php - mystery mysql error -
I'm experiencing an experienced experience in mysql and get an error in this line of code:
$ sql = "($ $ showIx)" values (unique_show_id, artist, date, year, city, state, location, cone, transparent_ by source, microc, race, upload_by, upload_on, show_notes, show_exam ), '$ Artist', '$ showDate', '$ year,' $ city ',' $ state ',' $ place ',' $ slaper ',' $ transferer ',' $ source ',' $ mic_loc ' '$ Lineage', '$ uploader', now (), '$ show_notes', '$ show_xml'); // to check whether (MySQL_query ($ sql, $ con)) {echo "query failed"; die ('error:' mysql_error ());}
I'm sure this is a bit easier, but I do not know where the error is. I get an error message:
query failError: there is an error in your SQL syntax; 'IAP' To use near 'CA', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax, '', '& Lt; Show id = \ 'gm198' on row 2
The value I am putting is the tap, but from what I have read I do not think there should be a problem. Any ideas?
$ year
when MySQL is such an error (Near bla di bla), the error usually refers to the string just before. In this case, the 'Ipugby' map in the city, you know that this is just before '$ city', and what do we see there? Voila, a missing quote.
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