vbscript - Some validations to be done for a weblist or drop down list in VB Script -
I have a weblist or drop down list that meets many of my items.
Please suggest your related solutions in the VB script
I will call this script as QPP Tool (Automation Test Device)
All items property supplies to all properties in a semicolon delimited list.
In order to sort a list it is enough that each item will be strictly more than one already.
all = ("b") page ("p"). WebList ("L"). GetroProperty ("All Items") arr = split (Ubound (arr) -1b = arr (i) cmp = StrComp (a, b) for all = "arr = 0" = 0 then MSBBX "Duplicate" ALIIF CMP> 0 then MSBBC "Unoroded" end if if numeric (B) then MSBBC "Numeric" end if A = B next
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