in System.Object class -

Curiously I system. Separating mscorlib.dll to check the implementation of the object class. I found something strange in it. 1). Public class object {... protected override void finalize () {} ...} How is an override method in a base class? 2) Public class employees {public zero instance mode () {this.Finalize ()); // Not compiled, can not I use the safe mode of the base class ?? }} I am wondering what is the use of the "preserved final form" method in the object class and why it got special treatment by the compiler? Look at MSDN: Destructors to run cleanup operations For C # mechanisms, destroyers provide proper security measures, such as the form of a type of killer called automatically, in the C # code, the object can not be called or overridden by phenyl. Therefore, the answer to your question will be: Well - that's part of CLR's internal; For example, the C # compiler does all the work as required: public class employee {// final...

Getting confused with Reference Casting and Widening w.r.t Objects in java -

I understand the concept of intersection with primitives and their rapper. But in relation to other things, I am confused with extensive and underlying casting. As the example class animal {} class dog provides animals {public static zero main (args string []) {dog d = new dog (;); D.go (d); } Void go (animal a) {}} Edit: The question is, who has widened one or casting and why? (in my opinion) if casting is not required, then do not do that. Your code will be more readable. Specifically, syntax: d.go (d); is more concise, and as appropriate d.go ((animal) d); In fact, in my first attempt to answer my question, I took advantage of being widened due to the reasons mentioned below. Okay, it depends on the code you want to complete. If you want a function that can deal with any kind of animal, dog or otherwise, then you should take input as an animal. If you want something to do to work, that is only for dogs, or it is understood only as an operation which ...

How to have multiples matches for a snippet in Vim's snipMate plugin (with a dropdown menu) -

Make snippets div to and lt; Div id = "" & gt; Expands as . I want to snippet to show a dropdown menu, where I can choose between div id = "" and div class = "" (after making the second one). The documentation says: Description of snippet trigger snippet # 1 Increase this text snippet trigger Extend details # 2 of the snippet in this text! But it effectively opens a small window below where I select a number and then press enter. But is it a way to create a dropdown menu? No, there is no way to use the current implementation of a popup menu such as to be used for completion You can file a feature request against snipMate and see if the author can change it to do it, but I'm not sure that it would be easy to do.

validation - Localized Attribute parameters in C# -

सी # में, विशेषता मानकों को निरंतर अभिव्यक्ति, टाइपफ या सरणी निर्माण अभिव्यक्ति की आवश्यकता होती है। विभिन्न पुस्तकालय, उदाहरण के लिए कैसल वैदिकेटर, कंस्ट्रक्टर को विशेषता के लिए स्थानीयकृत त्रुटि संदेशों की तरह दिखते हैं, यह निर्दिष्ट करने की अनुमति देता है: // यह काम करता है [मान्य (रिक्त नहीं हो सकता है) "/" यह काम करता है संकलित नहीं है [वैधताओन-रिक्त (संसाधन। निनांतता वैधता संदेश)] क्या कोई समस्या है कि इस समस्या का कैसे दृष्टिकोण करें और इन तर्कों को स्थानीय करें? कैसल वैलीडेटर का उपयोग करते समय इस के लिए कोई समाधान नहीं होता है, क्या वैलीकरण लायब्रेरी कैसल वैलिडेट के समान है जो सत्यापन संदेशों के स्थानीयकरण की अनुमति देता है? संपादित करें: मैंने पाया कि कैसे डेटा एनोटेशन सत्यापन पुस्तकालय इस समस्या के दृष्टिकोण। बहुत खूबसूरत समाधान: यह बॉक्स से बाहर काम करता है: [वैधीकृत नॉनएक्टि (फ्रेंडलीनामकुली = "सही ढंग से लॉजिकल। डिस्क्रिप्शन", एररमेस्जके = "सही ढंग से लॉजिकल। डिस्क्रिप्शन वैधता रहित", रिसोर्स टाईप = टाइपफ (संदेश)) सार्व...

javascript - Slow down scroll to top event by jQuery animate -

When some anchor is clicked, I want to go to the top of my page. $ ('a [href = # top]'). Click here function () {$ ('body'). Chetan ({scrollTop: 0}, 50);}); I want to slow it down. $ ('A [href = # top]'). Click (function () {$ ('html, body'). Animate ({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow');}); Maybe?

