iphone - how to scale and get mirror image after rotating a UIImage? -
In my app there is a feature like Photoshop in which the user can create a new image which is the combo number of images "n" (Sub Images) Users can select, rotate, flip and zoom these sub images at once, and finally save the whole canvas as an image.
My problem once resembles a sub image and then if I try to flip it or zoom it, the subimage scale becomes very low (sequence 0.0000076 etc.) and the sub image is not visible . If I zoom the sub image, after a fixed AMT of the zoom it is visible then
One more thing is that the above behavior is observed only when I am 90 or 270 degrees from the subcontinent. Revolve If I rotate sub image again to 180 or 360 then image scale is intact and I have permission to flip and zoom.
For all 3 operation scales, zoom and rotate, I am using "Cagefin Transformmaskel" and "CGAffineTransformRotate". I know that the "transform" property I use is not actually changing the image size.
Is there any better way to achieve my 3 tasks ?? Or do I keep track of rotation and disable flip n zoom button, rotation is either 90 or 270?
Any help is appreciated :)
OK, let me Got it ... my mistake was using "CGPhein Transformmakescale"
If I change "Cagefin transcosk scala" Like a gem (I am allowed to use all 3 functionalities at any angle)
Macscale was doing creative on a new scale but now I am editing on the current scale, so it works.
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