Regex of this <a href=\"-----------------\"> iPhone NSString -

I want to use regex for the following expression.

Here the mail id can be anything but I just want to cut this wire.

I was trying the following code.

NSString * Email = @ "& lt; a href = \" Mail: \ "& gt;"; NSString * strEmailMatchstring = @ "\\ b ([a-zA-Z0- 9% _. + \\ -] +) @ ([a-zA-Z0-9. \\ -] +? \\. [One -zA-Z] {2,6}) \\ b "; If (! [Email Hammerbazaarj: Streemel Matchstring]] {av = [[UILArtView Alok] Init Vitalical: @ "Message" Message: @ "Invalid Email-Id." Representative: self cancel buttonTitle: @ "OK" other button button: zero] autorelage]; [Avi show]; no return; }

I know that this is wrong I have put the regex to check the mail ID. I just want to, but I do not know about ragex.

What should be done correctly?

Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge.

Here is an RFC 2822 compatible reggae

  [a-z0 -9! # $% & Amp; '? * + / = ^ _ `{|} ~ -] (:!! \ [One-Z0-9 # $% & '* * / = ^ _` {|} ~ -] +) * @ ( [One-Z0-9] ([One-Z0-9 -] * [One-Z0-9])? + [One-Z0-9] (: [Z0-9 for one -] * [One-Z0-9])?  

or use it

  \ b [A-Z0- 9 ._% -] + @ [A-Z0-9 .-] + \. [Ed] {2,4} \ b  


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