sqlite - iPhone: Get data off -

Newbie Q I am creating an app that will store data in SQL, What are the options for getting data? Perhaps a received web Web service? Is there something like 'exporting to iTunes file system' or other options? Depending on the amount and type of information. For a lot of data that needs to go to a central location, then a machine service is probably the easiest for machine processing. For lots of data, users who need to go to the computer, then using Bonjour Networking can be the best one to run the server-server structure which they can run the server on their computer. For simple data that the machine will not be processed and instead it is a report for humans to read, I want to use the mail API so that users can email results to themselves or someone else To

php - phpmailer with hotmail? -

I am trying to send email from PHP server. I wanted to send it to the original php function by mail and everything worked fine. Here's the code I used: $ to $ $ s mail; & Lt; Br> $ Theme = $ sSubject; & Lt; Br> $ Message = $ s message; $ Header = 'from:' "\ r \ n"; & Lt; Br> $ Headers = 'Reply:' "\ r \ n"; & Lt; Br> $ Headers = 'MIME-version: 1.0' "\ r \ n"; & Lt; Br> $ Headers = 'Content-type: text / html; Charset = UTF-8 '"\ r \ n"; & Lt; Br> $ Brs = mail ($ to $ $ theme, $ message, $ headers); I then switched to PHPMailer, and was not able to send mails to Hotmail accounts (all the others still working). Hotmail reports a server error: "550 SC-2001 has been rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for the reasons for the mail policy." This is the code I used for PHPMailer: $ mail = new PHPMailer (); & Lt; Br> $ ...

cryptography - what is wrong with my ripemd160 python code? -

Whatever I have tried, he has given me incorrect output. I also copied the code and changed it So that they work in dragon and I still get wrong output. If the value is [-1] == 'L': value = hex (value) [2:] if there is a value, is it wrong? import os, math def makehex (value, size = 8) value = value [0: -1] while lane (value) Size: Value = '0' + Value Return Value DEF MacBin (value, size = 32): value = bin (value) [2:] value) & lt; Size: Value = '0' + Value Return Value ROL (Value, N): Return (value 32-n) def little_end (string, base = 16): t = '' if base == 2: s = 8 if the base == 16: s = 2 in the range x (len (string) )) / S): T = String [S * x: s * (x + 1)] + T Return T DF F (x, y, z, round): If round and lieutenant; 16: Returns x ^ Y ^ J Elif 16th lieutenant; = Round & lt; 32: returns (x and y) | (~ X and Z) Elife 32 & Lt; = Round & lt; 48: Returns (x | ~ Y) ^ JL Elife 48th Lieutenant; = Round & lt; 64: Returns (X and Z) ...

bdd - Pyccuracy hangs in Ubuntu Karmic -

I was able to successfully run a suite of tests before upgrading to a functional. Now when the pycuracy_console is running, Pycuracy starts, the output is "Running the first test ...", and hanged. Does anyone know about this for a fix? OS: Ubuntu 9.1 Karmic PyQuracy: v1.2.8 Dependency is dependent on the issue of upgrade to 1.0.1 from Selenium 1.0 Beta to test your Selenium server.

objective c - How would you define a simple "min" method in obj-c -

I want to define minimum and maximum methods in a utility class. uses @interface Int minutes (int a, int b); Integer maximum (int one, int b); @end But I do not have to designate the parameters. It would be a very heavy mark I wanted to use the C-style definition but then [Utils Min (A, B)] does not work as a call, what's my problem? Thank you in advance for any help Since you are the Objective-C OS Do not use X implementations, you do not have access to predefined MIN and MAX macros. You can define yourself #define (A, B) (A) and (B) (A): (B)) # Define maximum (A, B) ((A)> (B)? (A): (B)) Probably a better way of defining them, but this is your use Will create a simple macro for. You can add them to any common .h file that normally shares your classes.

sql - Simple encryption technique for MySQL using PHP -

How can I encrypt a user password? Please understand from the beginning. I already have this sample code: $ password = "john856"; $ Encrypt_password = MD5 ($ password); Echo $ encrypt_password; How do I include it in my existing code, which does not do any encryption? & lt; Php $ con = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", ""); If (! $ Con) {dead ('Could not connect:' Mysql_error ()); } Mysql_select_db ("Coro", $ Conn); $ Sql ​​= "Username (name, FNAME, MNAME, UNAME, PW) value ('$ _POST [Lneym]', '$ _POST [Fneym]', '$ _POST [Mneym]', '$ _POST [unm ] ',' $ _POST [pass] ') "; If (! Mysql_query ($ sql, $ con)) {dead ('error:' mysql_error ()); } Echo "& lt; script> warnings ('user added! You can now use the system.') "; MySql_close ($ Conn)? & Gt; Let me start with another important point: Never enter $ 1 _POST variables...

