iphone - Convert image data to character array -

I am creating a mobile ad SDK for iPhone and I think the only way to store pictures is to

When I have the character array definition defined:

  In the const char, the landing page controller [in the library] has to convert the images to the converter array. BackButtonData [] = {0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, ...};  

... I can use it this way:

  UIImage * backButtonImage = [UIImage imageWithData: [Copy to NSDT DataWithBits: BackbootData Length: SizeBackdownDataFreeWhenDone: NO]];  

... and set up the controller's toolbar button with these icon images.

I have fulfilled the hopes of finding a script to take image data and spitting left a character array, came empty handed, so I tried to do myself but he would fail badly Gaya.

What I want [hopefully] is a data or script that is to be taken from the data:

NSData * imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation (image);

And spitting it in this format:

0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, ... then I can copy it to the source file.

Any idea [or link to a script or device that will do this]?

I think that you should actually use UIImage class method that loads an image file for you Will do

But if you really want to add an image file around in your app, take a look at the command line tool and its -i option.


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