Android: how to change a low quality image to the hi quality one when the animation stops in gallery? -

I want to do an image gallery such as I want to show low quality (pre-resized) images in the iPhone and when the image is active So I want to process the big image and show results in the gallery.

I have two questions on how to engage the audience at the animation stop in the gallery? And how will an image reach after this action?

You can set an animation listener on your animation, and you can override the OnAnimationEnd method.


  ImageView viewN = ..; Animation animN = ...; My new driver = ...; AnimN.setAnimationListener (New Animation Listener () {// ... at zeroAnonymousEnd (Animation Animimate) {// Your work here is: ViewN.setDrawable (myNewDrawable); Return;} // ...}); ViewN.startAnimation (animN);  


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