python - How to properly escape output (for XHTML) in mako? -

Despite giving a good way to avoid the output using filters, none of them does the right thing to take the string : x = u "and \ u0092" filters do the following: X & amp; In one unit but not \ u0092 (not valid XML but XHtml) h is actually the same u escape, but explicitly the use of organizations avoiding URLs only converts named entities, then only & amp; HDML uses the standard Unicode Consortium Character Reporter, and it misses the undefined (between the other) 65 character code (from 0 to 31 and from 127 to 159). Inclusive) It seems that the characters will be remembered. Any ideas? edit It seems that if I use file offline it can be a content-type problem? Unicode character for & amp; #xxxx; To work in form HTML, unless you intentionally are not using ASCII charsets, it is simpler and more efficient to avoid designated entities, then convert the entire string into symbolic words in UTF-8 and that Write it the way. You might be eithe...

About the composition of Linux command -

मान लें: फ़ाइल का पथ ~ / f "जो" च "~ / f" से पता चलता है, फिर, जो f | बिल्ली दिखाता है ~ / f । तो cat यहां ~ / f के उद्धरण पर लागू होता है, जो कि cat ~ / f के साथ अलग है। मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि मैं cat ~ / f के परिणाम को प्राप्त करने के लिए जो और cat से बना एक कमांड का उपयोग कर सकता हूं? जब मुझे जो का परिणाम अग्रिम में नहीं पता है, तो इस संरचना का उपयोग बहुत सुविधाजनक हो सकता है वर्तमान में, अगर मुझे के परिणाम का पता नहीं है तो अग्रिम में, मुझे जो पहले एफ लागू करना है, और परिणाम को कॉपी करने के लिए कॉपी करें कम । एक संबंधित प्रश्न यह है कि मैं के परिणाम को एक चर में कैसे निर्दिष्ट करूं? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! बिल्ली "जो कि एफ

java - Hibernate - How to cascade deletes using annotations where only unidirectional child relationship is specified -

I believe that I have two bodies, one original object and one child, I want the child to be the parent unit and There should be a specific relationship for a reference, but I do not want parents to be aware of it. The reason for this is that there are many such relationships and clearly specifying the relationship for all these children, it means that continuous updating and polluting the parent's items. Although I still want to tame the child of the parent's object In the form of an additional constraint, only the child references the ID of the parent near the object, which is a reference set by the set parent unit. I believe there is something like this: @Antie class child {@Id @ generatedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) Private Long ID; @column (drain = false) private long parent; @ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = false) @JoinColumn (name = "parentId", insertable = false, updatable = false, nullable = false, unique = false) Personal parent...

How can I get the HTTP status and Location header in Perl? -

I'm new to Pearl, but I need to use it on the project I'm working on. What I need to do is to see if there is a 301 redirect in the URL and if it is, get the spot. The following code told me, but not the location: use strict; Use warnings; LWP :: User Agent Required; My $ ua = LWP :: UserAgent-> New; $ UA- & gt; Timeout (10); $ UA- & gt; Env_proxy; $ UA- & gt; Max_redirect (0); My $ response = $ ua- & gt; Obtain (''); If ($ response-> is_success) {print $ response-> Position_line; Print $ response- & gt; Progress; } And (dead $ response-> position_line; Div class = The "post-text" itemprop = "text"> $ response-> header comes from the method and allows you to inspect the specific headers returned from your request. To locate Location header, use my $ loc = $ response-> header ('location');

New Sql query solution -

person_id | Manager_id | नाम | | | | ------------------------------- मुझे प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का नाम प्रदर्शित करना होगा प्रबंधक नाम के साथ। हाँ इसकी पूरी मेज मेरे पास सब कुछ है। यह आपको उन सभी कर्मचारियों को देना चाहिए जिनके पास प्रबंधक है, Employee_name और manager_name । your_table को अपने टेबल नाम से बदलें। यदि आप सभी व्यक्तियों को प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो प्रबंधक के बिना भी JOIN को LEFT शामिल हों। यह बिना manager_id के सभी व्यक्तियों के लिए NULL के रूप में manager_name लौटाएगा। SELECT कर्मचारी_नाव, टी 2 [Your_table] t1 JOIN [your_table] t2 ON (t1.manager_id = t2.person_id) से

Android: how to change a low quality image to the hi quality one when the animation stops in gallery? -

