c# - How should I update an iCal RRULE when moving an appointment? -

I'm switching my application's calendar from the teleic scheduler to the jQuery full calendar. I am accumulating recurring events in DB using iCal RRULEs.

The question is, when someone leaves a new event on a new date, how can I update RRULE so that every subsequent incident can be hit at the same time?

I have seen DDay.iCal and I see the method

  Repetition pattern. Incident date (ref iCalDateTime dt, int interval)  

Any suggestions?


Repetition Pattern. Incident debt is not actually used outside of the library itself. Maybe I will try to make it protected / private (if it can be done without breaking the overall functionality).

Generally, whatever you should do is set (we say for 1 day, for example), and every repetition in that event will also be replaced by that amount.

If you do not want the whole event to be changed by the delta, but only one specific event, then there are other ways to handle it.

Can you possibly illustrate with an example example, Delta do you want to move it, and the expected result?


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