How to access USB ports in java -
I am trying to write a Java application that accesses the USB port and connects to devices connected through USB Writes. The problem I am facing is that I do not know what to really use to do this in Java. I searched online and found something called JUSB
, but all the posts are quite old
Currently I am using RXTX
libraries, but I sometimes go into some sync error when I use C # to equalize it requires very little code and I do not have to face the same sync error
My question is, Anything in the latest version of JRE ( which is as easy as equal to C # code )
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Java does not have anything equal to C # USB support.
If you want to implement a cross-platform USB application, in fact your best bet is to write an abstract. Interface that talks to Linux, Mac and Windows Native Library that you have to write yourself. I want to handle Mac and Linux, as you've seen, it is very easy. I had come only from a one year long project which was only that, and unfortunately this is the only serious cross-platform solution. If you do not need to apply to Windows and your needs are limited, then you can meet with one of the old Java Libs (JUSB or Java-USB). Anything needed to deploy on Win32 / Win64 will require a basic component
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