I want to do an image gallery such as I want to show low quality (pre-resized) images in the iPhone and when the image is active So I want to process the big image and show results in the gallery. I have two questions on how to engage the audience at the animation stop in the gallery? And how will an image reach after this action? You can set an animation listener on your animation, and you can override the OnAnimationEnd method. From: ImageView viewN = ..; Animation animN = ...; My new driver = ...; AnimN.setAnimationListener (New Animation Listener () {// ... at zeroAnonymousEnd (Animation Animimate) {// Your work here is: ViewN.setDrawable (myNewDrawable); Return;} // ...}); ViewN.startAnimation (animN);

logging - Automatic Log when entering and exiting functions (Log4Net) -

I am using log4net in my application (.net 4 framework) to configure it in any way There is no way that each function will be logged (without the logging call manually manually at the beginning of the function). Thanks It looks as if you want to check initiative-oriented-programming See for information on General procedure In order to provide code at the beginning / end of a function, write one aspect, and specify what to do in this situation (in your case, log something) aspects during the construction process Is called in your code, but your source code remains untouched by all additional logging.

java - Passing data between managed components in JSF -

Is it really possible to pass any data between managed components in JSF? If yes, how to get it? Can anyone provide a sample? There are several ways if managed beans are related to each other, then the property injection will be managed in a clean way . Suppose that there is only one scope in Bean 1 or there is a wide scope compared to Bean 2. First bean 2a bean 1 property: public square bean 2 {private bean 1 bean 1; // + getter + setter} to become a managed asset of Bean2 then declare Bean 1 in faces-config.xml : & lt; Managed-beep & gt; & Lt; Managed-name names & gt; Bean1 & lt; / Managed-name names & gt; & Lt; Successful bean category & gt; Com.example.Bean1 & lt; / Successful bean category & gt; & Lt; Realm of managed-beams & gt; Session & lt; / Managed-beans scope & gt; & Lt; / Successful bean> & Lt; Successful Bean & gt; & Lt; Managed-name names & gt; Bean2 & lt; / Managed-nam...

php - When I successfully login an extra function.session-start is displaying and how to check session for sign-in-action page -

I have a sign-in-action form page that accepts usernames and passwords through sign-in form. Now most things are working just like sign-out, if I lose the back button logout display and session but I am experiencing a very strange problem when I login and if the login is successful then one The link function.session-start is shown on this page. I have not done any such code, I do not know where this link came from, but it is disturbing my page. What is this error and how do I delete it? The second thing is that there is no way to check the session for this page. I know there will be, but listen, we are starting the session and while specifying the charge for the session, our usernames and passwords are valid and if I am checking on the onload event for this page then it will be logged out because Onload I have not started a session like this. I do not know much about it but I think I have described my problem. Sign-in-action form. Php $ con = mysql_connect ("localhos...

animation - Animate opacity on hover (jQuery) -

हमारे पास एक लिंक है: & lt; a href = "#" & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; span style = "width: 50px; height: 50px; पृष्ठभूमि: url (image.png); अतिप्रवाह: छिपा हुआ; अस्पष्टता: 0;" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; और हम कुछ एनीमेशन के साथ & lt; span & gt; की अपारदर्शिता को बदलना चाहते हैं, जब लिंक को रखा जाता है। हम कैसे करेंगे यह? इस तरह: $ ('a: है (स्पैन) ')। होवर (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (' span ', this)। FadeIn ();}, फ़ंक्शन () {$ (' span ', this)। FadeOut ();});

problem in Retrieving rich text box sharepoint -

I need to get the value from a rich text box from the list. So far my code is this .. array list arCategory = new Arrayist (); SPList myList = myWeb.Lists ["plist"]; SPQuery myQuery = new SPQuery (); MyQuery.Query = "& lt; OrderBy> ; SPListItemCollection myItemCol = myList.GetItems (myQuery); foreach (MyItemCol in SPListItem myItem) {String StrCatTxt = (string) myItem ["Category"]; - & gt; // Category is the multiline rich text column arCategory.Add (strCatTxt);} (for Ent J = 0; j & lt; arCategory.Count; J ++) {label; lblCategory = new label (); lblCategory.Text = arCategory [J] .Tostring (); ---- & quot; getting exceptions} The problem here is SharePoint In your code, you have LblCategory.Text = arCategory [j] .sts Writing (); If arCategory [j] is null , you get an exception when you call it on the toostring () So basically you can do it like Ix like it: for (int j = 0; j & lt; arCategory.Count ; J ++) {if...

