vba - Microsoft Excel – How to copy cells to a different worksheet on every nth row -
Microsoft Excel - How to copy cells in a separate worksheet on each inline row I have an interesting problem It is probably easy , But I can not understand it.
I have a list of cells (in almost 10 columns and more than thousands of rows, soon to expand) A1-A10 and below these are my headings and main input cells (let's summarize this Sheet Call)
I copied these cells and preferably connected to the adjacent worksheet (detailed sheet), but in this way we need every cell (or across 10 cells) every 20th line Is copied to
many times i The rows should be added and removed from the summary sheet. So I would love to be able to use in automatic sheets or in specific sheets such as specific features. After that I can update my summary sheet and then update the detailed sheet by automatically following the formulas
More detailed information:.
For each row which are copying these cells each becomes a top row for 20 line modules. The 19 lines below the copied headings are empty and the detailed calculations have been corrected further at 19 rows. Each section is a similar module in which there are several detailed calculations and results of 1 line in each module. Currently I can only use a detailed sheet and it can add a lot of time or remove the modules and their titles.
Summary sheet ABCD1 # A1 # b1 # c1 ... 2 # a2 # b2 # c2 ...
3 # a3 # b3 # c3 .. .
Detailed sheet ABCD1 # A1 # b1 # c1 ... ... 19 blank lines 21 # a2 # b2 # c2 ...
... 19 empty Lines 31 # A3 # B3 # C3 ... ... 19 blank lines
Thanks for any reply Martin
Put a button on your summary sheet, and insert this code behind it, by changing the sheets and the name of the button that you want to use. Then every time you want to redo wide lines, press the button. Note: I have written this, so the summary sheet sheet is 2, and the expansion sheet sheet is 1:
personal sub-redoDetailedSheet_Click () I define the integer, j as i = 0 Used for worksheets ("Sheet2") UsedRange.Rows.Count -... 1 for J = 1 to do worksheet ("Sheet2") UsedRange.Columns.Count worksheet ("Sheet1") cells (20 * i + 1, j) .formula = "= Sheet2!" _ & Amp; Worksheets ("Sheet 2"). Cell (i + 1, j). The adrator Next J Next I and All
This is the code based on your sample file for this specific situation. You will need to change the format of the normal column to normal.
Private sub-redolded verb () DIM I for integer form, for I = 0 worksheets ("Input") for integer form as J UsedRange.Columns.Count worksheet ("Output") cells (20 * i + 29, j + 2) for the UsedRange.Rows.Count - 2J to = 1 worksheet ("Input") .formula = "= Input ..! "_ & Amp; Worksheet ("input"). Cell (i + 2, j). Address Next J Next Eye & All