Having trouble parsing a MySQL result in php -

I am trying to draw some results from a database, but I think that like today I have the brain's brain . > $ mascara = "Choose from * to" "WHERE player_id = '" $ Userid "'"; $ Castresult = mysql_query ($ castquery) or die (mysql_error ()); $ Castro = mysql_fetch_array ($ castresult); ... foreach ($ castro ['cast_id'] as the $ caster) {echo " ; If ($ caster ['avatar_url']! = '') Echo "lt; img src = \" "$ caster ['avatar_url']." \ "Alt = \" ". $ Caster ['name']" \ "& gt;"; Copy "& lt; a href = \"? Edit = ". $ Caster ['cast_id']." \ "& Gt;" $ Caster ['name'] "& Lt; / a & gt; & lt; / p & gt;"; } Of course I'm just looking somewhere here. Not sure what your DB structure is, but $ castrow ['cast_id'] is one area, not an array. What do yo...

How to dispose NHibernate ISession in an ASP.NET MVC App -

In my NHPNET encoding I became a NHibernate. Everything is fine, if I do not settle ISession. I have read that you should settle, but when I do, I get an exception to the random "session is closed" exception. I am doing insensitive with Windsor in my other objects. Here is my current NHModule: Public class NHibernateHttpModule: IHttpModule {Public Zero Init (HttpApplication Reference) {context.BeginRequest + = context_BeginRequest; Context.EndRequest + = context_EndRequest; } Fixed Zero Reference_andRquest (Object Sender, EventArgues E) {Current Session Link. UniBind (MVCAction.SessionFactor); } Fixed Zero context_BeginRequest (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {CurrentSessionContext.Bind (MvcApplication.SessionFactory.OpenSession ()); } Public Zero Settlement () {// nothing}} Registration of Issition: Container & Lt; ISession & gt; () for the Registrar (Component) .UsingFactoryMethod ((=) MvcApplication.SessionFactory.GetCurrentSession ()). LifeStyle.Tra...

firefox - Maximize site usability in different browsers -

Load my site on the latest versions of IE, but others do not have Chrome / Firefox so well. Is there some cheat sheet that can be used to fix those people using issues of portability? I'm just using jQuery and some ASPs. Edit: Op comment: I am using jquery to create a table on the fly, resulting in an AJAX request Returning I can see that results are produced, but users claim they can not see them. In fact, such a cheatsheet is available normally, using only one and another webpage Which is another (separate) CSS sheet that should work on any webbrover so that the World Wide Web has information. Once done, once the survivors of the miscreants / bugs are often on the CSS level and MSIE-only, you need to know about it and it needs to be corrected accordingly. At the JavaScript level you do not need to worry as jQuery itself is already designed to be crossbrover compatible. As ASP is a server side view technology that generates plain HTML for feedback, there is not mu...

jquery - How do I changes this code to make images rotate on refresh? -

I have recently asked how to rotate the images on an element and presented with this code - Which works perfectly: counter = 1; Num_images = 9; Dir = "Image Director URL"; Function rotate image () {var background_img = 'url (' + dir + '/ image' + counter + '. Gif)'; JQuery ('# fader.category'). Fade (function () {jQuery ('# fader.category'). CSS ('background-image', background_image). FadeIn ('slow');}); Counter ++; If (counter> number_image) counter = 1; } Set intern ("rotate image ()", 25000); My question is now: How can I customize this code to change images when I refresh a page? I am new to jQuery and Javascript in general so if someone provides a solution, please tell how this works, so I can learn and hopefully ask fewer questions later ... Thanks a lot. . I use a random initial image to give you the illusion of change on every page load / refresh I recommend to do Otherwise you are lef...

In C#, if I am returning a Point and cannot find the coordinate what should I return? -

First of all, this is not an exception because it is part of the normal flow of operations. I tried to return a blank object, but it was not allowed. I can return negative coordinates with a point point, but it looks like a hack. For example, if I return (-1, -1) instead of checking for a negative number, maybe some use of my library could directly check the similarity with -1 which will then break if in my internal implementation Change You return a blank number by changing your return type to point You can. In this way you can also return the null . Otherwise you can create a static point example anywhere with (& minus; 1, and minus; 1) and always compare it with PointUtils.InvalidPoint probably px == -1 & amp; Amp; P.y == -1 .

How to hook into the Apple clock timer API in iPhone SDK 3.0? -

I've heard that Apple has some processes that run in the background (i.e., Apple Watch Timer API), which is your third Some non-UI background applications will continue to run on the side app. Is it legal? It is believed that there are some GPS tracker apps that are using it and are for sale in the app store and for sale. Do I know this and how can I do that? Is there an API for this? Any thoughts? Thanks! There is no public API to do this. Also, as far as I know that some of these alarm clock applications do not use the private API, they are just apps that need to be run at all times.

Class Inheritance in Javascript -

I'm thinking how to emulate class inheritance in JavaScript. I know that the class does not apply to javascript, the way we use it is to create objects and do legacy through prototype objects. For example, how do you convert this structure to javascript: public class human race {name of the public string; Public string last name; } Public class person: Mankind {public wired run (what is the string) {// write logic}} What is the equivalent of this piece of code in JavaScript? Edit: I have also found another link where Douglas Crockford describes different heritage models: Hope it helps others too. There are several ways to apply inheritance and behavior reuse in JavaScript, perhaps by way of more The same would be a pseudo-classical legacy for its class based OOP example: Function Mankind (name, last name) { = name; This .lastname = lastname; } Function person (name, last name) { = name; This .lastname = lastname; = function () ...

Rounding double values in C# -

I want a rounding method at double values ​​in C #. It should be able to round a double value for any round exact value. My code looks on the hand: Public Fixed Double Round (Double Number, Double Rounding Interface) {if (roundingInterval == 0.0) {return; } Double Intret = Math Abs (goring interval); Double Sign = Math. Sign (number); Double val = (number); Double valIntvRatio = val / intv; Double K = Math.floor (valIntvRatio); Double M = valIntvRatio - k; Bool mGreaterThanMidPoint = ((M - 0.5)> = 1e-14)? right wrong; Bool mInmidpoint = (Math.Abus (m - 0.5) & lt; 1e-14)? right wrong; Return (mGreaterThanMidPoint || aminmadpoint)? Signature * ((K + 1) * Interv): Sign * (k * intv); Then the goal I (100, 3) 99 and the goal I (1.2345, 0.001) should be 1.235. The problem is, the goal I (1.275, 0.01) returns 1.27 instead of 1.28. The reason is that when double valIntvRatio = val / intv is executed, then double Valientities = 1.275 / 0.01, it gives 0.1274999999999...

visual studio 2008 - How-to: Moving WCF service from localhost to production server -

I have worked through a WCF web service on my development machine. I made the service, created a test client, tested everything and it works I was feeling very good about this WCF stuff. Then I got the courage and took it to my production server. For now, the production server is at My test domain is, an application folder is created, / websvc, and the web service files are copied in the service address Now that I have moved to the production server, So I can not use the web service I get this error - "This collection already has an address with the http http." I ran the message for the solution, tried something, but it only caused the other errors. So I reset everything and I'm starting. Based on the above service address, My Web What does the configured look? In particular, what should my end-points look like in this? Here's what I have now ... & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.serviceModel & gt; ...

python - copying functions located in instances -

itemprop = "text"> Here's some code (simplified) for what I'm doing: class A: Pass square b: def printSelf (self):. Print self instOfA = one () instOfB = b () instOfA.printSelf = instOfB.printSelf instOfA.printSelf () of & lt; Main example_____ at 0x0295D238 & Example; When I'd call instOfA.printSelf (), it prints Being instOfB themselves But I self instOfA when I instOfA.printSelf (), And instOfB when I call instOfB.printSelf () How do I go about defining the printSelf in square one without having to do this manually? To think of those people why I would like to do something like this, here is a long example: Work as a template for # intense def setInput (Self, Val) :: I have many anInstances general rules, which are defined by an example of aDefinition class that class ADefinitionClass (although I would have many rules set too) checkInputByLength def self.inputStr = Val (manually ): Return Lane (self.inputStr) & lt; 5 def checkIn...

How do I fix "perl is not recognized" on Windows? -

I have set up a log file to take mySQL slow queries. I went though though Linux makes it unable to parse the file. This task looks very simple. It seems easy in the tutorial: $ mysqldumpslow -sc -t 10 However, I'm not sure how you run Perl, located in: G: \ xampp \ perl \ bin with Perl script , located in: G: \ xampp \ mysql \ scripts I have tried to log in: G: \ xampp \ mysql \ scripts \ perl mysqldumpslow -sc -t 10 command line Rompt some features such as "Pearl is not valid". Error, you're using the wrong path. If perl.exe is located in G: \ xampp \ perl \ bin and mysql script: live in \ xampp \ mysql \ script, you should: > ; G: \ xampp \ perl \ bin \ perl g: \ xampp \ mysql \ scripts \ -sc -t 10. Of course, this is a very intersection of ways Therefore, instead, add Pearl, and cd to your path and then run it: & gt; Pat = g Set: \ xampp \ perl \ bin \;% PATH% // Note: This can be ad...

c# - Invoke a method via MethodInfo Problem -

I get the criteria by using the class name and method name as well as the query string. I do not know what's coming, I can not say that to make this example or to give that example to pass it, give the MethodInfo invoke method so that I need a general solution. Here's the problem: string className = request .QueryString ["className"]; String Action Matthew = Request .QueryString ["actionName"]; So I want to apply a class method to the information given above: System. Reflection.MethodInfo info = Type.GetType (className) .GetMethod (actionMethod); Info.Invoke (obj, null); But since I do not know what's coming from this querystring , I can not create an example of a class that I want to use the method . How can I get this problem ... You know, in the class you are in, in the assembly, you can use the Assembly.CreateInstance (string) to create your own example of class. The code has not been tested object myObject = Assemb...

Connecting to MySQL via SSH with PHP -

Is it possible to connect to a MySQL database on a remote server through SSH using PHP installed on my local computer is? I am a little confused about this subject. My shared hosting provider suggests that I am using programs like MySQL Curie Browser and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. I did some research on (as well as at other places) but their manual subject is not very useful. Yes you have to set up an SSH tunnel, and connect via TCP / IP.

delphi - Adding custom items to an TShellTreeView -

Anyone know how to modify ShellCtrls.pas? Actually I want to add some items to the top of the Explorer tree For example:. -myitem -miitemtoo -mycomputer -c: -d: or may be modified view of this Vrihddh tree: But I think ShellCtrls is the main file to be modified. I do not think you need to modify sources. Share TShellTreeView is descended of TCustomTreeView, so if you can add items as a TreeView item. The code below is not sorted out or tested out, but it may be that you get started. . It is inserted at the top of an item with a display name with the path as the path and performance as the name qualified ShellTreeView execution shlobj ActiveX, use shellapi; Function InsertToSTV (STV: TShellTreeView; Pos: Integer; Path, DisplayName: String): Boolean; Var Shellfolder Interface, NodeShellfolder: ISIL Folder; Item Idiist: PITMIDLIS; Chairspersons, Attributes: Ulong; WPath: PWideChar; Node: TTRI node; File information: TSHFileInfo; Start the result: = False; If (SHG...

php - Should you always end mysql queries with "or die?" -

Example queries end in some tutorials: or die (mysql_error ( )); I can see that you sometimes want to do this, but they also use it for questions which should not really cause any problem. Is it always a good practice to use it, or are they just doing it to help you learn it? itemprop = "text"> No Avoid at all costs! This is a horrible message to show the end user The first transfers money from X to Y and succeeds, secondly, it will have to subtract X from wi fail . You have no way to return the transaction and the error is not logged. Effective user u happy and left x, where money went confused ... Use a sensible error management for questions - either to create a class that uses ORM for you or Will do

How do I implement transactions in Access? -

I am stuck in implementing transaction / rollback facility on an access form. Here's what I did outline: In the load handle of the form, I start the transaction dbEngine.BeginTrans gInTransaction = After that, there is a "Cancel" button, whose click is like a handler dbEngine.Rollback gInTransaction = false doCmd.close acForm, " Finally, in the unload handler of the form: if gInTransaction then dbEngine.CommitTrans gInTransaction = false 'if at the end of the bus' Now, there seem to be no charge on the rollback form And not "Cancel" button does not even roll back some of the pressing I also tried to change with Dibiijin the Dibiijin. Workspace (0), with no effect. So, the question is: how do I apply transactions in the entrance? Thanks for any indication in the right direction, René I do not think That you can apply transactions on a form, where updates are made on a record set (previously updated and later with update...

MYSQL - Cannot able to drop a column -

I am using MYSQL 5.1. When I try to drop a column in a table, it throws the following error MATERIAL_OUTWARD_ID is a foreign key. query: changes table `tispa`. Customer_invoice drop `MATERIAL_OUTWARD_ID` Error: Rename in name ' \ Tispa \ # sql-78_8 'to \ Tispa \ customer_invoice '(errno: 150) Try to leave the foreign key Do you? Changing table ... drop main foreign content _OUTWARD_ID

visual c++ - VC++ : how to hook/unhook a particular single thread -

हम TextOut (), ExtTextOut () और DrawText () तरीकों को हुक कर रहे हैं वैश्विक रूप से i.e। Hhook = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_CBT, function_address, module_handle, 0); लेकिन हम केवल एक विशेष exe को हुक या अनदेखा करना चाहते हैं। कोई हमें बता सकता है कि सभी मौजूदा धागे की जांच कैसे की जाए और आवश्यक एक्स्ट किया जाए और हुक / केवल उसको अनदेखा कर दें। कृपया सहायता प्रदान करें। धन्यवाद आप विशेष रूप से उपयोग की जाने वाली प्रक्रियाओं की गणना कर सकते हैं आपको #include "psapi की आवश्यकता होगी एच "एसडीके से" और PSAPI.lib को लिंकर इनपुट में जोड़ें। Ex: DWORD aiPID [1000] , आईसीबी = 1000; DWORD iCbneeded = 0; अगर (! EnumProcesses (एआईपीआईडी, आईसीबी, और iCbneeded)) रिटर्न (E_FAIL); Int iNumProc = iCbneeded / sizeof (DWORD); (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; iNumProc; i ++) के लिए {// सबसे पहले, प्रोसेस हॉन्डल एचपीसीसी = ओपनप्रक्रिया (PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, एआईपीआईडी ​​[आई]) को संभाल लें; अगर (! एचपीसी) जारी रहेगा; टीसीएचआर szName [MAX_PATH] = _T...

url - java.awt.Desktop.browse() method issue -

When we open the URL in Internet Explorer, Desktop. Browse method, it overrides the current web page in the browser. So if the user was doing something important in the current page in the browser, all its lost. It is not in IE8 and Firefox but the problem is in IE6. Has anyone got any fix for this problem in IE6? Change settings in IE to open a new window. As you have mentioned, the settings for tool-> Internet Options-> Advanced-> shortcuts are available in reuse

coldfusion - decoding base64 encoded string with URL escaped characters -

I am currently working on importing contacts from Windows Live Contacts (Hotmail Address Book). In one step, the service posts back some data that I need to have my page as the base 64 encoded string, which according to the Microsoft documentation, the 'and' and '=' of the URLs are thus string base 64 Is not encoded. The problem is that when I try to convert it back from the coldfuse to the original string, it refuses to recognize it as a valid base 64 encoded string. How do I get the original string? The string looks something like this: "% 253D28grLAdrSYSMp6mYbAozFuDqlgk78UZZ% 25252F5A% 25252Bygx". (Too long) "To convert my converts back to simple - tostring (TOBARY (" encoded STRING ") // error thanks to Ben Nadal" The parameter of the basket is 1 which is not base 64 encoded " Please help ... Do you URLDecode () If you can not do it first, then you want a base 64 string?

javascript - Drupal Help - Warning: Unresponsive Script - Everytime Goes into or out of Block Edit Mode -

Every time an administrator navigates into the build-block page, the disturbed "Warning: unresponsive scripts" pop-up appears Gives such details with: A script may be busy on this page, or it may stop responding. How can we get rid of this annoying thing? This is the only page experiencing this problem, there is no such problem in other nodes on the website. Many thanks for your kind assistance or guidance First of all, disable JavaScript optimization on admin / settings / display before starting debugging. If the problem disappears, then JS is due to optimization and you should file a bug file on (first search to avoid duplicate) in the Drupal issue queue. If the problem persists, the error message will show that in which file an error has occurred, if this is your own script then fix it or ask for help to fix it. If you are due to a script that comes with an existing module, try fixing it and post a patch in the issue queue of that module. If you ca...

How to correctly open WCF service -

I am using WCF client like this ... var client = New test client (); Try {response = service.Operation (request); } Finally {try (client.State! = CommunicationState.Faulted) client.Close ();} Hold (exception) {client.Abort ();}} But time At the time, I get 500 HTTP error, which is the only answer for the next 15 minutes, then everything becomes normal for 15 minutes and so on.I know that there are some load balancing stuff in loading the service , But people can not find any problems with it. That is why I am surprised that I When I was using "experiment" to stop the service connection, then I have already made a mistake and I am afraid that I am doing something wrong. Can anyone say that whether my method of calling WCF service is correct or not (most rare occurrences) in events? I recommend: var client = new test client (try) {try} = Customer. Operation (request); client.Close ();} hold {client.Abort ();} The way you are doing, if you get something ...

.net - WPF: FixedDocument in Visual Studio 2008 Designer -

is that Visual Studio shows an error when you try to create a fixed document in XAML For example, the following snippet & lt; Document View & gt; & Lt; FixedDocument & gt; & Lt; PageContent & gt; & Lt; Fixed page width = "21.0cm" height = "29.7cm" & gt; & Lt; TextBlock & gt; Hello World! & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; / FixedPage & gt; & Lt; / PageContent & gt; & Lt; / FixedDocument & gt; & Lt; / DocumentViewer & gt; compiles and runs perfectly fine, but Visual Studio error displays an error in the list ( property 'Page' type does not support the values ​​of 'PageContent'. ) It's quite annoying. I am looking for a solution that allows me to create my documents in an XAML file in Visual Studio without that error message, I have found an alternate solution, which I have an answer below I want to share, but I'm curious if there is a better (more beautif...